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Search results for 101.

4502 items matching your search terms

  1. Dairy-NZ-Limited-101.pdf [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...Counsel acting: P Lang Riverbank Chambers 5 th floor, 286 Victoria Street PO Box 19549 Hamilton 021 870 660 IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT ENV-2020-AKL-000101 AUCKLAND I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO I TĀMAKI MAKAURAU ROHE IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 ("RMA") AND IN THE MATTER of section 274 of the RMA BETWEEN AUCKLAND WAIKATO AND EASTERN FISH AND GAME COU

  2. LCRO 101/2017 RF v QC [pdf, 85 KB]

    LCRO 101/2017 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee BETWEEN RF Applicant AND QC Respondent The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. DECISION Introduction [1] Mr RF has applied for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Committee, which decided to take no fu...

  3. [2015] NZSSAA 101 (17 December 2015) [pdf, 39 KB]

    [2015] NZSSAA 101 Reference No. SSA 022/15 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 1964 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal by XXXX of Australia against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee BEFORE THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEAL AUTHORITY Ms M Wallace - Chairperson Mr K Williams - Member DECISION ON THE PAPERS Introduction [1] The appellant appeals against a decision of the Chief Executive upheld by a Benefits Review Committee to establish and...

  4. CAC 20005 v Drever [2014] NZREADT 101 [pdf, 40 KB]

    BEFORE THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL [2014] NZREADT 101 READT 036/14 IN THE MATTER OF charges under s.91 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 BETWEEN REAL ESTATE AGENTS AUTHORITY (per CAC 20005) Prosecutor AND AARON DREVER of Auckland, Real Estate Salesperson Defendant MEMBERS OF TRIBUNAL Judge P F Barber - Chairperson Mr G Denley - Member Ms N Dangen - Member HEARD at AUCKLAND on 25 November 2014 DATE OF THIS DECISION 18 De...

  5. CAC 20007 v Marshall [2013] NZREADT 101 [pdf, 145 KB]

    BEFORE THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL [2013] NZREADT 101 READT 23/13 IN THE MATTER OF a charge laid under s.91 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 BETWEEN THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS AUTHORITY (per COMPLAINTS ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE (20007)) Prosecutor AND BRENDAN MARSHALL of Timaru (former real estate agent) Defendant MEMBERS OF TRIBUNAL Judge P F Barber - Chairperson Ms N Dangen - Member Ms C Sandelin - Member HEARD at TIMARU on...

  6. Trustees of Kapenga H v Lidgard - Kapenga H (2014) 101 Waiariki MB 267 (101 WAR 267) [pdf, 122 KB]

    101 Waiariki MB 267 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT A20140005827 A20140006442 UNDER Sections 19 and 18(1)(a), Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF applications in respect of the Māori freehold land known as Kapenga H BETWEEN CHRISTOPHER GRANT, HELEN JONES, JOHN WHAREPAPA AND ERIK NUKU as responsible trustees of Kapenga H block Applicants AND RONALD JAMES FREDERICK LIDGARD and LINDA GAIL LIDGARD the...

  7. Black - Awhitu Parish Lot 112 (2002) 101 Waikato MB 9 (101 W 9) [pdf, 777 KB] Minute Book Volume 101 Folio 9 In the Maori land Court of New Zealand Waikato Maniapoto District DECISION : File: A20010006949 IN THE MAnER of an application by Waatara Black under Section 240 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 for removal of the trustees of Awhltu Parish Lot 112 I heard this application on 7 August 2002. At that hearing I stood in for Judge Spencer and anticipated that I would merely take minutes for him and he would make a decision. He has now ref...

  8. Eru v Kīngi - Whakapoungakau 24 (2014) 101 Waiariki MB 1 (101 WAR 1) [pdf, 126 KB]

    101 Waiariki MB 1 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT A20140007434 UNDER Sections 40, 67, 98 and 237 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF WHAKAPOUNGAKAU 24 BETWEEN TAI ERU Applicant AND WIREMU KÏNGI Applicant Hearings: 1, 23 and 25 July 2014 (By telephone conference) Appearances: F Geiringer, for Tai Eru...

  9. Matchitt v Matchitt - Te Kaha 65 (2008) 101 Opotiki MB 161 (101 OPO 161) [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    IN THE MAORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND W AIARIIG DISTRICT 101 Opotiki MB 161 Al0060005422& A20070001421 UNDER Sections 289 and 19 ofTe Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Te.Kaha 65 Block - Paltition and Injunction BETWEEN AND EDWARD MA TCHITT Applicant PARA TENE MA TeHITT Applicant Hearing: 13 June 2007 (Heard at Opotiki) Judgment: 28 March 2008 RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE CAREN L FOX Introdnction [1] Te Kaha 65 is a block of Maori freehold land comp...