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  1. Johnston v Abide Homes Limited [pdf, 75 KB]

    SUMMARY Case: Johnston v Abide Homes Ltd File No: TRI-2008-100-101/ DBH 5051 Court: WHT Adjudicator: S Pezaro Date of Decision: 11 August 2009 Background After purchasing the house from the third respondents, Mr and Mrs Towne the claimants discovered that the external wall was rotten. The claimants filed an application with the WHRS and as a result further damage was detected further. The claimants repaired the house and claimed the cost of its repairs as well as intere...

  2. Concurrent employment protocol [pdf, 26 KB]

    ...recusal situation arises due to the other employment or office) ensuring that a coroner’s position is not compromised and impartiality is maintained. Employment 10. The following types of employment are considered compatible with being a coroner: 10.1 Employment in an organisation or company dedicated to the Arts, including but not limited to music, painting, literature and dance; 10.2 Contracted or other employment for written publications (which might involve receipt...

  3. 2017 NZSSAA 010 (31 March 2017) [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...would not have to repay it; and [9.5] it would be inequitable in all the circumstances, including the debtor’s financial circumstances, to permit recovery. [10] Pursuant to s 86(9B) of the Social Security Act 1964, the term “error” means: [10.1] the provision of incorrect information by an officer of the Ministry; [10.2] an erroneous act or omission occurring during an investigation of benefit entitlement under s 12; and [10.3] any erroneous act or omission by an officer of...

  4. 31 October Legal Aid News [pdf, 195 KB]

    ...revised draft policy here: Legal aid forms – New installer package available for downloading On 7 November 2016, a new installer package for Legal Aid forms (version 10.1) will be available for downloading from the Ministry of Justice website. This installer will include the new form 11, Application for Reconsideration. Changes to the reassessment/ reconsideration process As part of the Ministry's...

  5. MOJ0047.03_factsheet_JUL23-Simplified-Chinese_WEB.pdf [pdf, 657 KB]

    ...理将能够更详细地解释此过程。 在调查完成之前(无论该过程需要多长时间)个案经理都 将作为持续的联系人提供服务。 可获得的支持 ACC如果家人或家庭成员死于事故,可提供经济支持。免 费电话:0800 101 996。 网站 support-after-death After a Suicide心理健康基金会为受自杀影响的家庭和亲 朋提供在线支持服务。 网站 出...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 196 Stewart v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 657 KB],itent and shall not be respor,slble for. and ,;xclu:!'es all llal:illty, •,iltl> re'atloo ro any dalms w�lsoe,•er arlsln� from tt.e use of thl; map "1d data he!j \Sithl�. .. QUEENSTOWN t� 081• \ � LAKES OJSTRIC1' 101JB,20i2 --I 111111111 COUNCIL N R STEWART v QLDC - TOPIC 39 -ARTHURS POINT REZONING f - \ 1 New site specific rule (applying to the rezoned land only) to be inserted into Chapter 8 8.4.8A All Buildings (including associated...

  7. Taylor v Department of Corrections (Strike-Out Application) [2020] NZHRRT 42 [pdf, 137 KB]

    ...2020 Mr Taylor had still not filed any evidence and Corrections filed an application to strike out Mr Taylor’s claim. [7] On 18 August 2020 the Tribunal issued the following directions: [10] The following timetabling directions are made: [10.1] Written statements of the evidence for Mr Taylor are to be filed and served by 4pm on Friday 28 August 2020. By the same date Mr Taylor is to provide Corrections with a list of documents he wishes to have included in the common bundle of d...

  8. Lobbying-code-of-conduct-Discussion-draft-March-2024.pdf [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...represent and the purpose of the lobbying activity 10. When communicating with public officials, full transparency about who you are representing and their intent is important so that public officials know who the client or sponsor is and why: 10.1. Name clients or employers represented and the sponsors for causes or interests represented. 10.2. Clearly state what you are aiming to achieve. Be transparent about lobbying activities, donations, and conflicts of interest 11. It i...

  9. BN v MH [2024] NZDT 102 (8 February 2024) [pdf, 93 KB]

    ...CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 2 of 3 Was the Fence owned by BN and if so, was the fence damaged or destroyed by MH or his contractors? 6. The Tribunal has jurisdiction in respect of a claim in tort in respect of damage to or destruction of property (S.10(1)(c) Disputes Tribunal Act). Therefore, if property owned by BN has been damaged by his neighbour the Tribunal may hear the claim. 7. The first question I have to ask myself is whether the fence belonged to BN. The onus to prove th...

  10. Re Bruniges (Jurisdiction) [2024] NZHRRT 26 [pdf, 111 KB]

    ...must meet before a claim can be filed in this Tribunal. CONCLUSION [16] Mr Bruniges’ claim against MFAT has not been investigated by the Privacy Commissioner and does not meet the criteria in s 98 of the Act. 5 Legislation Act 2019, s 10(1). 6 Van Wey Lovatt v Health New Zealand (Strike-Out) [2023] NZHRRT 37 at [24]. 7 The investigation must be following the statutory pre-requisite steps of the Commissioner deciding under s 73(1)(e) of the Act to investigate and notifying th...