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4482 items matching your search terms

  1. MLC 2018 August National Panui [pdf, 276 KB]

    ...Murray and appointing Diane Miriama Murray, Ratahi Tatana Murray and Lyson Patrick Codine Murray as trustees 68 10:30AM A20180003594 330/93 Lorraine Albert, Denham Pivac Whatuwiwi No 1B No 1C - Variation of occupation order 69 11:00AM A20110010142 164/93 Ronald Berghan (Snr) Ahipara B2 - Transfer of shares from Ronald Berghan to Robin Snowden 70 11:00AM A20180002001 113/93, 118/93 Ronald Berghan (Jnr), Julia Berghan Ronald Manga Berghan - Succession 71 11:00AM A20180004192 118...

  2. Manahi v Kingi - Succession to Hinerongonui Manahi [2024] Chief Judge's MB 87 (2024 CJ 87) [pdf, 1011 KB]

    ...(Aggregated) 72.1 From Tewi Manahi at 124 ROT 100 who received the interests as a part succr in former title Paehinahina 1 to: Mireka Ngateehi at 3 CNWA 59 31/05/1928 and Tanuora Mitai at 3 CNWA 70 01/08/1928. 2024 Chief Judge's MB 101 Paengaroa North B10A now Paengaroa North B10A and Lot 7 Deposited Plan 431464 and Lot 9 Deposited Plan 414313 0.05 From Tewi Miraka at 112 ROT 281-3 who received the interests as a part succr to Mireka Ngatee...

  3. Chief Victims Advisor report Thats a lie PDF [pdf, 693 KB]

    ...developmental comparison. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 16(s1), S36–S54. Zajac, R., Gross, J., & Hayne, H. (2003). Asked and answered: Questioning children in the courtroom. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 10(1), 199–209. Zydervelt, S., Zajac, R., Kaladelfos, A., & Westera, N. (2016). Lawyers’ strategies for cross-examining rape complainants: Have we moved beyond the 1950s? British Journ...

  4. 05-Appendix-Five-Draft-conditions.pdf [pdf, 694 KB]

    ...Highway 1, Manakau; iii. 559 State Highway 1, Manakau; iv. 416 Arapaepae South Road, Levin; v. 232 Kimberley Road, Levin; vi. 34 Arapaepae Road, State Highway 57, Levin; vii. 50 Arapaeape Road, Levin; viii. 1051 Queen Street East, Levin; and ix. 101 Waihou Road, Levin. b) The detailed site investigation required by clause (a) must be undertaken in accordance with the Ministry for the Environment ‘Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No. 5: Site Investigation and Analysis of Soi...

  5. October 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...99 A20160004496 86/93 Deputy Registrar Waima Township Section 53 - Amendment of Court record 100 A20160004607 18(1)(a)/93 Deputy Registrar Pukahukiwi-Kaokaoroa Saection 1 No. 21 - Declare land as Mäori freehold land and determine ownership 101 A20160004514 113 & 118(6)/93 Te Iwingaro Aramoana Te Awhimate Marunui or Pouwhare - Succession (further interests) Applications Not Ready To Proceed The applications listed below were received up to the closing date of this Pänui and...

  6. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB] meet the Page 26 GD05 guidance document that is considered industry best-practice. Due to the extent of further information requested by Horizons on this matter, I have described the monitoring of ESC devices in more detail below. 101. In Mr Stewart’s view a robust management and monitoring regime has been proposed to mitigate these effects, including an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ("ESCP") and Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan ("ESCMP&...

  7. Alternative Dispute Resolution: general civil cases [pdf, 675 KB]

    ...ADR Service Provision ADR Practitioners % of ADR Practitioners 0-5 percent 14 17 6-10 percent 12 15 11-15 percent 6 7 16-20 percent 16 20 21-25 percent 5 6 26-30 percent 8 10 31-50 percent 8 10 51-75 percent 7 9 76+ percent 6 7 Total 82 1011 1 Due to rounding. 21 Alternative Dispute Resolution: General Civil Cases _______________________________________________________ Table 3.5 Proportion of Income Associated with ADR work for those ADR Practitioners Combining ADR...

  8. Deborah Freeman - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...November 2017 Judicial Officers: Judge J A Smith and Judge D A Kirkpatcick CROWNLAW TE TARI TuRE O TE KARA.UNA PO Box2858 WELLINGTON 6140 Tel 04 472 1719 Fax: 04 473 3482 Contact Person: Jeremy Prebble J 1010 1 Qualifications and experience 1. My full name is Deborah Joanne Freeman. 2. I hold a Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Science (awarded in 2008), a Master of Science (Marine Science with First Class Honours; awarded in 1998) and a...

  9. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - clean version [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    Chapter 7 Water Quality 7 Water Quality W A T E R Q U A L I T Y 7-2 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, updated to 1 May 2014 7.1 Introduction The provisions in this chapter are in addition to those in Chapter 5, which seek to maintain or enhance the natural and human use values supported by lakes, and rivers and wetlands; and those included in Chapter 9, which contain policies on groundwater quality. 7.2 Issues in general [Repealed – 1 May 2014] 7.3 Issu

  10. 2018 NZEnvC 067 - Motiti Rohe Moana Trust and Others v Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Interim Decision of the Environment Court - 11 May 2018 [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...On the other hand, the area does not contain any outstanding natural features or landscape identified in the RPS or PRCEP, and there is the wreck of the former tug Taioma utilised for diving in the near vicinity. Effects on natural character [101] Policy 13(1 )(a) also requires the avoidance of adverse effects on natural character. (Haiti (and Te Papa, Te Porotiti, Okaparu), Motuhaku and Motunau all have RPS listing as ONC. Adverse effects of inappropriate use (inter alia) must be a...