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  1. Final-Technical-Assessment-E-Social-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...local trips." Page 58 – Horowhenua Growth Strategy 2040." 14 Economy, environment, infrastructure, tangata whenua, and communities (pg 5). Ō2NL Project: Technical Assessment E Page 32 Kāpiti Coast Long-term Plan 2021-2041 101. The overall vision within the community "Toitū Kāpiti" embodies their goal of a vibrant and thriving Kāpiti with healthy, safe and resilient communities. The Kāpiti Coast Long-term Plan 2021 - 2041 considers the social, c...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 178 Te Raranga a Te Kuihi Trust v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...Outdoor Area. iii. NCA-S13 Hours of Operation. 2. Activity Status: Discretionary Where: a. Compliance is not achieved with any Standard. 3. Activity Status: Non-complying Where: a. Compliance is not achieved with NCA-R9(1)(a) or NCA-R10(1)(a). TDA-NCA-R11 Home Business 1. Activity Status: Permitted Where: a. Compliance is achieved with: i. NCA-S14 Traffic Movements. ii. NCA-S15 Home Business. 2. Activity Status: Non-complying Where: a. Compliance is not ach...

  3. OIA-97846.pdf [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...phases of work. For example, the analysis of the implications of adding gender identity to section 21 of the HRA would need to occur in January. The work will require consultation with other agencies, which may be difficult at that time of year. 101. The time line allows six weeks for public consultation, which may be considered short given the high level of public interest likely in this issue. We will need to consult with Maori within this time frame. 102. It should be noted that, in...

  4. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 1 [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...CB0077 Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge management) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago 72 10 Wetlands CB0078 Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge management) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (6 July 2020) 73 10.1 Introduction [Repealed – 1 October 2013] 10.2 Issues [Repealed – 1 October 2013] 10.3 Objectives [Unchanged] 10.4 Policies 10.4.1 & 10.4.1A [Unchanged] 10.4.2 Avoid the adverse effects of an activity on a Regionally Signi...

  5. Transcript - PC8 - Primary Sector Provisions - 8-9 November 2021 [pdf, 853 KB]

    ......................................... 93 CROSS-EXAMINATION: COMMISSIONER EDMONDS ............................................................. 100 QUESTIONS FROM THE COURT: ............................................................................................. 101 FELICITY ANN BOYD (AFFIRMED) ............................................................................................... 105 QUESTIONS FROM THE COURT: COMMISSIONER EDMONDS...............................................

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 163 11 Cheshire Street Body Corporate v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.6 MB] (i) Construction plans approved (signed/stamped) by Council, care of the Council’s Development Engineer. Advice note: To arrange the pre-start meeting required by condition 14 please contact the Council to arrange this meeting on 09 3010101 or email The conditions of consent should be discussed at this meeting. All information required by the council and listed in that condition should be provided 2 days prior to the meeting. A p...

  7. AMLCFT_Release_Pack_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 7.5 MB]

    ...restore law and order. In particular, improving the AML/CFT system is a key component to increasing recovery of criminal proceeds leading to further contributions to the Proceeds of Crime Fund. The work programme will be delivered in three parts: 10.1 Workstream 1: immediate regulatory relief via changes progressed in two regulatory amendment bills; (the Regulatory (Systems) Justice Amendment Bill and the Statutes Amendment Bill); 10.2 Workstream 2: structural changes to improve s...

  8. 27-Sept-2022-Redacted-SAR-for-publication-suggested-redactions2.pdf [pdf, 5.6 MB]

    ...TE R OF JU ST IC E RE LE AS ED B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E by gang members during circumstances of emerging rivalry and conflict between, or within , gangs. What options are being considered? Option One - Status Quo 101 . This would involve no changes being made to Police's existing powers under the S&S Act. Existing provisions carry at least a 'suspicion' requirement and must be targeted towards the property of a specific individual/s. P...

  9. Technical report of Parenting Hearings programme pilot [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...PHP parents No. % Non-PHP parents No. % Total questionnaires sent 157 100 150 100 Returned ’Gone no address’ ‘Does not live here’ etc 21 13 15 10 Contact made to state they are not responding 2 1 1 1 No response 101 64 105 70 Completed surveys 33 21 29 19 Response rates of 21% for parents in the PHP pilot at the Auckland court and 19% for a non- PHP comparison group were achieved. As these rates are lower than is desirable, this survey data was treat...

  10. Hunia v Skerrett-White - Kawerau A8D (2016) 146 Waiariki MB 281 (146 WAR 281) [pdf, 620 KB]

    ...there was money coming in from off the balance sheet. Mr Bidois asked the Court to infer that what is shown in the accounts supports Ms Skerrett-White’s assertion that money was transferred to Taumanu for payment to the trust’s creditors. [101] Mr Bidois further submitted that the case of Hackett v Hackett can be distinguished from the present case, as the present trust has no money and the trustee has advanced money. He also submitted that Taumanu was incurring costs for a lo...