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  1. Working-List-of-Potential-Owners-Hawea-Wanaka-SILNA-as-at-18-May-2023-v2.pdf [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...Johnny Allen Black 0.0057 93 Joseph Parakiore Black 0.0068 94 Violet Mary Black 0.0057 95 Lorraine Blakely 0.358 96 Ross Blakely 0.358 97 Shane Blakely 0.358 98 Nicola Ann Blom 0.159 99 Adrian David Boardman 0.117 100 Chad Boardman 0.073 101 David James Boardman 0.146 102 Jeffrey William Boardman 0.146 103 Johnny Wiremu Boardman 0.073 104 Kiriana Boardman 0.117 105 Donna Ann Boese 0.114 106 Tamara Bogusz 0.0589 107 Tangiora Mabel Bollinger 0.0387 108 Rosina Fay...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 183 Grenadier Ltd v Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council [pdf, 402 KB]

    ...are naturally rare; v. areas containing nationally significant examples of indigenous community types; and vi. areas set aside for full or partial protection of indigenous biological diversity under other legislation. [footnotes omitted] [101] At hearing, Mr Whiteley confirmed that effects on the katipo spider (an indigenous at-risk species) had now been avoided and as such his concerns in that regard are resolved and Policy 11(a)(i) does not apply. 27 [102] He mainta...

  3. TSA-Amendment-Act-Combined_FINAL_Redacted.pdf [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...come into effect, specifically the designation of the individual refe1Ted to in paragraph 3 above and, to the extent they may have reti·ospective effect, ai·e justified in that they address a matter essential to public safety; 49qzi8a88s2022-08-1010:35:58 LEGALLY PRIVILEGED RESTRICTED 1 L E G A L L Y P R I V I L E G E D : R E S T R I C T E D SWC-22-MIN-0143 2 49qzi8a88s 2022-08-10 10:35:58 L E G A L L Y P R I V I L E G E D : R E S T R I C T E D 9 agreed that these a...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 189 Gisborne District Council v China Forestry Group New Zealand Company [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...the hearing on this matter. [100] CFG has proposed that a water controls remediation plan be prepared for certain sites only and relate to its Purpose Statement. It adopted certain hydrological principles outlined in the Council’s orders. [101] The Council disputed the restriction to certain sites and the reference to the ‘Purpose Statement’. Observing that Dr McConchie was the only expert who gave evidence at the hearing, it argued that it is appropriate for him to devel...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 194 Connor [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...institutional, maritime, commercial or industrial area. They are areas and places of special architectural or other built character value, exemplifying a collective and cohesive importance, relevance and interest to a locality or to the region. … [101] The point we need to make from this, and seems to have been misunderstood by other witnesses, in particular Ms Byron, is that although special character areas include those buildings described in the above quote, that is not the desc...

  6. 29.-Evidence-of-Ms-Ainsley-McLeod-Conditions.pdf [pdf, 563 KB] reference the specialist expertise of ecologists responsible for implementing the RTE conditions and that the conditions explicitly require the Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan to be prepared by a suitably qualified person. 101. The conditions include ‘suitably qualified person’ as a defined term with direct reference to expertise in the relevant field. I have further amended the defined term to reference the expertise being relevant to the task or action d...

  7. Appendix-11_Michaela-Stout_S87F-Report_Water-Take_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...preceding day [measured at the Manakau at SH1 flow recorder], up to a maximum of 6 l/s; and (b) that the rate of take from each take point will be further limited to 5% of the actual river flow measured at the Manakau at SH1 flow recorder. 101. The additional restrictions set out in the additional information are not currently reflected in proposed condition RWT1. In my opinion, RWT1 must be updated to reflect the management regime now proposed by Waka Kotahi. SJ-0302...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 006 Otago Regional Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...the NPSM 2020, or to Te Mana o te Wai, as an interim measure, the changes approved by this decision are a further step in the right direction in giving effect to the NPS- FM 2020 and the PRPS 2021.25 Outcome [47] Pursuant to s149U(6) and cl10(1) to (3) of Schedule 1 RMA, the court’s decision on PC8 is to amend it as set out in ‘Annexure: Final Plan Change 8 Provisions’ attached to and forming part of this decision. For the court ______________________________ P...

  9. Meulenbroek v Vision Antenna Systems Ltd [2014] NZHRRT 51 [pdf, 226 KB]

    ...provocative as Mr Stapley knew that Mr Meulenbroek would once again refuse. This came over clearly during Mr Stapley’s evidence when he said: I was upping the pressure to find out what he saw as an urgent enough situation to help out as agreed. [101] Our conclusion on the facts is that Vision chose to see the unfolding events through the lens of the employment contract. It acted in complete ignorance of its obligations under the Human Rights Act. The claim that the dismissal was b...

  10. [2022] NZEmpC 118 New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association v Board of Trustees for Rodney College [pdf, 519 KB]

    ...available to the plaintiff at the time and therefore is only evidence of subjective intent. Accordingly, I do not attribute that material with relevance for the purposes of establishing a shared intention as part of this interpretive exercise. [101] That said, it is not disputed that the 1996 STCEC claim from the SSC was that 10 days (later negotiated to five days) would be taken from vacation time and it was well known that this claw-back of holidays was an important claim for th...