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  1. E9 Kurt Grant - Construction Methodology - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 24 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ENV-2018-AKL-000078 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of the direct referral of applications for resource consent for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority EVIDENCE OF KURT ADRIAN GRANT ON BEH

  2. Graphs for report prison 2015-25 [xlsx, 129 KB]

    ...Jan-19 1,806 2,289 6,867 7,025 8,673 9,314 Feb-19 1,949 2,485 6,916 7,047 8,865 9,532 Mar-19 1,957 2,517 6,964 7,066 8,920 9,583 Apr-19 1,828 2,357 6,955 7,026 8,782 9,384 May-19 1,819 2,402 7,038 7,083 8,857 9,485 Jun-19 1,848 2,492 7,016 7,101 8,864 9,594 Jul-19 1,782 2,503 7,090 7,208 8,872 9,711 Aug-19 1,790 2,469 7,127 7,256 8,917 9,726 Sep-19 1,744 2,466 7,130 7,319 8,875 9,785 Oct-19 1,778 2,339 7,102 7,287 8,880 9,625 Nov-19 1,725 2,222 7,118 7...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 162 Middle Hill Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...identified in the Act and in superior planning documents. People may then make their own decisions about what they may use or develop land for according to those planning documents and in light of their own calculations”. 56 At [99]. 57 At [101]. 47 about zoning and feasibility. He stated that there needs to be a broad assessment as to whether the types of activities and development are appropriate on a particular area of land. There needs to be a consideration of w...

  4. Coronial-Booklet-Samoan.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...tagata e te masani ai. Ae afai e te moomia se isi fesoasoani, o nisi nei o faalapotopotoga e mafai ona maua atu ai le tele o fesoasoani eseese: ACC Mo fesoasoani tau tupe pe afai na maliu se tasi o le aiga i se faalavelave. Telefoni vili fua: 0800 101 996. Upegatafailagi: After a Suicide O se auaunaga e faafoe i luga o le initaneti e le Mental Health Foundation mo aiga ua aafia ona o se tasi na pule i le ola. Upegatafa...

  5. Nukutere Lands Trust v Trustees of Whitikau A1 – Opape 28 (2013) 70 Waiariki MB 272 (70 WAR 272) [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...465, ‘the known wants of a probable purchaser’ are not to be excluded in ascertaining the value of the land … What it comes down to in the end is that ‘compensation’ and purchase money or price are the same thing under different names. [101] These principles were applied in Trustees of Oparau - Oparau No 1 and Pirongia West 1 2B3D (2004)41 by Judge Milroy. The applicant sought access across a neighbouring block and a highway in order to provide access from the Oparau block...

  6. 2016 Ministry of Justice Annual Report [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...dedicated lawyers. Output class statement PUBLIC DEFENCE SERVICE Actual 30 June 2016 $000 Unaudited budget 2016 $000 Unaudited forecast 2017 $000 Actual 30 June 2015 $000 Revenue Crown 26,957 26,490 29,111 25,622 Departmental 74 103 101 61 Other 40 – – 41 Total revenue 27,071 26,593 29,212 25,724 Total expenses 26,620 26,593 29,212 25,448 Net surplus 451 – – 276 63 N on -fi na nc ia l p er fo rm an ce SECTOR LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT What the Minist...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography part 2 2019 [pdf, 893 KB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2018 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2019 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2018 Part 2 14 March 2019 Page 1 of 148 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name of

  8. Nga Runanga EiC S McIntyre Planning Amended tracked 17 Feb 2021 [PDF, 1 MB]

    ...deemed permits in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the NPSFM and with the purpose of the RMA. I consider that the RPW is particularly deficient in respect to meeting the requirements of sections 6(e), 7(a) and 8 of the RMA. 101. I consider that PC7 is a necessary measure to ensure that the NPSFM can be implemented in a timely manner and in particular that Policy 11, requiring that over-allocation be phased out. The NPSFM gives a central role in freshwater mana...

  9. [2013] NZEmpC 179 George v Auckland Council [pdf, 267 KB]

    ...emerges during the course of an inquiry into that allegation that the employee may have been guilty of conduct of a different kind, including lying to the employer. That needs to be the subject of a separate set of disciplinary proceedings. [101] In order to undertake a fair and proper disciplinary process an employer is obliged to meet certain minimum standards, including adequately particularising the 6 [1991] 1 NZLR 392 (CA). 7...

  10. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 993 KB] reports • National education evaluation reports Documents relating to decision-making processes ERO’s Code of Conduct and other operational documents are available on our website: Contact National Office Level 1, 101 Lambton Quay Wellington 6011 PO Box 2799 Wellington 6140 Phone 04 499 2489 27 Electricity Authority Entry las...