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4485 items matching your search terms

  1. The needs of Pacific peoples when they are victims of crime [pdf, 647 KB]

    ...Immediate and Long-term Needs 88 8.8 Health-Related Needs 90 8.9 Implications for Future Research 90 8.10 Concluding Thoughts 92 References 93 Appendix A: Profile Sheet and Interview Schedule for the Pilot Study 95 Appendix B: Participant Information Sheet 101 Appendix C: Consent Form 107 Appendix D: Profile Sheet and Interview Schedule for the Main Study 113 Appendix E: Safety Protocols 119 vii Tables Table 2.1: Type of Offence Included in the Pilot Study 8 Table 2.2: Number of Participa...

  2. Hugh Grant Sayers - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...appenlt,against'the.Prbppsed Say-of p'ienty Regkmal Coastal Environment F1lan AND Bay of Pienty lfagTonal 0:>untH Resporn;tenf S'"'ll)rn 6th September 2.016 ~ob_ tririgfii: Barrister ke.l/ttl ;!~ inJruay'St. Britomart Auckland 1010 e: rol' . . hi:_;+.64i:fo.1§s'iM m- ---•··-·. --~•· · -- ~ -- ...... - . -·---- -·----· ... --- ··- ··f-~ ... ----··-- --··- .\• - ---· .. .. -. · ··- ···---...

  3. Programme evaluation of Target Hardening pilot [pdf, 673 KB]

    ...areas 89 Methodology 89 Extent of burglary revictimisation 90 C6 Conclusions 92 Appendix 1 Adult Interview Schedule 95 Appendix 2 Children’s Interview Schedule 97 Appendix 3 Information Sheet 99 Appendix 4 Consent to Participation in Research 101 Appendix 5 Support Agencies 103 Appendix 6 Adult Interview – Statistical Data 105 Appendix 7 Information Sheet for Young People 107 ix Appendix 8 Further Notes to Children’s Section 109 Appendix 9 Children’s Section Biblio...

  4. Attitudes to crime & punishment: a New Zealand study [pdf, 541 KB]

    Attitudes to Crime and Punishment: A New Zealand Study Judy Paulin Wendy Searle Trish Knaggs December 2003 ii iii First published in December 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 478-20162-1 iv Foreword The report presents the findings of the first comprehensive national survey of the views of a sample of adult New Zealanders about crime and the criminal justice system’s response to crime. A random sample of 1500 adult Ne

  5. Christie Alexis Lesley MARCEAU (CSU-2011-AUK-001471) [pdf, 12 MB]

    ..."totally aware of the tiny distance between the proposed bail address and the victim's address". 30 Superintendent Johnson confirmed that this was an unusual stage to seek a transcript and reflected the level of concern. 31 [101] As well as the discussions about the transcript and maps, Sergeant Stace recalled that Mr Pell and Detective Iremonger had foreshadowed the possibility that the bail hearing would focus on mental health and medication issues. These mental...

  6. Rec-Recap-2023-Q2-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1013 KB]

    Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 April and 30 June 2023 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2023 (2) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a death,

  7. Rec-Recap-2023-Q3-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 790 KB]

    ...August 2023) ................................................................ 32 Medical Care ............................................................................................................................ 34 Cresswell [2023] NZCorC 101 (21 August 2023) ................................................................... 34 Lauano Felagai Leitu [2023] NZCorC 105 (1 September 2023).............................................. 36 Paul [2023] NZCorC 81 (12 July 2023) ............

  8. July-2023-Notification-of-Applications-in-Office-of-Chief-Registrar-20230511.pdf [pdf, 838 KB]

    ...Micheal James Ngaro James William Ngaro - Succession 99 11:00AM A20230001243 117(2)/93 Ramari Edwards Waenga Rangi Haaro Waenga - Succession 100 11:15AM A20220017284 113/93, 117/93 Gwen Mata McCormack Charles Wharekauri Mareroa - Succession 101 11:45AM A20220016923 214/93 Yness Wairata Ching Whakapaupakihi No 5 Block & others - Constitute the Yness Wairata Temepara Ching Whänau Trust in respect of the interests of Yness Wairata Ching and appoint Wairata Matarena Ching, D...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 004 KiwiRail Holdings Limited v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 29 MB]

    ...hours At least 1500m 1900 to 0700 hours At least 4500m ii. Firing of blank ammunition 0700 to 1900 hours At least 750m 1900 to 0700 hours At least 2250m Table 2: Rules to be complied with if minimum separation distances for sources NAV.6.10.1(i) and (ii) cannot be met: Rule Time (Monday to Sunday) Noise level at the notional boundary to an individual building housing a noise sensitive activity (a) 0700-1900hrs For the use of explosives: 120 dB Lpeak For the use of sma...

  10. Reinstating-Three-Strikes-Sentencing-Law.pdf [pdf, 31 MB]

    ...Zealand's international human rights obligations (such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United Nations Convention against Torture). We will provide further advice in the draft Cabinet paper. Treaty ofWaitangi 101. The three strikes regime is likely to have Treaty of Waitangi implications. Maori are disproportionately overrepresented in the prison population. Reinstating the three strikes regime, even with modifications, is likely to dispropo...