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  1. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC revised evidence chief Bremner final [pdf, 860 KB]

    ...Wharves. The Proposal may maintain accessibility in the short term provided Mr Shumane’s recommendations can be implemented, but doubt remains as to the longer term scenario. The Proposal was not anticipated to enhance accessibility. 101. The Proposal was considered to be contrary to Objective 13.3.3 - Roading and its Policies 1, 2 and 6. The Proposal would convey an access right for some private vehicles through an area identified for passenger transport priorities. I r...

  2. LCRO 69/2021 ID v KZ and UG (7 September 2023) [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...last day if he had known that the time limit was critical. He says that Mr ID told him it was not. [100] The matter is not directly relevant to the fees assessment because Mr ID was not charging on a time basis for something he did not do. [101] My second observation about urgency does not relate to any legal process but to the need for the complainants to receive considered advice on the imprudence of both entering into the unconditional settlement agreement with the vendors and com...

  3. MLC-MAC - Retention & disposal appraisal report [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...class are recommended for retention as public archives. Māori Land Court Retention and Disposal Schedule Appraisal Report 40 Records recommended for retention as public archives: Ref. no. Record type Description Disposal criteria 10.1 Requests and/or applications for derivation searches and confirmation of ownership of interests in Māori Land Requests and/or applications to the Court to research and confirm the ownership of interests in Māori land through a...

  4. Miller-Hard v Stewart [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...that are inclusive of GST, I do not need to make any further additions. Claim No 00765 – Miller-Hard page 33 of 60 6.10 Consultant’s Fees 6.10.1 The Owners are claiming an amount of $1,330.00 for fees paid to Mr Murphy for his inspection and report done in January 2004. 6.10.2 This fee is a part of the Owners’ costs associated with this adjudication. I will not consider it...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 016 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...watercourse is a permitted activity, provided: 27 - induce noticeable slumping, pugging or [100] 'Livestock' is defined in the plan as dairy cows, dairy support cattle, beef cattle, pigs and deer. The definition has not changed. [101] The Minister and Forest and Bird now also seek to extend that condition to sheep. The Council submits that this amendment is beyond the scope of submissions. [102] The submission of the Minister also sought to include new wording that ac...

  6. MacGregor v Craig [2016] NZHRRT 6 [pdf, 226 KB]

    ...someone who could not manage her personal finances and who, in the context of her sexual harassment claim, had acknowledged her own conduct had on occasion been inappropriate and in fact her allegation of sexual harassment had been “wrong”. [101] Mr Craig did not give Ms MacGregor advance warning the press conference would be held and she was at work when told by others it was being live-streamed. She watched some of it as it happened but after a while could not watch any more. She...

  7. [2023] NZEnvC 270 Port of Tauranga Limited [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...landscape. Tupuna Trust 28 Ms Gardiner, EIC 35 [100] The case for the Tupuna Trust focussed on the ancestral area of Te Awa o Tukorako and its support for Ngāti Kuku and Whareroa Marae.29 Trustees of the Whareroa Marae Trust [101] The Whareroa Marae Trust (WMT) administers the Whareroa Marae and Marae Reservation lands at Whareroa. The main hapū who affiliate to Whareroa Marae are Ngāti Kuku and Ngāi Tukairangi, however, we were told that all uri of Tauranga Moa...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2021 part 2 [pdf, 659 KB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2020 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2021 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2020 Part 2 15 February 2021 Page 1 of 150 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name of the first author record

  9. BSA Fine letter trials report Final Report [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ... 7 Hallsworth, M., List, J., Metcalfe, R., & Vlaev, I. (2017). The behavioralist as tax collector: using natural field experiments to enhance tax compliance. Journal of Public Economics, 148(C), 14–31. 8 Larkin et al, 2018. Op. cit. 9 The Behavioural Insights Team. (2016, 4 March). How Can a Letter Encourage Us to Pay Our Parking Fines? [blog]. Retrieved from: https:...

  10. Tidmarsh v Glover [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...owner’s then solicitors, Messrs Kelly Flavell, together with a copy of the Land Transfer dated March 1999 and a copy of Certificate of Title 115C/696 recording that the property was registered in the names of the Trustees as at 9 March 1999. [101] Under cover of a further letter dated 2 September 2005, Mr Woods provided two copies of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase dated 5 March 1999 (the Agreement). One document which I take to be the initial document prepared, records o...