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  1. [2023] NZEnvC 051 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...October Consolidated Plan (Final SRC Changes) at 39. 32 chapeau; (b) retention of ‘including’ either in the chapeau to the policy or its clauses; (c) drafting of clause (1); (d) drafting of clause (1a); (e) drafting of clause (2). [101] We note where there are differences in drafting that are not substantive, we have not commented on the same. Issue: retention of ‘improve’ in Policy 15B heading [102] A primary function of Policy 15B is to implement Objective 6 a...

  2. Notification of Applications Over 6 months old that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 31 August 2019 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...26/11/2012 CJ 2012/32 - Heta Paipeta also known as Heketa Paipeta or Heketa Eriaha - and a succession order made at 41 South Island MB 296 on 24/05/1966 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Deputy Registrar 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93, 220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene -...

  3. November-2019-Cerificates.xlsx [xlsx, 3.2 MB]

    Sheet1 Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority: Manager Certificates Register Active Certificates 2016-2019 District Licensing Agency Application Type Certificate Holder's Lastname Certificate Holder's Firstname Certificate Number Date Certificate is Valid From Date Certificate Expires Date Certificate first Issued Date Application was Determined Date Application was Received Public Hearing? (Yes or No) Application Contested? (Yes or No)

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 121 Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...Aquifer) .05 .06 .07 10 11 2008.361.V1 28Aug 5 Longacre Lindis 151 2,323,187 2028 Station Ltd River (including (for .05 (Timburn Timburn total) 99062.V1 Race) take of 28 1 Oct 1/s from 2021 take point 6) 99022.V1 1 Oct 5 Timburn Lindis 101 2,227,500 2021 Ltd River (for .06 total) 2001.807.V2 1 Oct T1-T4 Lindis Lindls 96 (after 13,770,000 2021 (replacing Irrigation Alluvial fifth Tarras Ltd Ribbon anniversary 2001 .809.V1 1 Oct Race) Aquifer of consent) 6,480,000...

  5. The sex industry in New Zealand: a literature review [pdf, 470 KB]

    ...working in a shop for what seemed like a mere pittance, a friend turned to her one day and suggested: “Look, you’re getting paid lousy money and you screw around like crazy. Why the hell don’t you get paid for it?” (quoted in Jordan, 1991c, 101). Having experienced the money that can be made in the sex industry, some find it easy to keep returning to it when times are tough. In a submission to the Select Committee in 2001, one sex worker described why she decided to resume...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal theme Q - Foreshore [pdf, 559 KB]

    ...Zealand in 1840, the common law of England was brought to New Zealand; it followed that as the Crown in England owns “all land below high-water mark” then “the Crown [i.e. in New Zealand] owns the land between high-water mark and low-water mark”.101 In what was either a total misunderstanding of the Crown argument or a brilliantly adroit maneouvre to circumvent it, the Appellate Court was quite happy to accept that “the title to all land in New Zealand and land below high-water...

  7. ENV-2016-CHC-000071 Application for Declarations [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...residential activities  food and grocery items for persons accommodated on or adjacent to the site 9.2 Discretionary Activities - Retail Sales 9.2.1 Retail sales activities not listed as a Permitted Activity. 10 MINING ACTIVITIES 10.1 Permitted Activities - Mining 10.1.1 Mineral Prospecting and site investigation activities. 10.1.2 Extraction of gravel not exceeding 2000m3 per hectare and 2 metres depth in any continuous period of 5 years which complies with the foll...

  8. 0517423-Ministry-of-Justice_National-Panui-July-2023-web.pdf [pdf, 838 KB]

    ...Micheal James Ngaro James William Ngaro - Succession 99 11:00AM A20230001243 117(2)/93 Ramari Edwards Waenga Rangi Haaro Waenga - Succession 100 11:15AM A20220017284 113/93, 117/93 Gwen Mata McCormack Charles Wharekauri Mareroa - Succession 101 11:45AM A20220016923 214/93 Yness Wairata Ching Whakapaupakihi No 5 Block & others - Constitute the Yness Wairata Temepara Ching Whänau Trust in respect of the interests of Yness Wairata Ching and appoint Wairata Matarena Ching, D...