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  1. LCRO 20/2020 WD and FJ v EG, SN and PL (7 April 2022) [pdf, 354 KB]

    ...way of outcome the complainants seek “financial reimbursement for [their] financial loss”. They do not seek compensation “in relation to the stress caused or, what [they] believe was the negligence on the handling of [the transaction].” [101] The complainants attached a number of documents to the review application, showing unanticipated costs that they had incurred as a result of the practitioners’ conduct. Responses [102] Mr PL provided the Case Manager with a brief e...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 250 Granger & Ors v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...subject to compliance with the other rules in the plan, the titles could support five additional dwellings (including two dwellings on CFR 0 T11B/1033). 27 Tension be/ween the provisions for rural subdivision and outstanding natural landscapes? [101] In common with the operative DP outstanding natural landscapes are protected from inappropriate development. The values for the various landscapes are identified in Appendix A3. Those values are to be maintained or enhanced (objectiv...

  3. LCRO 149/2023 HV v BQ (2 April 2024) [pdf, 401 KB]

    ...prior entry into a “full and final settlement” of the issue. The fact that such an agreement has been entered into is nevertheless potentially relevant to an assessment of the fairness and reasonableness to both parties of the fees charged. [101] I take a different view from the Committee on the regulatory aspect and propose to discuss both the technical position and the substance of the fees complaint. [102] The regulatory aspect identified by the Committee is that Reg 29 of the L...

  4. McKinney v Cassidy [pdf, 259 KB]

    ...caused extensive damage, and that the remedial work would have been restricted to localised repairs. They also agreed that the cost of remedial work would be $5,000.00 for location (a) and $2,600.00 for location (b). 5.10 Under-floor Area 5.10.1 The floor to the garage is a suspended concrete floor, so that there is an open sub-floor space beneath this floor. Access to this space is via a small screwed-down panel in the wall of the cupboard under the stairs. The area has n...

  5. Electoral-Voting-Age-Legislation_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 6.6 MB]

    ...3 Justice Committee recommendations 10 The Justice Committee presented its report on the DOI to the House on 19 May 2023. The Committee recommended, by majority, that the Government: 10.1 amend the Local Electoral Act 2001, and any other necessary laws and regulations, to provide for a minimum voting age of 16 years in local elections; and 10.2 investigate lowering the minimum voting age in general elections to 16 years

  6. Taipari v Hauraki Maori Trust Board (2008) 114 Hauriki MB 34 (114 H 34) [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...transferred to the JMIO. Thus Te Ohu is the Trustee for the iwi ofHauraki collectively. DAVID TAIPARI, WILLIAM PETERS, PAHI TlJPUHl AND JOHN TAMlHERE V H-;::'~ TRUST BOARD MLC A20070008668 [30 April 2008] 114 Hauraki MB 34-75 114 Hauraki MB 61 [101] The Trust Board has a legal status recognised under the MFA as a Recognised Iwi Organisation ("RIO"). It is listed as such in Schedule 4 of the MFA pursuant to section 27. Section 27(3) provides that a RIO has all the f...

  7. LCRO 9/2024 & 12/2024 QB v WF and SY & WF and SY v QB (27 June 2024) [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...counsel, to come up with a “Plan B” response to the complaint if the court decisions continued to go against her. As discussed later, the issue of negligence in the 90-day period calculation was not determinative of the conduct complaints. [101] Fourthly, at the hearing, the applicant’s submissions on this aspect were more focused on the Committee failing to accommodate her personal circumstances. In her words, expressing a consistent theme in her submissions at the review hear...

  8. Breaking the inter-generational cycle of family violence and sexual violence [pdf, 8.4 MB] wellbeing and chances of success. One in seven children report being exposed to family violence, and family violence accounts for nearly half of all referrals received by Oranga Tamariki. Violence affects children and young people’s: 10.1 ability to learn: they have poorer educational outcomes; 1 The term ‘family violence’ encompasses all types of violence between family members. Sexual violence is often one of t...

  9. Hay v Dodds [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...the construction work under these circumstances must fail. The claims that Mr Dodds was in breach of his duty to subsequent purchasers for his design work must fail on the grounds of the limitation defence. 10. THE DEVELOPER – MR LEE 10.1 The Owners are claiming that Mr Lee was the owner of this property at the time the dwelling was constructed, and that Mr Lee organised and managed the development, construction and subdivision of the property. Their particular claims are...

  10. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Netsafe Inc [2022] NZHRRT 15 (Removal of Certain Redactions After Appeal Period) [pdf, 511 KB]

    ...(Facebook) to seek removal of any posts specified in Mr Z’s complaint. This is relevant to the question of whether Netsafe took steps to resolve Mr Z’s complaint, including how perceived confidentiality obligations were managed when doing so. [101] There is no evidence that Netsafe contacted Facebook. Nor is there any evidence that Netsafe sought Mr Z’s consent to sharing any specific information with Facebook. Any such exchanges would have been recorded in the Zendesk system. T...