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  1. [2018] NZEmpC 65 Wendco (NZ) Ltd v Unite Inc [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...caught by s 99(3) of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (the Act). For interim purposes, and for three reasons, I do not consider the claim is statute-barred. [5] First, Parliament has intentionally distinguished in each of ss 99(1), 99(2) and ss 101 and 102 of the Act, between strikes and lockouts on the one hand, and picketing, and in the case of ss 100(1) and (2) threatened picketing, on the other. In s 99(3), the bar on proceedings is restricted to one only of these categorie...

  2. 227/2016 OV Letter to QR [pdf, 84 KB]

    ...[Address] Dear Mr QR, LCRO 222/2016 TT v TR LCRO 227/2016 QR and YL v TR In the review teleconference yesterday morning, I indicated I would address the jurisdictional issue raised by you on behalf of yourself and Ms YL. At para 10.1 (c) of your submissions you state: “Failing to comply with an order of the LCRO is not a breach of the Act …”. Section 132(c) clearly provides that a complaint may be made about a lawyer who fails to comply within a reasonable time...

  3. Guidelines - Hearing process [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...practicable after the appeal hearing has concluded.11 The signed and sealed decision is the final and conclusive determination of the Authority. 5 Social Security Act 2018, sch 8, cl 10(1). 6 Social Security Act 2018, sch 8, cl 10(3). 7 Social Security Act 2018, sch 8, cl 12. 8 Social Security Act 2018, sch 8, cl 9(2). 9 Social Security Act 2018, sch 8, cl 9(3)-(4). 10 Social Security Regulations 2018, reg 254. 11 Social...

  4. 11-June-2024-Tasman-District-Council-v-Schaeffner.pdf [pdf, 189 KB] be a sitting of the Environment Court as detailed below to hear the proceedings listed in the attached schedule. The details for these proceedings are as follows COMMENCING: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM VENUE: Court Room 1.01, District Court 200 Bridge Street Nelson Ph: 0800 268 787 Scheduling Fee: $350 Scheduling Fee Due: 04 June 2024 Time Allocated: 2 days Estimated Hearing Fee: $1050 Hearing Fee Due: 04 June 2024 The schedulin...

  5. Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated 196 [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...Dated: 7 October 2016 To: SECTION 274 NOTICE The Registrar Environment Court PO Box 7147 Wellesley Street AUCKLAND 101 1. The Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated (‘Forest & Bird’) wish to be a party to the following proceedings being an appeal regarding the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (“Unitary Plan”)...

  6. Coronial-Factsheet-Traditional-Chinese.pdf [pdf, 503 KB]

    ...詳細地解釋此過程。 在調查完成之前(無論該過程需要多長時間)個案經理都將 作為持續的聯繫人提供服務。 可獲得的支持 ACC如果家庭或家族成員死於意外事故,可提供經濟支持。 免費電話:0800 101 996。 網站 support-after-death After a Suicide心理健康基金會為受自殺影響的家庭和家族 提供線上支持服務。 網站 出生、死...

  7. Green v New Zealand Police (Continuation of Interim Name Suppression) [2019] NZHRRT 30 [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...the substantive proceeding at which time the Tribunal will make a final determination in respect of permanent name suppression 3 INTERIM ORDERS [10] The following orders are made pursuant to ss 95 and 107 of the Human Rights Act 1993: [10.1] Publication of the name and of any other details which could lead to the identification of the plaintiff in these proceedings is prohibited pending further order of a Chairperson or of the Tribunal. [10.2] Publication of the name and a...

  8. Pratt v Opel Security and Police [2012] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 38 KB]

    ...continue without them being refiled. [9] In the result all parties are in agreement that the Tribunal should refer this matter to the Human Rights Commission for mediation. Directions [10] In the circumstances the following directions are made: [10.1] Pursuant to s 92D(1)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1993 the complaint by Mr Pratt is referred back to the Human Rights Commission for mediation. [10.2] So that the proceedings are not left in abeyance indefinitely the Secretary is to ar...

  9. Far North District Council v Maihi – Maungakawakawa 5G (2013) 52 Taitokerau MB 138 (52 TTK 138) [pdf, 132 KB]

    ...success. The Council filed a further affidavit 52 Taitokerau MB 142 at my direction from Rosanna Allen, who is the Council’s Acting Rates Team Leader, which explained the rates invoiced in the 2005-2006 financial year. [13] In terms of s 101(1) of the 2002 Act I must be satisfied that the rates are payable and have been unpaid for more than six months before I can issue a charging order under s 99: 101 Powers of Māori Land Court to make charging order (1) If the Mā...

  10. Gay and Lesbian Clergy Anti-Discrimination Society Inc v Bishop of Auckland (Non-Party Access by TVNZ to Tribunal File) [2013] NZHRRT 17 [pdf, 37 KB]

    ...undertaking that all suppression orders will be complied with. [9] The terms on which the application is granted follow below. Directions [10] The application by TVNZ for access to the Tribunal file is granted subject to the following conditions: [10.1] Access by TVNZ must not interfere with or impede access to the file by the Tribunal itself. [10.2] All non-publication orders must be strictly adhered to unless or until such orders are rescinded. [10.3] Access is not granted t...