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  1. 2021-03-11 Transcript of 8-9 March 2021 - E&OE - not complete [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...of national 10 significance, and directed that it be referred to the Environment Court for decision. The relevant tests for the Court when considering this Plan Change are set out in section 149U(1). The Environment Court must apply clause 10(1) to (3) of 15 Schedule 1 as if it were a local authority; and it may exercise the powers under section 293; and it must apply sections 66 to 70, 77A, and 77D as if it were a regional council. In addition, the Court must have rega...

  2. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 4 [pdf, 13 MB]

    PART 5 EARTHWORKS 25 Queenstown Lakes District Council - Proposed District Plan Decisions Version (Oct 2021) 25-1 25 Earthworks 25.1 Purpose Earthworks are often a necessary component of the use and development of rural and urban land, and are often an integral part of the development, operation, maintenance and upgrading of infrastructure. Within urban areas, some modification of the landscape is inevitable in order to provide for development, including creating functional

  3. Data for prison projection report 20182028.xlsx [xlsx, 137 KB]

    ...Remand 37408 37438 37469 37500 37530 37561 37591 37622 37653 37681 37712 37742 37773 37803 37834 37865 37895 37926 37956 37987 38018 38047 38078 38108 38139 38169 38200 38231 38261 38292 38322 38353 38384 38412 38443 38473 38504 38534 38565 38596 38626 38657 38687 38718 38749 38777 38808 38838 38869 38899 38930 38961 38991 39022 39052 39083 39114 39142 39173 39203 39234 39264 39295 39326 39356 39387 39417 39448 39479 39508 39539 39569 39600 39630 39661 39692 39722 39753 39783 39814 39845 39873...

  4. [2017] NZEnvC 037 Wellington Fish Game Council v Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...used as examples, there is no application to overturn any of those consents, or to amend their terms, conditions or duration. That avoids the sort of issue discussed in the decision in Coalition of Residents Associations Inc v Wellington CC W090101. [7] Having considered the materials presented, the Court has the powers set out in s313: After hearing the applicant, and any person served with notice of the application, and any other person who has the right to be represented at pro...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 206 Fox v Hereworth School Trust Board [pdf, 620 KB]

    ...identity of the parents concerned. [100] In relation to the allegation that Mrs Fox had failed to return school records, Mr Webster advised: “You have not denied that these records are in your possession and you have failed to return them.” [101] The consequences of Mrs Fox’s failure to attend “the proposed meeting as requested” would be that the Board would be entitled to consider this to be a deliberate failure to follow a reasonable directive of the employer: “Thi...

  6. [2014] NZEmpC 143 O’Connor v Auckland University Students Assoc Inc [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...were provided by Mr O’Connor, and spoken to at the meeting. A transcript of the meeting was made. Mr O’Connor did not agree with some aspects of that document, and subsequently indicated where he considered amendments needed to be made. [101] His position with regard to the various allegations was in summary: a) Capital injection to Bacchid: Mr O’Connor contested Grant Thornton’s advice that Bacchid was insolvent. He considered the accountants had not taken into acco...

  7. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 834 KB]

    ...Private Bag 2000 Taupo 3352 Dunedin Research Centre 764 Cumberland Road Dunedin 9016 Private Bag 1930 Dunedin 9054 12 Auckland Research Centre Level 2, 12 Madden Street Wynyard Quarter Auckland 1010 PO Box 91705 Victoria Street West Auckland 1142 13 Government Communications Security Bureau Entry last updated on 28 January 2022 Governing statutes The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) operates under the I...

  8. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Reporting-to-the-Police.xlsx [xlsx, 181 KB]

    ...police Pooled data % of incidents reported to the police MoE (±) Burglary 35.85 3.23 * Trespass 30.02 13.57 Vehicle offences 49.74 4.58 * Theft and damage offences 20.80 4.98 Interpersonal violence offences 23.91 1.74 Threats and damages 26.73 10.15 Physical offences 34.38 10.40 Sexual assault 6.64 3.40 * Fraud and cybercrime offences 8.24 3.46 * Table 3.3: Reporting to police for offences by family members, by offender relationship to victim – Pooled data (Cycle 1...

  9. 3-Strikes-Proactive-Release-OIA-Requests_Final_Part1.pdf [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...strikes - draft media Q&A and press release.msg 11/04/2024 Released in full. See table 2, documents h and i. 100 Email RE_ For approval - changes to three strikes RIS.msg 11/04/2024 Released in full. See pack 1 (linked above), page 72. 101 Email Minister McKee’s Office RE_ Updated three strikes papers for Cabinet.msg 11/04/2024 Some information withheld under s9(2)(a) and s9(2)(g)(i). See pack 1 (linked above), pages 46 and 72. 102 Email Minister McKee’s Office...

  10. Election Access Fund Evaluation Report (Accessible Version) [docx, 236 KB]

    ...Expenditure on the establishment & operation of the Election Access Fund 84 Table 7: Grant spent for the first use of the Election Access Fund 87 Table 8: Summary of challenges for Fund recipients 96 Table 9: Summary of challenges for the Commission 101 Table 10: Summary of Key Evaluation Questions & associated performance criteria 128 Table 11: Performance criteria for this evaluation 132 Table 12: Summary of qualitative interviews conducted 135 [bookmark: _Toc183680171]Executive summa...