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  1. NZCVS 2023 Cycle 6 Reporting to Police Corrected [xlsx, 70 KB]

    ...Theft (from motor vehicle) 51.1 (42.4-59.8) 43.5 (34.3-52.8) 46.6 (39.0-54.2) 48.3 (39.3-57.3) 52.1 (40.9-63.4) # 52.3 (42.5-62.1) 48.9 (45.7-52.2) Unlawful interference / getting into motor vehicle 20.7 (4.8-36.6) # 25.0 (10.1-39.9) # 13.8 (2.6-25.1) # S # 25.8 (14.4-37.2) # 23.9 (4.6-43.3) # 19.8 (14.1-25.5) Damage to motor vehicles 27.5 (20.0-35.1) 31.1 (23.6-38.6) 26.5 (18.3-34.7) 30.9 (23.0-38.8) 32.6 (24.6-40.7) 23.9 (17.5-3...

  2. Access to Justice Business Survey Final Report - October 2024 [pdf, 767 KB]

    ...represent less than 0.5% of respondents). For the remainder of the report we use the following shorthand text to describe some issues: • ‘Regulation’ in place of ‘regulation, including licensing, compliance, health and safety’ 20.3% 10.1% 5.9% 5.6% 5.0% 4.3% 4.2% 4.0% 4.0% 3.7% 2.9% 2.7% 2.4% 1.9% 1.7% 1.2% 1.0% 0.6% 2.4% Customer debt or late payment Complaints from customers Regulation, including licencing, compliance, health and safety Internet securit...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 262 Director-General of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...iv) There is a need to change any trigger level to make this more precautious, and if so, the recommended amendments to the trigger level. (d) Where advancement to the next stage of abstraction is recommended, priority shall be given to AUT.039859.01.01 Te Aupōuri Commercial Development Ltd if it is seeking to proceed to the next stage unless following that order would contravene condition 38MC. 40MC. In undertaking a Staged Implementation and Monitoring Programme Review, the Independ...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 293 Waimarino Queenstown Limited (as successor to B Property Group Ltd) v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 648 KB]

    ...fireplace flues are to have a flame arrestor installed in flue outlets. 99. All buildings shall contain a fire extinguisher. 100. All external guttering (if applicable) to have guttering guard installed to prevent the build-up of plant debris. 101. Two-way 30-minute fire-rating must be applied to all external walls and non-combustible cladding facing and within 3m of the Recreation Reserve legally described as Section 2 SO 575394. 102. The Consent Holder shall submit the following to...

  5. RC - Felicity Boyd - Statement of Evidence - 17 December 2021 [pdf, 3.4 MB] relevance as PC8 has not been developed as part of a response to climate change. Additionally, I consider that Policy 5 is not within the scope of PC8 to implement and Policies 13 and 14 focus on monitoring and reporting requirements. 101 I do not consider that Parts A, G and H alone give full effect to the objective and relevant policies of the NPSFM, although I believe the combined effect of these parts takes the RPW closer to giving effect to the NPSFM than the current...

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 178 The Friends of Sherwood Trust & Ngati Paoa Trust Board v The Chief Executive of the Auckland Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...not expected until October 2018. In the meantime, the Court of Appeal has issued two preliminary decisions; one dealing with an application for stay and interim relief of the High Court decision,68 and another concerning security for costS.69 [101] In this case, Ms Grey sought to rely on the Court of Appeal's observation that the appellant in the Brook Valley case, whom she represents, has an arguable case that raises relevant public interest issues. She submitted that these obse...

  7. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 1004 KB] reports • National education evaluation reports Documents relating to decision-making processes ERO’s Code of Conduct and other operational documents are available on our website: Contact National Office Level 1, 101 Lambton Quay Wellington 6011 PO Box 2799 Wellington 6140 Phone 04 499 2489 30 Electricity Authority Entry las...

  8. Hipango v Peehi - Atihau-Whanganui Incorporation (2008) 221 Aotea MB 152 (221 AOT 152) [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...election outcome Disclosure Rela tionshi ps Decision 221 Aotea MB 153 Para No 11) 12) 18) 115) 122) 124] 125) 129] 131] 134] 138] 146] 150) 155] 167) ]70) ]73] 182) 184) 190) 192) 194) 196] 1100) 1101) 1106) 221 Aotea MB 154 Introduction [I] Hoani Hipango seeks an investigation into the election of two members to the committee of management of Atihau-Whanganui Incorporation held on 2 December 2006. He claims that the resu...

  9. ENV-2016-AKL-000206 Cato Bolam Consultants Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...for your submission to the proposed Auckland Unitary plan. You should receive an acknowledgement within 10 working days. Please retain this as your copy. If you do not receive this, could you email orphone 09 301 0101 . Auckland ~Tb r:--~ , ... , .~ . " "',,, .," - ~ Council ~ Submitter details Full name: Myles Goodwin Organisation: Cato Bolam Consultants Ltd Postal address: PO Box 157, Orewa Email address:

  10. Regulatory impact statement: Review of family violence legislation [pdf, 300 KB]

    ...b. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), by improving the safety of child victims of family violence. c. Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2008), by ensuring effective access to justice for people with disabilities. 101. It also supports human rights obligations under the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punis...