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  1. 2021-11-05 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version - updated [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    Chapter 7 Water Quality 7 Water Quality W A T E R Q U A L I T Y 7-2 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, updated to 1 May 2014 7.1 Introduction The provisions in this chapter are in addition to those in Chapter 5, which seek to maintain or enhance the natural and human use values supported by lakes, and rivers and wetlands; and those included in Chapter 9, which contain policies on groundwater quality. 7.2 Issues in general [Repealed – 1 May 2014] 7.3 Issu

  2. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism - Cabinet Paper 3 - October 2016 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...(based on high end cost) 1. E stimated number of business es within the Sector Estimate d number of reporting entitieslow high low high Lawyers and Conveyancer s $16.1 m $80.9 m $14.3 m $59.6 m $37.76 1,919 1,572 Accountants $25.4 m $101.8 m $22.7 m $75.5 m $64.40 2,433 2,223 Real Estate $13.3 m $35.0 m $11.8 m $23.1 m $355.88 1,019 1,006 Motor Vehicle Dealers $13.9 m $65.8m $12.1 m $45.7 m $77.65 3,255 2,106 Jewellery $3.2m $10.7 m $2.8 m $7.1 m $3.37 640 229 51....

  3. Hall v Opepe Farm Trust (2010) 19 Waiariki MB 258 (19 WAR 258) [pdf, 442 KB]

    ...even as late as 5 November 2008, it might be suggested that they were putting their personal interests ahead of their duties as trustees to the beneficial owners. In any case both Mr Maniapoto and Mrs Rameka would admit this in their evidence. [101] It will be remembered that the trustees went on to spend $140,000.00 on legal costs between December 2008 and February 2009 and a further $100,000.00 in defending the present proceedings. With hindsight it is not difficult to see that...

  4. Derek Onley (filed 6 June 2017) [pdf, 820 KB]

    ...were recorded in greater numbers at 30m compared to 2m and 65m, although the level of passes was considered to be relatively low. A number of bat roosts were located in the grounds of RSPB The Lodge, none within 400m of the turbine location. 5.101 Barbastelles, serotines and other species were recorded in much lower numbers. Activity was more frequent at the woodland edges compared to open areas. 5.102 The level of activity at the open location and at height suggests there will be a n...

  5. Supplementary Analysis Report Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation Bill [pdf, 5.6 MB]

    ...TE R OF JU ST IC E RE LE AS ED B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E by gang members during circumstances of emerging rivalry and conflict between, or within , gangs. What options are being considered? Option One - Status Quo 101 . This would involve no changes being made to Police's existing powers under the S&S Act. Existing provisions carry at least a 'suspicion' requirement and must be targeted towards the property of a specific individual/s. P...

  6. MLC 2018 August National Panui [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...Murray and appointing Diane Miriama Murray, Ratahi Tatana Murray and Lyson Patrick Codine Murray as trustees 68 10:30AM A20180003594 330/93 Lorraine Albert, Denham Pivac Whatuwiwi No 1B No 1C - Variation of occupation order 69 11:00AM A20110010142 164/93 Ronald Berghan (Snr) Ahipara B2 - Transfer of shares from Ronald Berghan to Robin Snowden 70 11:00AM A20180002001 113/93, 118/93 Ronald Berghan (Jnr), Julia Berghan Ronald Manga Berghan - Succession 71 11:00AM A20180004192 118...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-F-Hydrology-and-Flooding-updated-23-Dec-2022_Part3.pdf [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...23.9/23.31 00_DS_RD1 2 2 KCDC 1.5 Circular 15.0 17.63/17.63 00_DS_RLW 1 1 KiwiRail 1.2 Circular 14.8 17.28/17.28 00_US_RD1 2 2 ASSUMED 0.6 Circular 15.0 29.29/29.29 00_US_RD2 1 1 KCDC 0.6 Circular 19.5 41.43/41.1 00_US_RD3 1 1 KCDC 0.75 Circular 10.1 51.48/51.3 01_US_RD1 1 1 ASSUMED 0.6 Circular 15.0 22.45/22.41 01-04_DS_HWY 1 1 Highway 1.2 Circular 30.0 15.22/15.95 01-04_DS_RD1 1 1 ASSUMED 1.2 Circular 15.0 15/14.26 01-04_DS_RD2 2 2 ASSUMED 0.6 Circular 15.0 12.76/12.63 01-04_DS_RLW...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 054 HD Land Limited v Waikato District Council [pdf, 7.7 MB]

    ...(additions marked as underlined and deletions as strikethrough). [15] The changes made to the planning maps are shown in Appendix 2 and detailed below: 5 HD Land Limited & Hampton Downs (NZ) Limited v Waikato District Council [2023] NZEnvC 101. 7 (a) Insert two noise control boundary overlays titled: (i) “State Highway Noise Control Boundary” showing the areas of land modelled as being subject to elevated levels of noise (ranging from between 20m and 100m from the...

  9. [2018] NZEmpC 60 FGH v RST [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...being medically fit to undertake her previous role as an approver, and was fit to work overtime. [100] However, she was away from work over the next few days, and the GP certified her as medically unfit for work from 2 to 5 October 2015. [101] On 2 October 2015, Mr H wrote to Ms Scott. Due to email problems, the email was not received on that day, and had to be resent on 5 October 2015. [102] In it, Mr H recorded the matters that had been alluded to at the meeting with Ms S...

  10. [2016] NZEmpC 165 Lawson v NZ Transport Agency [pdf, 463 KB]

    ...failing. [100] Then Mr Pearks indicated he wished to check the key points Mr Lawson had made; he went through each of these and Mr Lawson confirmed his account. That led to further discussion as to the service of the summons by Mr Van Heiningen. [101] Mr Pearks asked Mr Lawson whether he had anything further he would like to add. Mr Lawson was provided with an opportunity to meet privately with his support person. Upon resuming the meeting, Mr Lawson said that he and Mr Jessup...