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  1. Ward v Maccol Developments Ltd [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...recessed window installations. [100] The installation of the windows in the Owners’ dwelling has not been undertaken in accordance with any of the details specified in the Hardie Manual. CLAIM NO.00823 – WARD DETERMINATION.doc 27 [101] First, there are no head flashings which requirement is mandatory. Secondly, there are no jamb flashings which is the only means specified and detailed in the Hardie Manual of forming jambs for recessed window installations. Instead, narr...

  2. Smith v Wellington City Council [pdf, 146 KB] 31 of 42 10. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL 10.1 It is claimed by the Owners that the Council owed them a duty of care when carrying out its statutory obligations under the Building Act. They claim that the Council was in breach of this duty by: (a) Issuing a building consent when t

  3. NZCVS Cycle 3 (2020) Section 6 Reporting to the Police [xlsx, 160 KB]

    ...of Plenty 22.78 10.60 # Gisborne Ŝ 19.50 Hawke's Bay 30.48 19.18 # Taranaki 23.89 9.09 ‡ Manawatū-Wanganui 27.61 6.06 ‡ Wellington 24.98 7.84 West Coast S 35.76 Canterbury 26.32 9.70 ‡ Otago 22.03 14.37 # Southland 21.01 17.66 # Tasman S 34.55 Nelson Ŝ 14.71 Marlborough S 31.34 Regional groups Auckland 24.75 5.78 Wellington 24.98 7.84 Rest of North Island 27.01 4.12 Canterbury 26.32 9.70 ‡ Rest of South Island 22.82 6.98 ‡ Urbani...

  4. MOJ0047_JUL23_FINAL_V3-Samoan_WEB.pdf [pdf, 465 KB]

    ...tagata e te masani ai. Ae afai e te moomia se isi fesoasoani, o nisi nei o faalapotopotoga e mafai ona maua atu ai le tele o fesoasoani eseese: ACC Mo fesoasoani tau tupe pe afai na maliu se tasi o le aiga i se faalavelave. Telefoni vili fua: 0800 101 996. Upegatafailagi: After a Suicide O se auaunaga e faafoe i luga o le initaneti e le Mental Health Foundation mo aiga ua aafia ona o se tasi na pule i le ola. Upegatafai...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 039 CEP Services Matauwhi Limited v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...the values of the Hokianga sites asserted by Dr Bellingham under Appendix S are not disputed. Similarly, the Appendix S values of Uruti Bay near Russell asserted by Ms Collins in her brief were not disputed by Mr Kerr or any other witnesses. [101] Given our discussion on these issues it follows that these areas should be included as SEAs as they have values identified in Appendix 5. The SBA status does not preclude SEA if they meet the criteria. [102] This leaves us with the five...

  6. Legal aid criminal assignments by provider report - December 2011 to November 2012 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Smith, Ken Auckland 51 4516 Smith, Lorraine Auckland 44 15968 Smith, Lucy Auckland 42 14172 Smith, Nicole Auckland 46 4844 Speed, Andrew Auckland 45 30322 Speir, Nathan Auckland 7 12478 Steedman, Alex Auckland 43 4676 Stewart, Ann Auckland 3 10151 Stringer, Greg Auckland 38 13154 Sutton, Jeremy Auckland 4 5154 Tait, Shane Auckland 49 16165 Tata, Iese Auckland 47 14181 TE Kanawa-Gwynne, Norman Auckland 47 4756 Thinn, Neil Auckland 6 16460 Thode, Sumudu Auckland 46 4843 Thomson, Ro...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 109 Norsho Bulc Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...the High Court's decision in Paprzik, Judge Skelton also noted Fisher J's observation36 that there may be no compelling reason for seeking to control roads through a district plan given the provisions of other legislative controls. [101] It is also important to be clear that the Court has no authority to direct the Executive or any of its agencies as to any choice available in the exercise of that agency's powers, including the choice of doing nothing. 37 But in a con...

  8. ENV-2016-CHC-000071 Affidavit of Mr Nathan Hole [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...including attending the Commissioners' hearing and attending mediations. I have also attended various Environment Court hearings and High Court Appeal hearings to date. Issues addressed by this Affidavit 10 In this affidavit, I address: 10.1 The difficulties which the delay in the resolution of the planning framework in relation to PC13 is causing the Council and associated costs; and 10.2 Various statements made in the affidavit of Mr Glasson (dated 14 April 2015). C...

  9. [2024] NZEnvC 025 Shundi Queenstown Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.6 MB] purpose of the RMA. Conclusions [100] For those reasons, we find that it is in accordance with the RMA (including as reflected in the relevant provisions of the PDP as we have discussed) to grant consent to the Modified Proposal. [101] We find Shundi's final proposed conditions as set out in Annexure 2 to be sound and appropriate. Subject to one matter, we find the associated plan set suitable for consenting purposes, as referenced in various proposed conditions....

  10. Turner v University of Otago [2021] NZHRRT 18 [pdf, 443 KB]

    ...had made an “everything” request or a request for only personal information relevant to the employment dispute. As to this, Dr Turner’s evidence was clear, namely she sought only such of her personal information relevant to that dispute. [101] The oral request made at the meeting on 26 February 2013 was also for “relevant” communications ie relevant to the employment dispute. Read in context, the categories sought by Mr Forster in his letter dated 4 March 2013 make this clear...