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  1. [2020] NZEnvC 025 Willis Bond Capital Partners No. 3 Limited [pdf, 914 KB]

    ...Request No. 415317 and the following plans all prepared by Athfield Architects Limited: • Site Plan, drawing no. RC 1.00-A, dated 16th July 2018 • Height Diagram - Baseline Scenario, dated 47th January 2019 • Ground Floor Plan, drawing no. RC 1.01-A, dated 16th July 2018 • Level 1 Floor Plan, drawing no. RC 1.02-A, dated 16th July 2018 • Level 2 Floor Plan, drawing no. RC 1.03-A, dated 16th July 2018 • Level 3 Floor Plan, drawing no. RC 1.04-A, dated 16th July 2018 • Leve...

  2. Ngā Rūnanga - EiC – S McIntyre - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [PDF, 902 KB]

    ...deemed permits in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the NPSFM and with the purpose of the RMA. I consider that the RPW is particularly deficient in respect to meeting the requirements of sections 6(e), 7(a) and 8 of the RMA. 101. I consider that PC7 is a necessary measure to ensure that the NPSFM can be implemented in a timely manner and in particular that Policy 11, requiring that over-allocation be phased out. The NPSFM gives a central role in freshwater mana...

  3. [2021] NZEmpC 169 Smiths City (Southern) Ltd (in receivership) v Claxton [pdf, 518 KB]

    ...prohibition includes competing with the employer directly or by working at the same time for a competitor. Competing for this purpose can in turn include hostile acts during the employment and preparation for competing after it has ended. … [101] Judge Travis found that the duty included precluding soliciting clients prior to departure and:7 …any other acts by the employer that involve an actual incompatibility in important respects that the employment relationship or a conf...

  4. [2023] NZEmpC 89 A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v Prisha’s Hospitality (2017) Ltd T/A Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant [pdf, 787 KB]

    ...amounts of cash withdrawn from Mr Sachdeva’s account, and there was no evidence of other monies being available to make premium payments. [100] I am not satisfied that a premium was paid by Mr Sachdeva to the defendants. Mr Singh [101] Mr Singh commenced employment with Prisha’s Royal Cambridge when it opened; he had been employed in the restaurant by the previous owner. This means he started working for Prisha’s Royal Cambridge on 11 December 2017. [102]...

  5. MOJ0047_JUL23_FINAL_V3-Tongan_WEB.pdf [pdf, 521 KB]

    ...tokoni lahi ange, ‘e lava ke tokoni atu ‘a e ngaahi kautaha ko ‘ení ‘i ha ngaahi founga kehekehe: ACC Ki ha tokoni fakapa‘anga kapau kuo pekia ha mēmipa ‘o e fāmilí pe kāingá meí ha fakatu‘utāmaki. Telefoni ta‘etotongi: 0800 101 996. Uepisaití: After a Suicide Ko ha sēvesi tokoni ‘i he ‘initanetí ‘oku fakahoko atu ‘e he Mental Health Foundation ma‘á e ngaahi fāmili mo e kāinga kuo...

  6. [2015] NZEmpC 7 Alatipi v CE of the Department of Corrections [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...Francis) was produced which recorded that Prisoner X and two other prisoners were taken to the medical unit after 10.00 am. The exact time is indecipherable but Mr De Groot accepted that the figure shown in the unit diary appeared to be "1015". Mr De Groot speculated that the time recorded in the unit diary may have been entered later. [33] Ms Chandler told the Court that it was approximately 9.45 am when Mr De Groot brought Prisoner X to the Health Unit. As Mr Francis...

  7. Legal aid criminal assignments by legal aid provider - December 2012 to November 201 [pdf, 491 KB]

    ...Trudi Christchurch 41 12483 Allan, Phillip Christchurch 41 14291 Bailey, Andrew Christchurch 12 6133 Bailey, Serina Christchurch 62 16131 Barrell, Michelle Christchurch 42 16446 Black, John Christchurch 61 10808 Bodle, Richard Christchurch 113 15101 Bradford, Paul Christchurch 43 9627 Bradley, Eymard Christchurch 90 6099 Brandts-Giesen, John Christchurch 51 6136 Buddicom, Ruth Christchurch 35 14095 Bulger, Liz Christchurch 44 6191 Bunce, David Christchurch 40 15054 Burnside, Roz...

  8. [2013] NZEmpC 71 Gilbert v Transfield Services (New Zealand) Ltd [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...positions filled by a range of employees as it the company’s case. Mr Gilbert’s position was specified in his employment agreement and, until classified by Transfield in 2009 as “field staff” had not previously been so categorised. [101] I find in favour of the plaintiff’s argument that the “position” filled by the employee in Mr Gilbert’s case was that of Inside Plant Technician and was not, as the company says, “field staff”. It follows that, categorising inc...

  9. RIA Terrorism Suppression Act part 2 [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...jurisdictions have a much higher penalty for planning or preparatory type offences. For example, the maximum penalty for planning or preparation to carry out a terrorist act in the United Kingdom (section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006) and Australia (section 101.6 of the Criminal Code Act 1995) is life imprisonment. Furthermore, in the United Kingdom and Australia, attempt to carry out an offence carries the same penalty as actually carrying out the offence. However, this is not comparable...

  10. BOAC v Auckland Council [2011] NZWHT Auckland 50-57 [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...engaged by Refdin and a generic set of specifications. The plans for both stages four and five show the exterior of the complex was to be covered with solid plaster over a 4.5 mm Hardibacker substrate. The Council issued building consent number T10111 pursuant to the stage four application on 13 October 1995. Construction began approximately October 1995. Stage four was completed by October 1996 and the Council issued a Code Compliance Certificate for building consent T10111 o...