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  1. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...practicable after the publication of the Annual Report. A full list of ACC's publications is available at 9 Contact ACC Corporate Office Justice Centre PO Box 242 Wellington 6140 Phone 0800 101 996 10 Accreditation Council Entry last updated on 15 May 2023 Governing statutes The Accreditation Council (the...

  2. December 2019 National Panui [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...20 NATIONAL PÄNUI - Hakihea / DECEMBER 2019 PÄNUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 100 3:00PM A20190008544 239/93, 338/93 Warren Gundry Pikiparia Marae Mäori Reservation - Replace Donna Morunga and Add Warren Gundry 101 3:00PM A20190008404 239/93 Brian McFarlane Ngä Uri O te Rata Herewaka Ahu Whenua Trust - Add Ramona McGaughey as Trustee Applications for Succession, Whänau Trust or Kaitiaki Trust to be heard in other Court Districts The following appli...

  3. E6 John Goodwin - Natural Character, Landscape and Visual Amenity - EIC - Applicant [PDF, 9 MB]

    ...southwest with foreground views over Wynyard Precinct. These residential views are considered to have a low sensitivity to change within the Proposal area due to distance and the existing context of the view. 10. VISUAL EFFECTS Introduction 10.1 Visual effects result from changes to specific views and the visual amenity experienced by people. The level of change must be considered in relation to the sensitivity of the viewing audience, when evaluating the significance of an ef...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 292 Allied Asphalt Limited [pdf, 866 KB]

    ...conditions during the test period, the testing method used and any assumptions made must be recorded. (e) Total particulate sampling results must be reported as a concentration expressed as milligrams per cubic metre adjusted to 0 degrees Celsius, 101.3 kilopascals, and on a dry gas basis, and as a mass emission rate expressed as kilograms per hour. “Total particulate” means all filterable particulate matter collected and measured using standardised stack testing methods Internati...

  5. E31 Second Planning JWS [pdf, 3 MB]

    ............................................... 9988 Management Plan Certification / Approval Process ................................................ 9988 Pre-construction Conditions ........................................................................ 1010910 Base Design - Buildings, Structures and Yard Area Design ............................. 1010910 Public Space Design .......................................................................................... 11111111 Roading Desi...

  6. ENV-2016-AKL-000207 Mason v Auckland Council [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    ( IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND IN THE MATTER AND IN THE MATTER AND IN THE MATTER BETWEEN AND ENV-2016-AKL- of the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010 (LGATPA) and the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) of an appeal under section 156( 1) of the LGATPA against a decision of the Auckland Council rejecting a recommendation of the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel (Hearings Panel) on the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (P

  7. MLC 2019 November National Pānui [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...- Application to the Chief Judge SNov1/4 10:30AM A20190003323 45/93 Lorna Broughton CJ 2019/7 - Piripi Tairawhiti Totorewa - and orders made at 86 Otorohanga MB 121 on 24 February 1964 - Application to the Chief Judge SNov1/5 11:00AM A20150004101 45/93 Wiremu Kingi Te Awe Awe, Rangi Kapiki Te Awe Awe CJ 2015/19 - Pipi Rakena or Pipi Te Awe Awe and a succession order made at 81 Otaki MB 265-266 on 6 November 1978 - Application to the Chief Judge SNov1/6 11:30AM A20110007360 45/93...

  8. Applicant's Revised Conditions 24 August 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Revised Conditions 24 August 2018 12 b) The base building footprint at ground / wharf level shall comply with the Building Footprint areas shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the Design Requirements in Annexure C on Beca Civil Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev C E in Annexure A; and c) The yard areas shall not extend beyond the Syndicate Base Boundary shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the Design Requirements in Annexure C on Beca Civil Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev C E in Annexure A. 2...

  9. March National Panui 2021 [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...Mokorina Whänau Trust - Vesting interests of Te Raina Walker in Hinauri Mead-Hetet and 6 others as trustees 100 12:00PM A20200011163 239/93 Tania Hughes Takamore Mäori Reservation - Replace Lillian Ruahine Ropata with Jordan Housiaux as trustee 101 12:10PM A20200016442 239/93 James Maxwell Scott, Mihi Maraea Murray Mairekarakanui Whänau Trust - Add Tui Rani Dunlop and 2 others as trustees 102 12:20PM A20200010762 239/93 John Te Arawai Ngahana-Hartley Ngahana Hartley Whänau Tru...

  10. Discussion paper - Re-evaluation of Human Rights protections [pdf, 534 KB]

    ...circumstances where the direction of each agency rests in large part with the relevant commissioners, and there is no overarching governance regime, there is little pressure or drive for strategic co- ordination and co-operation amongst the agencies. 101. Of a lesser order of significance, the inefficiencies and loss of effectiveness caused by fragmentation was commented on by many. A range of stakeholders mentioned duplication such as separate PABX systems, receptionists, annual reports, web...