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4502 items matching your search terms

  1. Collections closing outstanding balance December 2023 [xlsx, 50 KB]

    ...2022. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Impositions $ 251,169,391 $ 253,058,415 $ 270,393,296 $ 248,947,593 $ 240,435,664 $ 241,074,805 $ 227,495,524 $ 250,865,515 $ 221,078,522 $ 190,437,074 $ 187,101,875 $ 227,922,052 Receipts $ 224,939,414 $ 220,535,932 $ 216,174,000 $ 200,974,418 $ 184,772,265 $ 186,633,813 $ 185,015,765 $ 204,888,446 $ 202,899,288 $ 184,613,937 $ 169,502,168 $ 188,793,177 Under arrangement $...

  2. Wallis & Anor as Trustees of The Seaview Trust v Wet-Seal NZ Ltd [pdf, 117 KB]

    CLAIM NO: TRI-2007-101-14 UNDER the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 IN THE MATTER of an adjudication BETWEEN David Edmund Norman Wallis and Andrew John Dexter Guest as Trustees of The Seaview Trust Claimants AND Wet-Seal NZ Ltd First Respondent AND Murray Searle Second Respondent AND Mark Spiekerman Fourth Respondent DECISION DATED 21st August 2007 Parties 1...

  3. Employment-Court-cases-scheduled-for-15-February-2023-3-March-2023-v4.pdf [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...relevant Court Registry. THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA HEARINGS IN OPEN COURT OR VIA REMOTE PARTICIPATION* 15 February 2023 – 3 March 2023 LOCATION DATE JUDGE(S) CASE REPRESENTATION Courtroom 1.01, Nelson High & District Court, 200 Bridge Street, Nelson Monday 13 February 2023 9:30am Tuesday 14 February 2023 9:30am Wednesday 15 February 2023 9:30am Thursday 16 February 2023 9:30am Judge S...

  4. [2023] NZEmpC 161 Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand v CultureSafe NZ Ltd (in liq) [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...right to bring civil proceedings against the Crown in the same way as civil proceedings between individuals. [13] The pleading goes on to refer to certain provisions of the Judicial Review Procedure Act 2016 (the JRP Act). Reference is made to s 10(1) of that Act which provides that a respondent to an application must file a statement of defence unless otherwise directed by a Judge under s 14. Section 14 includes, as one of the orders or directions which a Judge may make, a direc...

  5. INZ v Soni [2018] NZIACDT 14 (15 May 2018) [pdf, 135 KB]

    ...considering the adviser’s admission that he had breached his professional obligations in that respect. [9] Accordingly, I affirm the decision issued and the sanctions imposed in it. Decision [10] The Tribunal confirms its decision that Mr Soni is: [10.1] censured; and [10.2] required to pay a penalty of $1,000. DATED at WELLINGTON this 15th day of May 2018 ___________________ G D Pearson Chair

  6. Copy of NZCVS Cycle2 Infographic Victimisation of Young Adults Data Tables fin 20210111 [xlsx, 66 KB]

    ...Percentage of adults who were victimised once or more Prevalence rate (Interpersonal violence offences) Percentage of adults who were victimised once or more % MoE (±) % MoE (±) % MoE (±) Rate per 100 RSE (%) New Zealand average 29.93 1.01 20.19 0.68 14.79 0.82 7.34 0.61 Age 15–19 Years 33.12 4.70 21.71 3.28 19.68 3.40 * 14.28 3.44 ‡ * 20–29 years 38.52 3.04 * 27.39 2.06 * 19.84 2.32 * 13.24 1.87 * 30–39 years 31.15 2.24...

  7. Minister of Māori Development - Otaramuturangi or Otara o Mutu Rangi (Burial Ground) (2017) 163 Waiariki MB 246 (163 WAR 246) [pdf, 304 KB]

    ...spiritual or emotional association with the Maori people or any group or section thereof, be set aside as a Maori reservation under section 338 of this Act, 9 [2017] Chief Judge’s MB 101-104 (2017 CJ 101-104) at [3]

  8. Family Court review: case file sample [pdf, 373 KB]

    ...Percent Matter requiring consideration of legal issue/s 48 55% Tenancy/Occupation 20 23% Determination of value/division/sale of property/assets 19 22% Settled and/or consent memorandum filed 7 8% Main issue not stated 7 8% Total 101** *** **Each file may have multiple responses. ***Percentages relate to the number of relevant files where each issue was identified. Whether proposed % split of property included in application Count Percent Court required to de...

  9. Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...a. does the legislation draw a distinction on one of the prohibited grounds of discrimination under section 21 of the Human Rights Act; and, if so b. does the distinction involve disadvantage to one or more classes of individuals? 10. Clause 10(1) provides that the board of Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media (the Board) consists of six to nine members. At least two Board members must be appointed who, in the opinion of the Minister of Finance (after consulting with the Minister for...

  10. 14 November 2022 Ngati Kuku Hapu v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 235 KB]

    ... SCHEDULE OF PROCEEDINGS An appeal against the decision to grant consent to Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd for a controlled activity being coastal occupation permit , marina and breakwater adjacent to 101 Awhanui Drive Tauranga. ENV-2021-339-000004 Ngati Kuku Hapu v Bay of Plenty Regional Council Applicant: Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd Appeal Against Decision Of Consent Authority pursuant to Section 120...