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  1. Copyright Licensing Limited v Universities of NZ [2013] NZCOP 18 [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...submitted that, by paying CLL the licence fee, and by complying with the other terms contained in the licence under the licensing scheme, such university would be deemed to be the holder of a licence granted by CLL under the scheme under s 152(2). [101] On the hypothetical question of how s 153 of the Act would operate in the event of CLL refusing to grant a licence to one university because the other universities had elected not to participate in the scheme, CLL emphasised that that...

  2. Taylor v Corrections (No. 2) [2018] NZHRRT 43 [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...Privacy Officer has also supported the depth of Corrections’ work programme on many occasions. [100] In cross-examination Mr Miller pointed out that no matter how effective training may be, mistakes will nevertheless occur owing to human error. [101] The evidence given by Mr Miller was reinforced by the evidence of Mr Post who pointed out that Auckland Prison staff received 2,568 information requests or complaints from prisoners through the PC.01 process during the 2013/14 reporting p...

  3. [2013] NZEmpC 40 B v Virgin Australia (NZ) Employment & Crewing Ltd [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...provided to Mr Lowe on 23 April. Mr Lowe’s evidence, which I accept, was that he considered the matters that the plaintiff had raised, including those raised more generally at the meeting and his comments about unknown pills and substances. [101] It is evident from the various notes of the meeting that issues relating to credibility as between the plaintiff and N were again traversed. Reference was made to apparent inconsistencies in the three original statements that had been...

  4. MLC 2019 January National Panui [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...11Part Reservation Trust - Payment from the Mäori Land Court Special Aid Fund - - Advertising 42 A20180007895 164/93 Young Lee Lim Morikaunui Incorporation - Transfer of shares from Young Lee Lim to Rawinia Daisy Vera Lim 43 A20180008101 78A(7)/67 Brendon Rei Pauline Rei also known as Pauline Broughton or Pauline Pere - Succession (further interest) 44 A20180007646 118(6)/93 Michael Whakatihi Miria Rota also known as Miria Paehoro - Succession (further interests) 45 A20180...

  5. Trustees of the Rowallan Block XIII Secs 1 and 5 Ahu Whenua Trusts v Orbell - Rowallan Block XIII Secs 1 and 5 Ahu Whenua Trusts (2015) 28 Te Waipounamu MB 37 (28 TWP 37) [pdf, 358 KB]

    ...Orbell did not receive any payment for his out of pocket expenses until the Crown settlement. There is no dispute that he should retain that portion of the fee payment. Skill and success of the trustee in administering the trust (s 72(1A)(d)) [101] Mr Gallie referred to the respondent’s professional background as a financial and business manager which he was able to bring to bear in his role as trustee. [102] The applicants state that Mr Orbell is not a professional negotiator; t...

  6. SILNA-List-09-09-2021.pdf [pdf, 896 KB]

    ...0.8330 875 Brosnahan Christopher James 0.0430 221 Brosnahan Gregor Martin 0.0430 506 Brosnahan Patrick Simon 0.0430 1203 Brosnahan Timothy Bryan 0.0430 1580 Brough Jack 0.6250 599 Brough John 0.6250 680 Brough Mary 0.6250 1018 Brough Thomas 0.6250 1570 Brough William 0.6250 1690 Brough Richard John 0.6250 1324 Brown Ella 1.8750 399 Brown Wikitoria 0.0420 1687 Brown Julie Robin 0.0670 751 Brown Valerie Gaynor 0.1610 1621 Browne Wendy E...

  7. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 969 KB] reports • National education evaluation reports Documents relating to decision-making processes ERO’s Code of Conduct and other operational documents are available on our website: Contact National Office Level 1, 101 Lambton Quay Wellington 6011 PO Box 2799 Wellington 6140 Phone 04 499 2489 27 Electricity Authority Entry last updated on 12 January...

  8. AMLCFT Statutory Review Consultation Document [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    - Review of the AML/CFT Act Consultation Document Ministry of Justice October 2021 Important notice The opinions contained in this document are those of the Ministry of Justice and do not reflect official government policy. Readers are advised to seek specific legal advice from a qualified professional person before undertaking any action in reliance on the contents of this publication. The contents of this discussion document must not be con

  9. [2021] NZEmpC 87 New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Assoc Inc v Secretary for Education [pdf, 497 KB]

    ...Cobb-Clark’s evidence included a discussion about whether a gender pay gap between men and women is in and of itself sex discrimination and she considered the underlying basis of the pay-generating “construct” relied on by the NZPPTA. [101] Professor Cobb-Clark raised concerns about the “construct” not being scientifically robust. She was concerned that relying on it could lead to an erroneous conclusion of inequity based on sex. She drew attention to several difficult...

  10. B R L v EQC & IAG New Zealand Ltd [2020] CEIT-2020-0051 [pdf, 934 KB] area doors which had become jammed shut, and that the door on the eastern side of the garage was rubbing on the frame and was difficult to close, there was no general agreement that the superstructure of the building had become racked. [101] Mr Cowie surveyed all window and door openings around the building and produced the diagram shown as Figure 5. Figure 5: Verticality Leans [102] Although some sections of the portal frame are exposed (in parts of the garage area an...