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  1. Drozdzak v Accident Compensation Corporation (Work related gradual process) [2023] NZACC 157 [pdf, 442 KB]

    ...Games11. He agreed that young Olympic athletes in the study had higher than expected degeneration in their spines. Dr Robb said you can overtax the back in a variety of ways and he described the findings of this article as “quite scary”. [101] Dr Robb described this as a point in time study that does not give any background on the athletes. Dr Robb described the Wahlstrom study of a cohort of 288,926 Swedish construction workers as “very flawed” and said that a lot of con...

  2. Justice Sector prison population forecast 2015 to 2025 graphs [xlsx, 129 KB]

    ...Jan-19 1,806 2,289 6,867 7,025 8,673 9,314 Feb-19 1,949 2,485 6,916 7,047 8,865 9,532 Mar-19 1,957 2,517 6,964 7,066 8,920 9,583 Apr-19 1,828 2,357 6,955 7,026 8,782 9,384 May-19 1,819 2,402 7,038 7,083 8,857 9,485 Jun-19 1,848 2,492 7,016 7,101 8,864 9,594 Jul-19 1,782 2,503 7,090 7,208 8,872 9,711 Aug-19 1,790 2,469 7,127 7,256 8,917 9,726 Sep-19 1,744 2,466 7,130 7,319 8,875 9,785 Oct-19 1,778 2,339 7,102 7,287 8,880 9,625 Nov-19 1,725 2,222 7,118 7...

  3. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC revised evidence chief Bremner tracked [pdf, 908 KB]

    ...Wharves. The Proposal may maintain accessibility in the short term provided Mr Shumane’s recommendations can be implemented, but doubt remains as to the longer term scenario. The Proposal was not anticipated to enhance accessibility. 101. The Proposal was considered to be contrary to Objective 13.3.3 - Roading and its Policies 1, 2 and 6. The Proposal would convey an access right for some private vehicles through an area identified for passenger transport priorities. I r...

  4. Wright v Ngamoki-Cameron - Heretatua (manu on the Tītī Island of Taukihepa) [2015] Chief Judge's MB 108 (2015 CJ 108) [pdf, 475 KB]

    ...justify a rehearing. With reference to Te Purei: 38 (a) The judgment was not obtained by any unfair or improper practice; (b) No material evidence has been discovered by the applicant; and (c) No witness misconduct has been alleged. [101] Mr Ngamoki-Cameron alleges that a rehearing is necessary in order to avoid possible injustice to him and his whānau. He states that the miscarriage of justice is that he 38 Te Purei v T...

  5. Fisher v Potroz - Mohakatino Parininihi No 1C West 3A2 (2016) 361 Aotea MB 146 (361 AOT 146) [pdf, 552 KB]

    ...would affect only the equitable title, unless special provision was made elsewhere in the 1931 Act for registration of such an order. As confirmation by the Court was not required there would be no resulting order of the Court to be registered. [101] As the transfer in 1942 was not registered in accordance with s 38 of the Land Transfer Act 1915, no interest in the land could pass. The memorandum of transfer however, recognises the underlying contract for the transfer of the land...

  6. Recommendations Recap Issue 18 [pdf, 736 KB]

    ...While the effect of that Amendment has not (to my knowledge) been the subject of detailed analysis, I do note that the total crashes affecting 15 to 19-year-olds where alcohol was a factor increased from 102 in the 2014 to 134 in 2015, and from 101 in 2016 to 142 in 2017. An increase in the minimum purchasing age is justifiable by considering alcohol related harm in other contexts. For example, a 2014 study examining the period to 2011 found that the lowering of the minimu...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 053 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...and easy country,,100 in the larger Mackenzie Country comprising the Mackenzie Basin (within the Mackenzie District) and an area between the Ohau River and the south side of Omarama (within the Waitaki District). It provides for 64,342 hectares 101 to be developed. It continues 102: The ... development area includes about 26,000 ha of land which under our Vision and Strategy will be intensified whether by irrigation or by intensified dryland farming practices. Under mid-range assu...

  8. Standards of Care 2018 [pdf, 450 KB]

    ...evacuation is safe and effective but should be performed by trained operators with sufficient experience and caseloads to maintain their skills. The upper limit of surgical abortion is dependent on operator training, skill and experience. Standard 9.10.1 Cervical preparation is essential for second trimester surgical abortion. No regimen of cervical preparation has been shown to be more effective than another. Acceptable methods include pharmacologic (misoprostol or mifepristone) or...

  9. 7.-David-Hughes-Stormwater-Management.pdf [pdf, 24 MB]

    ...284.1 285.6 1.6 2000W X 2000H BOX CULVERT 3 71 1.9% 3.7 BOX CULVERT BEDDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS1597.1 2010 SWIMMERS EMBEDMENT (25% OF PIPE DIAMETER) HEADWALL AND DEBRIS RACK RIPRAP APRON 16 550 4A CU-08A 8670 3.8 0.2 0.5 297.8 300.6 2.8 900 Ø 1 101 5.7% 5.4 RCRRJ PIPE HS2 SUPPORT, CLASS 6 CLIMBERS EMBEDMENT (25% OF PIPE DIAMETER) HEADWALL (WW1050) RIPRAP APRON 4 125 4A CU-09 8740 10.7 1.0 2.2 296.8 302.6 5.8 1200 Ø 1 106 3.0% 7.3 RCRRJ PIPE HS2 SUPPORT, CLASS 6 CLIMBERS EMBEDMENT (25% O...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2020 Part 2 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2019 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2020 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2019 Part 2 19 February 2020 Page 1 of 149 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name