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  1. [2014] NZEmpC 25 Law Ors v BOT of Woodford House Ors [pdf, 518 KB]

    ...required between 11 pm and 7 am with one of those three being designated as “on call” at the weekends. In practice, such recourse to management was rare with almost all incidents able to be dealt with effectively by the matrons in the hostels. [101] Iona College expected its matrons to report daily in writing and orally to its director of boarding who, in turn, was to report daily to the deputy principal, deans or principal, and formally on a weekly basis to the principal. Iona...

  2. Putman v Jenmark Homes Ltd [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...not having been formed to some joints as recommended practise by Harditex. 5.9.2. That issue was not canvassed at the hearing but there seemed to be no disagreement with the assessor's comments. 5.10. Offset Sheet Joints 5.10.1. The Harditex Technical Information (fig 13, p10) requires that where sheets are installed more than one full sheet in height, the sheets for the upper portion or storey are to be offset from those in the lower portion or storey. 5....

  3. Tata v Katipa - Waiwhakaata 3E4C Lot 2A [2018] 170 Waikato Maniapoto MB 123 (170 WMN 123) [pdf, 692 KB]

    ...appropriate to engage someone to undertake an assessment of the work required. However, the first respondents had to act prudently at all times, ensuring that the payment of funds was properly approved, was justified, and was accounted for. [101] I have already found that the first respondents breached their obligations engaging Mrs Martin to undertake the feasibility study. There is also little evidence demonstrating that there were proper processes and procedures in place concer...

  4. Horrell v Banyan Pacific Capital Ltd [2023] NZHRRT 35 [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...underpinning the Privacy Act itself. It would undoubtedly be expedient for Naturalwear to be able to collect information from the Cancer Society database or from Medivex but that is not the meaning to be given to “necessary” in r 1 of the HIPC. [101] We agree with Ms Horrell that it was not necessary for Naturalwear to collect from either the Cancer Society or from Medivex to market its services to prospective customers. We find that r 1 was breached. Was there a breach of ru...

  5. LCRO 91/2017 DV v LS and HS (19 December 2018) [pdf, 415 KB]

    ...individual lawyers who had worked on their files and to inquire into the conduct of those lawyers. Administratively the Complaints Service allocated separate file or complaint numbers to each of the four lawyers and corresponded separately with each. [101] The Committee then produced one decision document which noted the four file numbers and set out separate determinations for each of the four lawyers. [102] The only lawyer against whom findings of unsatisfactory conduct were made,...

  6. Shaw - Tauwhao Te Ngare (2005) 81 Tauranga MB 8 (81 T 8) [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ........ 1.r,!,(;:;/:7/qa.r;!. ...... SURVEY BlK. & DIST ... . '(. ... T'?.l:-!.:..q.t:?,fl9 .......... .. NZMS 261 SHT .(..!..r.7f. ..... RECORD MAP No .:'f:.~ ..... . /C's·.:g,s CU' "''''101'. .!Ie> • ..:rS" (1.9(;;'&;'0) _.t:.. ::10.3.:le;;: TAUWHAO T£ NGARe. BLK MoL.. 2220£ 'LOTS M.L2.218') PT. TAUWHAOj Ttf- NGrlRcBLI< tlf"'Qrr ~&CI'V....rfO'; LOTI...

  7. De Malmanche & Ors as Trustees of the Lynette De Malmanche Trust v Auckland Council (successor to the Auckland City Council) [2010] NZWHT Auckland 38 [pdf, 392 KB]

    ...[100] The essential issue with the claim against Mr Wilson was not whether he was the main on site builder of the house - he clearly was - but whether it has been proven that he was responsible for the defects which gave rise to damage. [101] The claimants have questioned the truth of Mr Wilson‘s saying that (as well as being away on two other occasions) he went on a school trip in December 2000 when it was not in his written evidence. However I accept Mr Wilson‘s evidenc...

  8. ENV-2016-AKL-000277 Auckland Transport v KiwiRail Holdings Limited [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Date recieved 26/11/2015 Site 2 - Jutland Road, Manurewa #4336 3 8 of 13 Date recieved 26/11/2015 Site 3 - Great South Road, Te Mahia ~70\ 1 1 #4336 4 9 of 13 Date recieved 26/11/2015 Site 4 - Spartan Road, Te Mahia 29101\ 1 #4336 5 10 of 13 Date recieved 26/11/2015 Site 5 - Ash Road, Wirl 29;0111 #4336 6 11 of 13 Date recieved 26/11/2015 Site 6 - Somerset Road, Mt Roskill 2970111 #4336 7 12 of 13 Date recieved 26/11/2015 Sit...

  9. NZCVS 2023 Cycle 6 Reporting to Police [xlsx, 85 KB]

    ...(from motor vehicle) 51.1 (42.4-59.8) 43.5 (34.3-52.8) 46.6 (39.0-54.2) 48.3 (39.3-57.3) 52.1 (40.9-63.4) # 52.3 (42.5-62.1) 48.9 (45.7-52.2) Unlawful interference / getting into motor vehicle 20.7 (4.8-36.6) # 25.0 (10.1-39.9) # 13.8 (2.6-25.1) # 25.8 (14.4-37.2) # 23.9 (4.6-43.3) # 19.8 (14.1-25.5) Damage to motor vehicles 27.5 (20.0-35.1) 31.1 (23.6-38.6) 26.5 (18.3-34.7) 30.9 (23.0-38.8) 32.6 (24.6-40.7) 23.9...

  10. [2022] NZEmpC 77 Courage v Attorney-General [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...what it will cost them to tell the truth. And is the cost worth it? These people have the power to take every single thing off you that you love. So you close your mind, you put on your smile, you say hello and you tell them that you’re happy. [101] Faithful Disciple said that during the 2020 visit he was directed to keep himself busy with jobs so that the officials were not able to talk to him. When asked how he remained invisible during the visit he said: 21 Richard Lewis €...