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  1. LCRO 103/2021 & LCRO 58/2022, LCRO 104/2021 and LCRO 105/2021 GS v ABC Ltd & HY, [Law Firm A] v ABC Ltd & HY and SW v [Area] Standards Committee [X] (24 November 2022) [pdf, 595 KB]

    ...argument? [99] Mr PR provides an overview of his understanding as to how the Tenancy Tribunal approaches the hearing of unit title matters. [100] His views are advanced from the context of him having argued a number of cases in the Tribunal. [101] Mr PR’s comments on the Tenancy Tribunal process considered in their totality (and I hope that I do not overstate his position) present a somewhat bleak view of his confidence in the Tenancy Tribunal to deliver principled and consisten...

  2. [2015] NZEmpC 35 Coy v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 592 KB]

    ...left with the impression from the plaintiff’s evidence that it was the fact of the prohibition ordered by Sergeant Smith rather than the consequences in practice of having to take meal breaks other than at home, that rankled with the plaintiff. [101] Otherwise, however, I have concluded that the plaintiff’s fresh complaint raised in her 8 April 2003 communication did not establish unjustified disadvantages to the plaintiff in her employment. The period from Sergeant Smith’s ret...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 173 Summerset Villages (St Johns) Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...plans approved (signed/stamped) by Council, care of the council's Development Engineer. Advice note To arrange the pre-start meeting required by Condition 16 please contact the Team Leader Central Monitoring to arrange this meeting on 09 3010101 or email The conditions of consent should be discussed at this meeting. All information required by the council and listed in that condition should be provided 2 days prior to the meeting. A pre start m...

  4. Ministry-of-Justice-Panui-September-2020- [pdf, 474 KB]

    ...A20200006088 241/93 Margaret Grant Paraha Hone Neho Whänau Trust - Termination of trust A20200006096 239/93, 338(7)/93 Anna Anderson Piki Te Aroha Marae - Reduce William Te Rauna Williams Wiremu and remove Melissa Henare as trustees A20200006101 18(1)(a)/93 Aaron Crutcher Puhipuhi 5C1A1 - Determination of ownership of the dwelling on Puhipuhi 5C1A1 A20200005837 86/93 Deputy Registrar Rayner Wilfred Oswald Jahnke - Amendment to Court record TAITOKERAU continued 18 NATIONAL PÄ...

  5. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Ben Farrell [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...‘small scale’ does not. 13 Refer Objectives 3.2, Policies 3.2.5 and 3.2.6 BF-030 BI-309448-3-478-V2 of renewable energy development (other than general references to ‘avoid’, ‘remedy’ or ‘mitigate’ adverse effects). 101. In my opinion chapter 12 of the RPS and objective 4.4 and policy 4.4.2 of the PRPS lend support to the proposal. I do not consider the objectives and policies in Chapters 9 (built environment) and 11 (natural hazards) are relevant to th...

  6. Hammond v Credit Union Baywide [2015] NZHRRT 6 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...real difficulty. Mr Porter and Ms Baxter invited Mr Tonge to seek advice and to consider his options regarding Ms Hammond’s employment and specifically his ability to rely on the 90 day trial period as a means of terminating her employment. [101] When Mr Tonge reported by email dated 20 April 2012 that independent advice was he could not terminate Ms Hammond’s employment, Mr Porter and Ms Baxter replied the same day, underlining they would not allow Ms Hammond to be involved in ref...

  7. OIA-110232.pdf [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ...100. Once we have your direction regarding these issues, we will begin preparing a draft Cabinet paper and Regulatory Impact Analysis to support Cabinet policy decisions. We intend to deliver drafts of these materials to your Office by 7 December. 101. Alongside these draft materials, we will provide advice on the costs associated with providing for the Commissioner of Police to issue FPOs, recommendations on what further offences should be specified that make persons eligible for FPOs...

  8. Regulatory Impact Statement: A New Trusts Act [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...a removed trustee does not always need to be replaced. However, some provisions effectively mean there is a minimum requirement of two individual trustees, unless the initial appointment was a single trustee, or a statutory trustee corporation. 101. The provisions in the Trustee Act are vague and confusing. Empowered people do not always know in what circumstances a trustee should be removed. Issues also arise when there is no person with appointment and removal powers in the trust deed,...

  9. Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2013] NZHRRT 34 [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...information she provided would be kept confidential. It is not known when this undertaking was given or by whom it was given. He conceded there are no notations on the file recording such undertaking or recording an assurance of confidentiality. [101] Mr Seymour also pointed to the stamped endorsement “Private & Confidential” which appears on the first page of the four page statement by EFG. However, he had no personal knowledge of the circumstances in which, or the time at wh...

  10. 2019 Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 916 KB]

    ...Phone: (07) 374 8211 Fax: (07) 374 8199 Dunedin Research Centre, 764 Cumberland Road, Private Bag 1930 DUNEDIN 9054 Phone: (03) 477 4050 Fax: (03) 477 5232 Auckland Office, Beca House, 21 Pitt Street, Auckland Central 1010, Phone: (04) 570 1444 Government Communications Security Bureau Governing statutes The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) operates under the Intelligence and Security Act 2017. Our work is also guided by Mi...