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  1. 2021-12-22-ORC-MOC-in-response-to-John-Cocks-memorandum.pdf [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...PC1, including matters raised in his submission on PC1. 9 PC1 has been called-in by the Minister for the Environment and accordingly the Court is required to make decisions on matters raised in submissions under section 149U(6)(a) and clause 10(1) of Schedule 1 of the RMA. This will necessitate the Court making decisions on Mr Cocks’ submission on PC1. This submission sought changes to the Regional Plan: Waste for Otago to regulate landfills in accordance the Technical Gui...

  2. 2024-03-28-Hearing-Notice-CJ-Industries.pdf [pdf, 264 KB] be a sitting of the Environment Court as detailed below to hear the proceedings listed in the attached schedule. The details for these proceedings are as follows COMMENCING: Monday, 23 September 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM VENUE: Courtroom 1.01, Nelson Courthouse, 200 Bridge Street, Nelson 7010 Scheduling Fee: $350 Scheduling Fee Due: 16 September 2024 Time Allocated: 5 Days Estimated Hearing Fee: $3150 Hearing Fee Due: An invoice for the hearing fee wi...

  3. GOTB memorandum of counsel 25 November 2016 [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...a comprehensive assessment of the issues of concern to their ratepayers. 2 10 Whatever that past position, the position of the Council before the Court needs to be clearly understood. It is unclear whether it is here in its capacity as: 10.1 a submitter that recorded its wish to be heard; and/or 10.2 a regulator, bound to administer the conditions of consent if granted by the Court, and to assist the Court in a robust evaluation of all the effects of the proposal; and/or 10...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 100 Southland District Council v Peter Donald Chartres [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...Brailsford’s application. [4] Where a person is not entitled to access a document relating to a proceeding as of right, rule 11 provides the option to make a written request for access. Rule 1 Southland District Council v Chartres [2020] NZEnvC 101. 2 Page 4 of the application for access to court documents dated 19 May 2021 requested access to the Environment Court file, in particular affidavits submitted in support of enforcement orders – GA Davis, MJ Roy. The request was late...

  5. [2024] NZEmpC 23 Soapi v Pick Hawke’s Bay Inc [pdf, 177 KB]

    ...role Horticulture NZ has taken 1 Soapi v Pick Hawke’s Bay Inc [2022] NZEmpC 106. 2 Matsuoka v LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd [2011] NZEmpC 24; and Ovation New Zealand Ltd v New Zealand Meat Workers and Related Trades Union Inc [2018] NZEmpC 101. 3 Seales v Attorney General [2015] NZHC 828 at [43]. 4 See for example Soapi v Pick Hawke’s Bay Inc [2023] NZEmpC 94 at [65]. in developing the RSE scheme, and what it perceived to be potential financial impacts on its member...

  6. BORA Local Government (Auckland) Bill [pdf, 132 KB]

    ...integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable land transport system for the Auckland region" (clause 8(1) refers). 5. All decisions made relating to the operation of ARTA are to be made by or under the authority of the board of ARTA (clause 10(1)). Clauses 11 and 12(1) set out the process for making appointments to the board. 6. Clause 12(3) qualifies clause 12(1) by providing that "no elected member or employee of an Auckland local authority, or person who has a financial int...

  7. Final name suppression December 2018 [xlsx, 93 KB]

    ...related offences 15 19 39 15 15 29 21 32 25 14 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 02: Acts intended to cause injury 461 322 375 443 439 341 464 480 651 351 17% 13% 16% 15% 17% 11% 14% 15% 23% 15% 03: Sexual assault and related offences 620 652 539 884 1,025 1,101 1,100 1,219 973 1,083 23% 26% 24% 31% 39% 37% 32% 39% 35% 46% 04: Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons 95 82 75 68 69 29 90 50 63 31 4% 3% 3% 2% 3% 1% 3% 2% 2% 1% 05: Abduction, harassment and other offences against the perso...

  8. [2014] NZEmpC 210 Robinson v Pacific Seals Ltd oral judgement [pdf, 62 KB]

    ...against the plaintiff. The sum sought by way of security is $5,000. 1 Robinson v Pacific Seals (NZ) Ltd [2014] NZEmpC 99. 2 Robinson v Pacific Seals (NZ) Ltd [2013] NZERA Wellington 101. Security for costs [2] There is no express provision in the Employment Relations Act 2000 (the Act), to order security for costs. However, it has been accepted in numerous cases that the Court has the power to make such order...

  9. A Nair v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 4 (29 January 2014) [pdf, 47 KB]

    ...Immigration New Zealand was making a false statement. [9.10] The complainant went to the police and lodged a complaint. The adviser offered a refund of fees less a 20% administration charge. [10] If made out, those facts might support findings that: [10.1] The adviser failed to manage her practice with professionalism by allowing a staff member to guarantee a successful application on engaging the adviser and making false allegations against Immigration New Zealand (Clause 1 of the Co...

  10. HU Ltd v HO [2024] NZDT 19 (31 January 2024) [pdf, 106 KB]

    ...The issue [8] The question for me to decide is whether HU Ltd is entitled to recover the sum that it claims from HO. Decision [9] The Disputes Tribunal has jurisdiction to deal with this matter. It is a claim for breach of contract. Section 10(1)(a) of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 confers jurisdiction on the Tribunal to hear such claims. [10] I consider that HU Ltd has proved that HO is obliged to pay the claimed sum. I do not think that the parties’ contract contemplated t...