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  1. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography part 2 2019 [pdf, 859 KB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2018 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2019 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2018 Part 2 14 March 2019 Page 1 of 148 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name of

  2. Butler v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal Injury, Causation) [2023] NZACC 165 [pdf, 540 KB]

    ...pathology. Comprehensive Pain Assessment - 5 August 2009 [100] A comprehensive pain assessment was undertaken by pain medicine specialist (anaesthetist) Dr Thomas, and psychologist Ms Kaehmzow-Ferguson. The assessments occurred on 5 August 2009. [101] The accident is described as occurring when Mr Butler fell through decking that was not nailed down, from which back pain immediately developed. After a few days the pain involved his back and radiated down the right leg to the foo...

  3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - government reply to issues 6th report [pdf, 624 KB]

    ...Business’ survey shows New Zealand has the highest proportion of women in senior management of any developed economy at 31 percent. The Government’s goal in this area is 45 percent participation of women on state sector boards. Private sector 101. Between 1981 and 2004 women’s participation on public sector boards 14 in New Zealand rose from 12.1 percent to just over 40 percent. In 2012 women held 14.75 percent of

  4. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - 3rd report [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...taken into account in the assessment of damages awarded against the defendant. The Act also clarifies the law relating to punitive damages which may be awarded where a defendant has acted in flagrant disregard of the rights of the plaintiff. Article 18 101. Sections 13 and 15 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 affirm the right to "freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference", and to manifest rel...

  5. [2017] NZEmpC 77 Idea Services Ltd v Crozier [pdf, 413 KB]

    ...compensation since her job was being disestablished; or, there should be a negotiation as to compensation since she was being required to leave. With regard to these options, Ms Kale said there were six areas which needed further investigation. [101] At this point, there was a break of approximately an hour. Ms Baker discussed the circumstances not only with Ms Atkins-Gilbert, but also Mr Tonkin; at one stage, an HR practitioner was telephoned. Ms Baker said that matters that we...

  6. Morgan v The Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 20003) NZREADT 82 [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...the transaction extremely confidential. 20 [100] The defendant regarded it as his duty to have Mr McIntyre settle his purchase contract or to have Mr McIntyre cancel that contract to enable Mr and Mrs Shallue to sell to somebody else. [101] Inter alia the defendant was pressed that, while he did not introduce Mr Denize to Mr Shallue, the latter was still liable for commission under the existing listing agreement; but the defendant maintained that there was no such listing agr...

  7. LCRO 149/2020 WM v VE and DP (14 December 2021) [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...shareholders/directors, to provide the company’s instructions to Mr VE and Mr DP. He says the proposed restructure of the company was not in the company’s best interests and there had been no directors’ resolution providing that authority. [101] Mr VE and Mr DP say from mid-2017, Mr IQ was the company’s director authorised to provide the company’s legal instructions to the firm. They say it was not necessary for the directors to resolve unanimously to provide that authorit...

  8. [2011] NZEmpC 120 Bourne, Conrad, Turner and NZ Merchant Service Guild Industrial Union of Workers Inc v Real Journeys Ltd [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...the agreement sought by the company. Mr McBride submitted that, in rejecting the variation, the two men were implicitly making a claim for the continued benefit of their existing terms of employment and that this fell within paragraph (d). [101] I do not accept that submission. The opening words of s 107(1) and paragraph (d) are effectively identical to those of its legislative predecessor, s 28(2) of the Employment Contracts Act 1991. Those provisions were considered by Judge...

  9. FFNZ - EiC - K L Reilly (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 522 KB]

    ...the science or economic impacts are appropriately understood. 100. On that basis, we disagree with the comment at page 22 of the s32 report that “In this case, there is not considered to be any uncertain or insufficient information”. 101. We also disagree with the PC7 s32 report’s conclusion at page 22 that the risk of not acting is that water permits could be granted for longer durations thereby “inhibiting the ability for Council to implement the new RPS and the LWR...

  10. Coronial-Booklet-Tongan.pdf [pdf, 434 KB]

    ...tokoni lahi ange, ‘e lava ke tokoni atu ‘a e ngaahi kautaha ko ‘ení ‘i ha ngaahi founga kehekehe: ACC Ki ha tokoni fakapa‘anga kapau kuo pekia ha mēmipa ‘o e fāmilí pe kāingá meí ha fakatu‘utāmaki. Telefoni ta‘etotongi: 0800 101 996. Uepisaití: After a Suicide Ko ha sēvesi tokoni ‘i he ‘initanetí ‘oku fakahoko atu ‘e he Mental Health Foundation ma‘á e ngaahi fāmili mo e kāinga ku...