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4482 items matching your search terms

  1. ASC supplementary 2011 annual report [pdf, 809 KB]

    ...Abortion by Procedure .................................................................................. 19 Contraception ................................................................................................................... 20 Table 10.1 - Induced Abortion by Contraception Used ................................................................ 20 Graph 10.2 - Percentage of Abortions by Contraception Used .................................................... 20 E.28 3...

  2. People discharged without conviction June 2018 [xlsx, 283 KB]

    ...related offences 428 364 267 238 166 140 161 156 150 142 09: Fraud, deception and related offences 92 97 74 62 63 57 89 72 68 75 10: Illicit drug offences 165 178 127 129 136 74 114 90 113 103 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 101 77 76 78 64 38 59 65 40 37 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 267 261 201 178 163 117 118 137 102 122 13: Public order offences 690 540 325 155 125 86 61 57 71 51 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 406 387 354 342...

  3. NZCVS Key Results 2024 Cycle-7 [pdf, 7.1 MB]

    ...284 282 292 266 269 295 All count values are in 1000s. Counts are number of adults All prevalence rates are proportion of adults 44 Year Estimate Offence Type 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Violent offences Rate 10.1 10.0 9.8 10.2 13.1 10.5 9.5 Count 401 403 404 409 543 449 415 Threats and damages Rate 7.8 6.5 7.2 8.0 13.6 6.2 8.4 Count 308 262 298 321 564 263 367 Interpersonal violence Rate 17.9 16.6 17.0 18.2...

  4. Nicholas - Poike 8E (2018) 162 Waikato Maniapoto 90 (162 WMN 90) [pdf, 456 KB]

    ...the establishment of an ahu whenua trust. 1 Computer Freehold Register 445070. 2 These background matters are covered in the decision of Judge Milroy The Māori Trustee – Poike 8E Block (2015) 101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 286 (101 WMN 286). 3 91 Waikato Maniapoto MB 53-70 (91 WMN 53-70) at 67-68. 162 Waikato Maniapoto MB 92 [8] At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Milroy indicated that she intended to make orders constituting a...

  5. LCRO 96/2017 AA v BB (29 November 2019) [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...settlement of the sale of the property, Mr AA had contravened the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules), rr 10 (promote and maintain proper standards of professionalism in a lawyer’s dealings), 10.1 (treat other lawyers with respect and courtesy), 11 (adhere to duties to the court and clients, preserve the reputation of the legal profession), and 3 (act competently). (b) Relatedly, whether Mr AA had a duty to inform Ms CC that settl...

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 182 The Rise Ltd v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 3.9 MB] to the east of Lot 10, with the consequence that Lot 2 becomes 8547 m2 in size; (d) an amendment to the proposed road formation consequent on the reduction in lot numbers, resulting in the removal of proposed centreline planting within Lot 101 to the east of the intersection with Lot 102 because the reduced number of lots require a lesser formed carriageway width; (e) a small realignment to the boundary between Stage 1 and Stage 2 to incorporate the relocated Lot 3 within Sta...

  7. Legal Complaints Review Officer v Hong [2013] NZLCDT 9 [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...Rule 2.2 CCCR, by Mr Hong obstructing, preventing, or defeating the course of justice; (c) Rule 2.7 CCCR, by Mr Hong making threats to fellow lawyers that he would make allegations against them for an improper purpose; (d) Rules 10 and 10.1 CCCR, by Mr Hong failing to promote and maintain proper standards of professionalism and by treating fellow lawyers with disrespect and discourtesy; (e) Rule 10.2 CCCR, as a consequence of Mr Hong threatening to engage in conduct whi...

  8. NZCASS 2014 Data items variables list [xls, 373 KB]

    ...excluding respondent 1 to 97. Single number from 1 to 97 persons 98. Don't know 99. Refused Household with 2 or more usual adults (NUMUSRES - NUMCHILD > = 2) Q152 Main LIVE_HW Whether live with legal husband / wife 1. Yes 0. No All persons Q148_101_1 Main LIVE_CUO Whether live with opposite-sex legally registered civil union partner 1. Yes 0. No All persons Q148_101_2 Main LIVE_CUS Whether live with same-sex legally registered civil union partner 1. Yes 0. No All persons Q148_1...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 171 Public and Population Health Unit of the Northland District Health Board v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 546 KB]

    ...the risk of spray drift (for boom or blast spraying release should be no higher than 1m below the top of the shelter to prevent spray drift) • Spray quality • Sensitivity of receivers • Toxicity of spray 2 Refer to Appendix H.X H.10.1 for measurement of wind speed requirements. Aerial spraying – assessed risk 0-1 m/s Any wind direction (not inversion conditions) There is a buffer distance on all boundaries of the target application area of at l...

  10. [2008] NZEmpC AC 14/08 Board of Trustees of Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake O Tawhiuau v Edmonds [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...reasonable steps to make, the employer or a representative of the employer aware that the employee alleges a personal grievance that the employee wants the employer to address. [my emphasis] … [30] The interpretation of those tests is affected by s101 setting out the objective to Part 9 of the Act that deals with personal grievances. The object is said to include: (a) to recognise that, in resolving employment relationship problems, access to both information and mediation servic...