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  1. OIA-113021.pdf [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...the Cultural Capability programme remains. Vote 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 Operating Total Capital Total Courts - (0.928) (1.250) (1.250) (1.250) (4.678) - Out of Scope Out of Scope Page 99 of 102 The following pages (100 - 101) have been removed as they are out of scope of your request.RE LE AS ED U ND ER T HE O FF IC IA L IN FO RM AT IO N AC T 19 82 40 Mana Ōrite Agreement This savings initiative returns funding for the agreement between Ju...

  2. Pomare v Pomare - Hongoeka 1B Parts and Hongoeka 1B1 (2024) 492 Aotea MB 5 (492 AOT 5) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...memoranda. Mr Warren advised that the parties had worked hard to reach resolution and despite the absence of an agreement at that time, there was still opportunity for resolution, and he would be happy to assist further if the parties so wished.21 [101] On 1 October 2019 the parties filed a second joint memorandum regarding scheduling. I issued directions to parties on 11 October 2019 setting out future dates for filing, including that parties were to file a joint statement of issue...

  3. Firearms-Reform-Programme-Phase-4_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Cabinet has agreed to the parameters of the Firearms Reform Programme 10. On 13 May 2024, Cabinet agreed to your Firearms Reform Programme, which is comprised of four phases [CAB-24-MIN-0158 refers]. The four phases are: 2 In Confidence 10.1. Phase 1: Effective enforcement- supporting Police by making improvements to Firearms Prohibition Orders (FPOs) through the Firearms Prohibition Orders Amendment Legislation Act. This was passed in late August; 10.2. Phase 2: Regulating sho...

  4. NZCVS 2024 Cycle 7 Reporting to Police [xlsx, 82 KB]

    ...(7.9-13.8) 11.3 (7.2-15.4) 9.9 (8.6-11.2) Cybercrime 2.0 (0.1-3.8) # S # S # S # S # S # 4.0 (0.5-7.5) # Sexual assault 5.7 (1.9-9.5) # 13.5 (7.4-19.6) # 8.6 (1.8-15.3) # S # 13.0 (7.7-18.3) # 23.8 (11.2-36.4) # ^ 10.1 (7.7-12.5) Harassment and threatening behaviour 29.7 (23.6-35.8) 30.7 (24.3-37.1) # 38.9 (20.9-57.0) # 16.2 (9.4-22.9) # S # 27.0 (20.8-33.3) # 28.8 (25.7-31.9) All offences 25.5 (23.8-27.3) 24.7 (23.5-26.0) 24...

  5. Flawn v Accident Compensation Corporation (Individual Rehabilitation Plan) [2024] NZACC 142 [pdf, 587 KB]

    ...regarding the claim. [iii] I was not the decision maker, however, I, along with other internal advisors, supported Melanie with the decision making process. My first direct engagement with Amber was in January 2024 when Melanie was on leave. [101] In response to the question of his understanding of what Amber wanted from a pain specialist when she said “I need my pain sorted”: I understand that Amber wanted more support around her pain and a better understanding of that p...

  6. Common Bundle Volume 2 [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...m3/day 5* Cromwell Water Supply at G41:119-671. 210 l/s; 18,000 m3/day 6* Alexandra Water Supplies at: G42:253-444; G42:263-454; and G42:271-442 420 l/s; 21,600 m3/day 12.5 l/s; 675 m3/day 4 l/s; 345 m3/day 7* Roxburgh Water Supply at G43:210132. 58 l/s; 3000 m3/day 8* Dunedin and Outram Water Supplies at: I44:956-803; I44:956-805; and I44:956-804. Combined total take of 382 l/s; 33,000 m3/day 11 Owaka Water Supply at H46:533-124. 4.4 l/s; 380 m3/day 12 Mosgiel Wa...

  7. Common Bundle Volume 3 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    CB665 2 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 This National Policy Statement was approved by the Governor-General under section 52(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 3 August 2020, and is published by the Minister for the Environment under section 54 of that Act. This National Policy Statement replaces the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (as amended in 2017), which came into force on 7 September 2017. CB6

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 265 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...a new clause stipulating certain information be provided to Regional Council on request (Rule 20(a)(5)).100 The direction is unnecessary as the Regional Council is to receive copies of the certified FEMP together with the certification report.101 [100] We will not approve the amendments regarding the information required to support an application for a restricted discretionary activity (Rule 20(c)(ii)(2) and (3)).102 The requirements for FEMPs are adequately described in Appendix...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal - Part III Te Urewera [pdf, 6.7 MB]

    T E U R E W E R A P A R T I I I Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 W A I 8 9 4 T E U R E W E R A P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n P a r t I I I From self-governing native res

  10. AMLCFT Statutory Review Final Report [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...obstructing the FIU (consistent with section 102) or knowingly or recklessly providing the FIU with false information (consistent with section 103) following a request under section 143. Legislative R100 Amend the structuring offence in section 101 to include structuring any non- transaction-based AML/CFT obligations (e.g., using a false identity or other document to avoid AML/CFT obligations). Legislative PAGE 28 OF 256 REPORT ON THE REVIEW OF THE AML/CFT ACT # Recommendati...