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  1. Tauranga-Moana-Courthouse-Cabinet-paper_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...and spaces to accommodate other agencies and service providers .30 "This building and the services need to be designed to still be efficient in 20-30 yeors. It needs to be future-proof and flexible ." - Court staff 31 Business Needs 101. Courthouse design shou ld be flexible, and able to adapt to future demand, wo rk practices, and technology. The design will prioritise opportunities an d spaces to provide flex ibility for new and enhanced ways of working to del iver better...

  2. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 3 of 4 [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...used for diving; and 9.6. If you turn rocks over whilst searching for Kaimoana put them back the way you found them. 10. There were different rules for the fisherman. Not that I was a fisherwoman but even I knew the rules for that, like: 10.1. No gutting of fish on the beach; 10.2. The rods give way to the Reti board; and 10.3. All fish caught is to be released or taken away off the beach when you leave. 4 8.2. Near the Mohaka river mouth was not a place for kids. The rive...

  3. MLC 2017 08 National-Panui [pdf, 297 KB]

    ...Chief Judge C L Fox Presiding Applications for Hearing PANUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 1 10:00AM A20160005860 118/93 Rewai Jan Haenga Jnr Riwai Haenga also known as Rewai Jan Haenga Snr - Succession 2 10:02AM A20170001018 117/93 Matariki White Te Whänaupani McClutchie also known as Whänaupani McClutchie - Succession 3 10:05AM A20170001073 118 & 18(1) (a)/93 George Munro, Sarah Munro Putiputi Munro also known as Putiputi Taylor - Succession a...

  4. Court-imposed fines: survey of Judges [pdf, 509 KB]

    Court-imposed fines: A survey of Judges Wendy Searle July 2003 ii First published in July 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 0-478-20177-x iii Foreword Fines are the most widely imposed penalty in the New Zealand courts. For many minor offences, and in particular traffic offences, a fine is the only available option. In 2001, 33% of all charges resulting in a conviction had a fine imposed as one of the s

  5. Waitangi Tribunal theme I - Māori and rating law [pdf, 549 KB]

    ...impressing on gentlemen who represent the native race in this House that, if they come here and claim to be put on the same footing as regards political rights and privileges as their European fellow-subjects, they must also bear the same burdens . . .101 The comments of Henry Fish, the member for Dunedin South, were perhaps representative of the majority view: As to Native lands I cannot see why they should be exempted from rates. Surely they should pay something to the State for the benefit...

  6. National-Panui-September-2021 [pdf, 376 KB]

    ...Palmerston North | Ministry of Justice, District Court, Courtroom 6, 486 Main Street, Palmerston North Thursday 23 September 2021 | Judge M J Doogan Presiding Applications for Hearing PÄNUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 101 10:00AM A20210007959 118/93 Welda Ana Fraser Kevin John Komene also known as Rangitaimai Waho Komene or Tai Komene - Succession 102 10:05AM A20210007894 118/93 Quentin Derek Tawhiti Rachel Jean Tawhiti also known as Rachel Jean Lumsden -...

  7. Evaluation of Rotorua Second Chance community-managed restorative justice programme [pdf, 544 KB]

    ...Appendix 1: Reconviction analysis 71 Appendix 2: Key stakeholders’ interview schedule 77 Appendix 3: Invitation to participants 81 Appendix 4: Consent form 83 Appendix 5: Interview schedule – victims 85 Appendix 6: Interview schedule – offenders 101 9 Tables Table 2.1 Demographic characteristics of those offenders referred to the programme: percentages 21 Table 3.1 Time between the current offence and the most recent past offence for Rotorua participants an...

  8. August 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...A20160003861 164/93 Ian Winston Phillips Kakiraawa 2B2R2B2B1 & Kakiraawa 2B2R2B2B2 - Transfer of shares from Ian Winston Phillips to Cole Philips 36 11:40AM A20160003862 135/93 Ian Winston Phillips, Cole Sylvan Kakiraawa 2B2R2B2B1 Property No 101099 - Change from Mäori freehold land to General land 37 11:50AM A20160003867 151/93 Wero Karena, Douglas Whitfi eld Omahu 4C Section 6 - Confi rmation of a alienation by way of sale to Wero Karena 38 12:00PM A20160003392 239/93 Jam...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 006 The Wellington Co. Ltd v Save Erskine College Trust [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Foundations and Retaining Walls Carry out geotechnical investigations as part of Stage 2 scope. Carry out slope stability analysis part of Stage 2 scope. [100] The April 2013 report had been written after a visual inspection of both buildings. [101] Subsequent to that time Mr Toh presented the recommendations in the report to WCC and SECT, and assisted SECT in preparing an application to have the detailed seismic assessment funded by Lottery Grants New Zealand (we were told in other...

  10. Evaluation of early outcomes of Te Kooti Rangatahi/Rangatahi Court [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    .............................................................................................. 99 References ........................................................................................................................................................... 101 EVALUATION OF NGĀ KOOTI RANGATAHI Final Report 6 Glossary of Terms Ahua Shape; appearance Ahuatanga Māori Māori characteristic/trait Awhi Embrace/support Hapū Sub-tribe Hara Wrong; offence Hong...