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  1. Baker v Paora - Te Tii Waitangi B3 (2015) 113 Taitokerau MB 31 (113 TTK 31) [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...not regularly attending trustee meetings. In my view, the best approach to addressing this issue is to address the point in cl 5.5 by requiring trustees to attend 75 per cent of the monthly meetings (as I have already done in cl 5.5.1(f)). [101] Second, the beneficiaries propose a dispute resolution clause for trustees to follow but did not set out any particular provisions. Further, it was proposed that the trustees can vote to remove a trustee at any trustee meetings. Neither...

  2. [2019] NZEmpC 151 Zhang v Telco Asset Management Ltd [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...centre. There is no evidence that he took that issue further at the time. [100] Ms Sim told the Court she had good reasons for taking the steps she did, and that she had explained these to both Mr Zhang and Ms Xu on many occasions. [101] In his evidence in reply, Mr Zhang maintained his concerns, stating that the process of deferral and writing off costs which had been referred to by Ms Sim was not reliable. He also said that an inventory standard published by the New Z...

  3. Research report: Without notice applications in the Family Court [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...issues of serious injury, undue harm, risk to the safety of the applicant and/or their children and the risk of children being removed from the country. It is possible to receive an interim order immediately, and lawyers are able to be involved. 101. What we know from this research is that nearly most interviewed applicants consider their own situations as “urgent”. A new middle ground has been created where time-sensitive issues – not at risk of serious injury – are being pro...

  4. Diane Jean Lucas - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Respondent STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF DIANE JEAN LUCAS ON BEHALF OF MOTITI ROHE MOANA TRUST Dated 09 November 2016 Counsel Acting: Rob Enright Barrister Northern Steamship Chambers Level 1, 122 Quay Street Britomart 1010 e: m: +64 21 276 5787 INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Diane Jean Lucas. I am a landscape architect specialising in landscape planning. I am director of Lucas Associates, a landscape...

  5. Cooper v Wellington City Council [pdf, 237 KB]

    ...leaking 28 Claim 2171:Determination 26.09.2001 Mr Drysdale-Smith and Mr Whitefield of WCC visited property and made notes on Inspection Checklists ??.11.2001 Final payment made by Owner 06.10.2003 Builder advised MBS problems with leaks 10.10.2003 MBS visited property 15.10.2003 MBS visited property with builder and owner 20.10.2003 MBS visited property and prepared report 21.10.2003 MBS visited property with builder and owner 22.10.2003 MBS meeting with builder 05....

  6. Covid-Priority.docx [docx, 6.5 MB]

    ...District health boards supported the delivery of the programme and managed the operational planning and delivery of vaccinations at a regional and local level alongside primary care, hauora, community, and non-government organisation providers.[footnoteRef:101] [100: Document d48, p 3.] [101: Document d48, pp 3, 4.] Beyond vaccinating the people of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Crown stated that the vaccine and immunisation programme aimed to provide a ‘legacy’, in the form of the collecti...

  7. [2009] NZEmpC CC 10/09 Rooney Earthmoving Ltd v McTague and ors [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...including REL. He engaged BMW primarily because he wanted Mr Whiting to do the work. When Mr Whiting left BMW he became an employee of Rangitata Dairies in January 2007. Rangitata has continued to engage contractors including BMW and REL. [101] Mr Whiting conceded that he had spoken with a Mr Meadows on 29 March. BMW invoiced Mr Meadows in September and October for work it carried out for him. REL did not do any work for Mr Meadows. [102] Mr Whiting accepted he had tel...

  8. [2012] NZEmpC 172 Gregory v CE of the Department of Corrections [pdf, 301 KB]

    ...views based on the outcome of the employment investigation. The allegation that he had communicated inappropriately with Prisoner B was found not to have been substantiated because there was no evidence of direct communication between them. [101] Mrs Aitken stated that the allegation that he had communicated inappropriately with Prisoner B’s partner, Ms A, had been substantiated and that his communications were in breach of the Department’s code of conduct. Mrs Aitken stat...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 149 Matakana Coast Trail Trust v Auckland Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...anything more than a guide as to potential connections at this point in time. What it does demonstrate is that any connection through this site could form part of the wider network through the district, and possibly between Whangarei and Auckland. [101] Overall, we conclude this does no more than reinforce the provisions of the Plan, and particularly the requirement for an integrated transport assessment in relation to a subdivision of this size. Should there be additional conditi...

  10. [2016] NZEmpC 48 Nelson v Katavich [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...internet said about Mr Katavich and his businesses so that: 1) his websites would rank highly on Google's search result pages and; 2) negative or critical comment against Mr Katavich and his websites would not be seen on the Internet. [101] In relation to the email in question containing Ms Nelson's alleged "neo-Nazi views", Ms Nelson told the Court that this was part of an attempt by Mr Katavich to manipulate Google search results. She said that there was a c...