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Search results for 101.

4502 items matching your search terms

  1. Maunsell - Te Paroa Lands Trust (2003) 101 Whakatāne MB 35 (101 WHK 35) [pdf, 372 KB]

    IN THE MAoRI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT Place: Present: Date: Application No: Rotorua L R Harvey Judge 22 December 2003 A20030006051 :NIinute Book: 101 WHK 35 Subject: Rangitaiki 28B1A2 & Other Blocks (Te Paroa bands Trust) - Replacement of Trustees Section: 239/93 RESERVED DECISION Introduction On 11 December 2003, application 'was made by Wiremu Maunsell pursuant to s239 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act -t 993 ('1he Act") for the ap...

  2. The Māori Trustee - Poike 8E (2015) 101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 286 (101 WMN 286) [pdf, 272 KB]

    101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 286 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIKATO MANIAPOTO DISTRICT A20140003631 A20140003632 A20140003633 A20140003634 UNDER Sections 18(1)(a), 183, 185 and 242, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Poike 8E Block THE MĀORI TRUSTEE Applicant Hearing: 21 March 2014 (74 Waikato Maniapoto MB 82-86 and 259-276) 20 May 2014 (78 Waikato Maniapoto MB 239-279) 9 October 2014 (88 Waikato Maniapoto...

  3. Waaka v Harrison - Poike 14 (Waimapu Marae) (2015) 101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 216 (101 WMN 216) [pdf, 255 KB]

    101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 216 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIKATO MANIAPOTO DISTRICT A20140012420 UNDER Sections 238 and 240, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and Regulation 21, Māori Reservations Regulations 1994 IN THE MATTER OF POIKE 14 BLOCK - WAIMAPU MARAE BETWEEN LANCE WAAKA Applicant AND JANICE HARRISON, CARLO HARRISON AND HELEN ERENA RIRINUI Respondents Hearing: 1 December 2014 (90 Waikato Maniapoto MB 171-18...

  4. Jenkins v Matauri X Incorporation - Matauri X Incorporation (2005) 101 Whangārei MB 100 (101 WH 100) [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    IN THE MAORI LAND COURT TAITOKERAU DISTRICT Introduction MB Ref: 101 WH 100·122 IN THE MAHER OF An Application pursuant to s.2,s.17(2) & s.280 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 by Marcellus Jenkins on behalf of the Hazel Jackson Whanau Trust Applicants AND IN THE MAHER OF INTERIM DECISION The Matauri X Incorooration Respondents. On 30 August 2002, Marcellus Jenkins filed an application (subsequently amended on 19 May 2003) on behalf of the Hazel Jackson Whanau Tr...

  5. Manning v Waitutu Inc - Waitutu Inc (2023) 80 Te Waipounamu MB 101 (80 TWP 101) [pdf, 271 KB]

    80 Te Waipounamu MB 101 Manning v Waitutu Incorporation - Waitutu Incorporation (2023) 80 Te Waipounamu MB 101 (80 TWP 101) WĀHANGA Under Section 280, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Waitutu Incorporation I WAENGA I A Between RICHARD MANNING Te Kaitono Tuatahi First Applicant DIANE HOLLOWAY Te Kaitono Tuarua Second Applicant ME And WAITUTU INCORPORATION Te Kaiurupare Tuatahi First Respon...

  6. Pere - Matauri X Incorporation (2004) 101 Whangārei MB 73 (101 WH 73) [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    «)/,..,vte &::ok' : A2QO.lOO01561 .docJ l IO/IUH 70-7"7 IN THE MAORI LAND COURT TAITOKERAU DISTIUCT ~, IN TIlE MA TIER of applications by MANUKA PERE Pursuant to s.18(1)(a) & s.19( I )(b) Te Ture When"a Maori Act 1993 & IN THE MATfER of a li cence to occupy granted to BEN PAPA PERE by the MATAURl X INCORPORA TfON on 7 June t 994 DECISION These applications were heard on 25 June 2004 and adjourned to Chambers for submissions to be filed by the parti

  7. Ferris v Proprietors of Nuhiti Q Inc.- Nuhuiti Inc. (2023) 122 Tairāwhiti MB 101 (122 TRW 101) [pdf, 578 KB]

    122 Tairāwhiti MB 101 Ferris v Proprietors of Nuhiti Q - Nuhiti Q Māori Inc (2023) 122 Tairāwhiti MB 101 (122 TRW 101) I TE KOOTI WHENUA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TE TAIRĀWHITI In the Māori Land Court of New Zealand Tairāwhiti District AP-20230000027163 A20230001843 WĀHANGA Under Sections 269(6) and 280, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Nuhiti Q Māori Incorporation I WAENGA I A Between MICHAEL KENNETH...