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  1. Regulatory Impact Statement: A New Trusts Act [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...a removed trustee does not always need to be replaced. However, some provisions effectively mean there is a minimum requirement of two individual trustees, unless the initial appointment was a single trustee, or a statutory trustee corporation. 101. The provisions in the Trustee Act are vague and confusing. Empowered people do not always know in what circumstances a trustee should be removed. Issues also arise when there is no person with appointment and removal powers in the trust deed,...

  2. Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2013] NZHRRT 34 [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...information she provided would be kept confidential. It is not known when this undertaking was given or by whom it was given. He conceded there are no notations on the file recording such undertaking or recording an assurance of confidentiality. [101] Mr Seymour also pointed to the stamped endorsement “Private & Confidential” which appears on the first page of the four page statement by EFG. However, he had no personal knowledge of the circumstances in which, or the time at wh...

  3. 2019 Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 916 KB]

    ...Phone: (07) 374 8211 Fax: (07) 374 8199 Dunedin Research Centre, 764 Cumberland Road, Private Bag 1930 DUNEDIN 9054 Phone: (03) 477 4050 Fax: (03) 477 5232 Auckland Office, Beca House, 21 Pitt Street, Auckland Central 1010, Phone: (04) 570 1444 Government Communications Security Bureau Governing statutes The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) operates under the Intelligence and Security Act 2017. Our work is also guided by Mi...

  4. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Reporting-to-the-Police-v2 [xlsx, 180 KB]

    ...police Pooled data % of incidents reported to the police MoE (±) Burglary 35.85 3.23 * Trespass 30.02 13.57 Vehicle offences 49.74 4.58 * Theft and damage offences 20.80 4.98 Interpersonal violence offences 23.91 1.74 Threats and damages 26.73 10.15 Physical offences 34.38 10.40 Sexual assault 6.64 3.40 * Fraud and cybercrime offences 8.24 3.46 * Table 3.3: Reporting to police for offences by family members, by offender relationship to victim – Pooled data (Cycle 1...

  5. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 2 treated timber [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Koppers Arch (2002), Tanalith CCA timber treatment- Materials Safety Data Sheet, Koppers Arch, Sydney. Koppers Arch (2003a). ‘U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Report.’ Koppers Arch Wood Protection, (accessed 21/4/04). Koppers Arch (2003b) ‘CCA and the Alternatives.’ Koppers Arch Wood Protection, (accessed 21/4/04). Koppers Arch (2004), ‘APVMA finally delivers o...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 2 Rangahaua Whānui District Auckland [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...MAUNGANUI S 8628 0.23 MAUNGARU 1866 NS 8628 MAUNGATA WHIRl 1866 NS 2184 NUKU-TAWHITI 1867 S 5167 0.12 AKURI 1867 NS 1282 AROA 1865 NS 1837 1865 NS 3484 1868 S 2907 0.10 1867 S 5208 0.02 1867 S 4739 0.17 1867 NS 1029 1865 NS 1625 1866 L 1018 1867 S 1212 0.26 1865 NS 1635 1867 NS 3072 1866 NS 1410 29 CHAPTER 5 THE REES CARROLL REPORT: MAORI LAND AT 1891 In 1891 the Native Land Acts had been in operation for a quarter of a century. From 1862 when the Court was estab...

  7. MLC 2018 July National Panui [pdf, 289 KB]

    ...2 10:30AM A20170006668 45/93 Rex Stanaway Murray CJ 2017/30 - Paihia 3B9B Residue and an order determining the status of land as Mäori Freehold Land made at 28 Kaitaia MB 24 on 24 March 2009 - Application to the Chief Judge 3 11:00AM A20130010198 45/93 Lorna Smith CJ 2013/41 - Te Here Wiremu Ihaka Ututaonga and an order made at 46 Whangarei MB 120-121 on 24 August 1970 - Application to the Chief Judge 4 11:30AM A20150004561 45/93 Te Irihapeti Pou, Te Ringakaha Tia- Ward CJ 2015/3...

  8. Common Bundle Volume 1 [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    .......................................................................................................... 9-5 9.5 Anticipated environmental results ........................................................... 9-10 10. Wetlands .................................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 [Repealed – 1 October 2013]................................................................... 10-2 10.2 [Repealed – 1 October 2013]..........

  9. Wall v Fairfax New Zealand Ltd [2017] NZHRRT 17 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...then this service must be offered (s 77(2)(c)(ii)). If the complaint falls outside the parameters of s 61, or where there has been no request for mediation, then it is at the discretion of the Commission which services, if any, are to be provided. [101] The Commission may also decline to take any further action on a complaint if in all the circumstances of the case it is unnecessary to take such action (s 80(3)). Ms Walker pointed out that it was important to be clear that this decision...

  10. 2021-03-11 ORC PC7 - Transcript (up to end of day 2 - 9 March 2021) [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...of national 10 significance, and directed that it be referred to the Environment Court for decision. The relevant tests for the Court when considering this Plan Change are set out in section 149U(1). The Environment Court must apply clause 10(1) to (3) of 15 Schedule 1 as if it were a local authority; and it may exercise the powers under section 293; and it must apply sections 66 to 70, 77A, and 77D as if it were a regional council. In addition, the Court must have rega...