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  1. Coronial-Factsheet-Simplified-Chinese.pdf [pdf, 544 KB]

    ...理将能够更详细地解释此过程。 在调查完成之前(无论该过程需要多长时间)个案经理都 将作为持续的联系人提供服务。 可获得的支持 ACC如果家人或家庭成员死于事故,可提供经济支持。免 费电话:0800 101 996。 网站 support-after-death After a Suicide心理健康基金会为受自杀影响的家庭和亲 朋提供在线支持服务。 网站 出...

  2. LCRO 113/2024 TD v PW (25 September 2024) [pdf, 143 KB]

    ...complicated and convoluted factual context. [51] Ms PW complained that Mr TD had been discourteous to her in correspondence he had forwarded to her on 10 February 2021. Ms PW identified the conduct rule she considered had been breached by Mr TD (r 10.1 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008). [52] On 20 May 2024, Mr TD wrote to the Complaints Service concerning the complaint filed by Ms PW. [53] In that correspondence he referenced the c...

  3. FV General Affidavit Form [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...PAGE 5General AffidavitV1 June 2019 [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] Exhibits referred to on this page (by assigned letter e.g. “A”) Initials: PAGE 6General AffidavitV1 June 201...

  4. Wanaka and Hawea Lakes Report Card [pdf, 281 KB]

    ...Rivers Nitrogen (NNN mg/l) Ammonium (NH4-N mg/l) Dissolved phosphorus (DRP mg/l) Bacteria E. coli (cfu/100ml) Turbidity NTU Matukituki West Wanaka 0.080 0.010 0.004 24 1.79 Clutha River at Luggate Bridge 0.043 0.004 0.001 5.2 1.01 Water Plan limit 0.075 0.01 0.005 50 3.0 Lakes Nitrogen (TN mg/l) Ammonium (NH4-N mg/l) Phosphorus (TP mg/l) Bacteria E. coli (cfu/100ml) Turbidity NTU Lake Wanaka Open Water 10m 0.06 0.003 0.002 1 0.8...

  5. 2021-11-17 ORC PC7 - [2021] NZEnvC 179 - Final Decision [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...consents for activities that have not been previously authorised. This means, Policy 10A.2.2 applies without amendment to its ‘Deep Stream’ application for resource consent. Decision [7] With those changes made, pursuant to s 149U(6) and cl 10(1) to (3) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the court’s decision on Plan Change 7 is to amend it as set out in ‘Annexure: Final Plan Change 7 Provisions’ attached to and forming part of this decision. [8] Costs...

  6. ENVC Matiatia party corresp RPMay15 memorandum of counsel [pdf, 53 KB]

    ...December 2014 Plan Figure 140 Figure 100 Figure 141 Figure 103 Figure 142 Figure 104 Figure 143 (new) N/A Figure 144 (new) N/A Figure 145 (new) N/A Figure 146 (new) N/A Figure 147 (new) N/A Figure 148 Figure 105 Figure 149 Figure 101 Figure 150 Figure 107 Figure 151 Figure 106 Figure 152 Figure 110 Figure 153 Figure 108 Figure 154 Figure 109 Visual Simulations 7. The updated visual simulations are as follows: 22 May 2015 Updated Visual 15 December 2014 Vis...

  7. Sax v Triathlon Tauranga Inc (Strike-Out) [2022] NZHRRT 35 [pdf, 91 KB]

    ...SHOULD THE CLAIM BE STRUCK OUT? [9] It is to be inferred from Ms Sax’s failure to take any steps on this claim since November 2015 that she no longer intends to progress this proceeding. [10] This is evident also from her failure to: [10.1] Respond to emails sent to her in January and April 2016 regarding the scheduling of a teleconference: or [10.2] Advise the Tribunal in accordance with the most recent Minute dated 6 July 2022 that she wished to continue the proceeding....

  8. OIA-Law Society [pdf, 154 KB]

    ...section 94 of the Act to develop rules for the conduct of practice by lawyers. These rules (and any changes to them) must be approved by the Minister of Justice who, when granting approval, must have regard to various matters set out in section 101 of the Act. The Law Society is required to present the Minister with a report on the exercise of its regulatory functions and powers annually which must be tabled in Parliament. You have requested information on enforcing compliance of...

  9. 20241210 Maori Purposes Bill [pdf, 199 KB]

    ...standards or practices for requiring information or prescribing the manner in which information is to be provided. 1 See, for example, Slaight Communications v Davidson 59 DLR (4th) 416; Wooley v Maynard 430 US 705 (1977). 2 See clauses 10(1), 16(1), 34(4), 64, 111(5), and 111(18) of the Bill. 3 See clauses 21(1), 67, 111(12), 111(14), 125(10) of the Bill. 4 Hansen v R [2007] NZSC 7, [2007] 3 NZLR 1. Conclusion 12. We have concluded that the Bill appears to be cons...

  10. NZCVS 2024 Questionnaire Cycle 7 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...check, is 2 your answer?”, as two is the minimum incident group size possible. NEW ZEALAND CRIME AND VICTIMS SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 2023–24 (YEAR 7) 4 • All screener frequencies have a range of 1–99 incidents. • For questions VS1.01–VS8.01 and VS13.01, if the question includes an interviewer prompt containing a tool tip, do not display this prompt on the respondent’s screen in VIP. Electronic showcard conventions: • Respondents are given a tablet whi...