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  1. Pokere v Bodger - Ōuri 1A3 (2022) 459 Aotea MB 210 (459 AOT 210) [pdf, 585 KB]

    ...ngā kaitaratī e whakatūngia ana ki maru o te Wāhanga 12 o te Ture 1993, ahakoa rā tērā e āta kitea ana aua takohanga ki te kawenata o te taratī, kāore rānei. Nō reira, he aha rawa aua takohanga? Ko ngā takohanga ki tikanga [101] Ki te ture whānui, ka kaha rerekē ngā momo takohanga ki ngā kaitaratī. Ka whānui ngā rerekētanga o ngā tikanga ki ngā arataki me ngā kawe i roto i te ao Māori, engari ū tonu ana te takenga mai o ngā mātāpono me ngā...

  2. December 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 317 KB]

    ...A20160004933 18(1)(a)/93 Tamatea Paul Toha Ruth Paul - Determination of a life interest 100 A20160005997 113 & 118(6)/93 Gloria Koia Lucy Reuben or Te Rahikohiko Reuben or Te Rahikohiko Meroiti or Mrs Dick - Succession (further interests) 101 A20160005621 239/93 Wiremu Haunui Te Hurike Trust - Replace Dan McCormack as a trustee as he is deceased with Kevin James Haunui 102 A20160005624 87/93 Wiremu Haunui Te Hurike Trust - Amendment of name of trustee from Raniera Rewiri to Dan...

  3. MLC March 2020 National Panui [pdf, 492 KB]

    ...Gibson - Succession 82 11:00AM A20190009851 118/93 Moses In the Flood Taylor Polly McRoberts also known as Pare McRoberts - Succession 83 11:10AM A20180004442 113/93, 118/93 Donald Ivan Stevens Barrie John Stevens - Succession 84 11:20AM A20190010117 113/93, 220/93 Paul Pohio Taurima Tonga Allan Kingi - Succession and vest interests 85 11:30AM A20190010258 220/93 Paul Taurima Allie and Queenie Whänau Trust - Vest interests 86 11:40AM A20190010115 118/93, 214/93 Paul Pohio...

  4. Joanne Barbara Noble - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...organisations, which represent approximately 25% of all submitters. This is a significantly higher proportion of tangata whenua submitters than reported for other recent district and regional plan processes (were the proportion is between 0 and 10%)1. 17. Public hearings were held over 10 days during March to May 2015. The Council publicly notified its ·decisions on the Proposed Coastal Plan provisions and matters raised in submissions on 1 September 2015. Sixteen appeals were subs...

  5. MLC 2019 June National Panui [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...Tai - Succession 99 2:00PM A20180007198 113/93, 118/93 Tame Te Tai Merita Monica Tetai Rini or Merita Monica Mapa Rini Te Tai - Succession 100 2:00PM A20190003122 113/93, 118/93 Kezia Te Tai George Raymond Te Tai or Hori Te Tai - Succession 101 2:00PM A20190003126 214/93 Thomas Te Tai Nga Uri O Tane me Merita Te Tai Whänau Trust - Constitute a whänau trust 102 2:00PM A20190003124 113/93, 118/93 Adelaide Tito Cecilia Theresa Stirling or Celia Sterling or Cecilia Te Tai - Succes...

  6. MLC 2019 April National Panui [pdf, 360 KB]

    ...238/93 William Rudolph, Myra Harrison Te Pupuke C1B2 Mäori Reservation - Enforcment of obligations of trust TAITOKERAU continued Paenga-Whäwhä / APRIL 2019 - NATIONAL PÄNUI 23 PÄNUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 101 2:00PM A20180007045 18(1)(a)/93 Louis Brown Motukaraka West A1A1 - Determination of ownership 102 3:00PM A20180009392 240/93 Rawinia Mano Te Aroha Law, Maraea Wynyard Manawakore C1 & D (Pa Te Aroha Marae) - Remove Charlie Waata, Ia...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...face, the designation does not include conditions. That is consistent with the notice of requirement that instigated its rollover into the existing plan. It makes sense on that basis and we reject Save Wanaka's purposive interpretation. [101] We acknowledge that the RMP refers to the designation's conditions applying. However, the RMP is not an instrument that can be validly read into a RMA designation or to modify that designation. [102] Therefore, we find that Designat...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 006 The Wellington Co. Ltd v Save Erskine College Trust [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Foundations and Retaining Walls Carry out geotechnical investigations as part of Stage 2 scope. Carry out slope stability analysis part of Stage 2 scope. [100] The April 2013 report had been written after a visual inspection of both buildings. [101] Subsequent to that time Mr Toh presented the recommendations in the report to WCC and SECT, and assisted SECT in preparing an application to have the detailed seismic assessment funded by Lottery Grants New Zealand (we were told in other...

  9. National Panui May 2021 [pdf, 531 KB]

    ...other blocks - Constitute the Allan Robinson Whänau Trust 100 11:30AM A20210004370 118/93 Raymond Wharangi Renata, Shona Aroha Haua (Nee Renata) Donald Raymond Renata also known as Tauna Renata or Tauna Hatata or Don Hatata - Succession 101 11:30AM A20210004372 164/93 Lorraine Renata Okere 1B 2B and other blocks - Transfer of shares from Lorraine Renata also known as Lorraine Rutene to Raymond Wharangi Renata 102 11:40AM A20170006593 231/93 Manurere Clark Omaio 20 Trust - Revie...

  10. 2020-10-12-Key-Issues-Report-9-October-2020-Appendices.pdf [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...39 RMLR: Funding and Accountability Mechanisms for Conversion of Mining Privileges, POL(90) 81, 10 April 1990. 40 Peter Farley, Irrigation Scheming, A History of Government Irrigation in New Zealand, Peter Farley, 2013, p 101. 54 the Government was interested in buying-back the privileges to protect the rivers of Central Otago. Cabinet noted that ‘water and soil