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  1. [2014] NZEmpC 188 The Warehouse Ltd v Harris [pdf, 501 KB]

    ...clearly irate customers whose mood had gone beyond irrationality and invective and had manifested itself in racial prejudice and hurtful gratuitous insult, not only about Ms Harris but about other staff and the management of the Kaikohe store. [101] A fair and reasonable employer could have both placated and assured the complaining customers and yet still have ensured the appearance of impartiality and open-mindedness required of it in determining whether Ms Harris was guilty of s...

  2. Appendix-2_James-Lambie_s87F-Report_Terrestrial-Ecology_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 756 KB]

    ...informal discussions with them while on site. Overall, I am of the opinion that the proposal to offset effects by restoring the hydrology and vegetation to Te Ripo o Hinemata would not be foreseeably achievable without Waka Kotahi’s involvement. 101. Both sites lie within the extent of Horizons’ Koputaroa Drainage Scheme. The drains within the sites do not appear to be scheme drains50 and I am of the view that hydrological and vegetation restoration can be achieved without com...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - Initiation Consultation and Consent [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...discretionary powers of the Maori Land Court interfere with owners’ aspirations, for which there is no empirical evidence, and that constraints on development that have been identified in the past by Maori are not included in the Crown’s reforms. 101 The first major review of Te Ture Whenua Maori took place in 1998, resulting eventually in amending legislation in 2002. In the Crown’s submission, reports that preceded the review and the 1998 consultation hui demonstrated seri...

  4. [2013] NZEmpC 155 Clark v Idea Services Ltd [pdf, 270 KB]

    ...future when, two weeks later, he advised the family that their son might need to move. The second concern that the defendant had was that the consultation required under its policy had taken place initially in writing rather than face to face. [101] Mr Clark explained that the possibility of a move was due to the complex needs of other service users so that any earlier indication that the Ls’ son would not need to be moved was no longer accurate. Mr Pine submitted that the defe...

  5. [2016] NZEnvC 051 Craddock Farms Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...Guidelines also mention that reference should be made to the regional plans, and to district plans, where specific amenity values for various land use zones may be defined. We refer to the plan provisions further when discussing separation distances. [101] In his opening Mr Savage argued that : ... the nature of the proposal is broadly consistent with what is contemplated by the District Plan to occur in the Rural Zone and is in fact occurring throughout the zone. However, the Counc...

  6. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Mark Poynter [pdf, 852 KB]

    ...will be minor subject to the multiple control mechanisms…’ 26 100. In her para 48 Dr Sivaguru acknowledges that sediments are not polluted and the dredging is unlikely to cause adverse toxicological or bioaccumulation effects. 101. In her para 50 she agrees that sediment related water quality effects (arising from the dredging) are likely to be no more than minor. 102. In relation to the NIWA modelling of antifoulants concentrations at Matiatia, Dr Sivaguru adopts...

  7. Retention and disposal appraisal report - Māori Land Court and Māori Appellate Court [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...class are recommended for retention as public archives. Māori Land Court Retention and Disposal Schedule Appraisal Report 39 Records recommended for retention as public archives: Ref. no. Record type Description Disposal criteria 10.1 Requests and/or applications for derivation searches and confirmation of ownership of interests in Māori Land Requests and/or applications to the Court to research and confirm the ownership of interests in Māori land through a P...

  8. LA - December 2011 to November 2012 criminal assignments by provider report [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Smith, Ken Auckland 51 4516 Smith, Lorraine Auckland 44 15968 Smith, Lucy Auckland 42 14172 Smith, Nicole Auckland 46 4844 Speed, Andrew Auckland 45 30322 Speir, Nathan Auckland 7 12478 Steedman, Alex Auckland 43 4676 Stewart, Ann Auckland 3 10151 Stringer, Greg Auckland 38 13154 Sutton, Jeremy Auckland 4 5154 Tait, Shane Auckland 49 16165 Tata, Iese Auckland 47 14181 TE Kanawa-Gwynne, Norman Auckland 47 4756 Thinn, Neil Auckland 6 16460 Thode, Sumudu Auckland 46 4843 Thomson, Ro...

  9. [2006] NZEmpC WC 13/06 Griffith v Sunbeam Corp Ltd [pdf, 179 KB]

    ...this letter, Sunbeam’s solicitors wrote to Mr Griffith’s solicitors asking that Mr Griffith obtain from Telecom a record of calls made from his home telephone on 12 September 2003. Mr Griffith’s solicitors agreed that he would do this. [101] On 6 May 2004, Mr Griffith’s solicitors sent a fax to Sunbeam’s solicitors attaching a handwritten note signed by Mr Griffith. This said: Time in receptionist’s letter 25/9/03 of 9.30am is incorrect. First telephone call to th...

  10. [2013] NZEmpC 234 Gazeley v Oceania Group (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 320 KB]

    ...COURT: You’re really casting the responsibility on others rather than her? Worried how others will react? THE WITNESS: I think if you’re a nurse or a professional sometimes you have to guard where you say things and who it is to. [101] It will be seen from this that Ms Sangster’s concern relates to the problem at Woodlands which has pervaded throughout this entire episode, relating to the antagonism and disaffection of some of the staff who remain in employment. Ms...