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Search results for "traditional knowledge".

87 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEnvC 167 Western Bay of Plenty District Council v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...that anyone who may be affected by it or interested in it can properly participate. We will not include this sentence. [37] Following that paragraph, the Hap0 propose to insert: Mtitauranga Maori, this knowledge is held by the hapO. Intactness of traditional knowledge has particular significance for the Island and its hapO. Ngo Kete o te wananga How knowledge is conveyed and how it influences management. Knowledge transmission is connected to and reliant on intact, properly functioni...

  2. Dr Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...resources are appropriated for community1s use, propitiatory rites to the appropriate deity must be observed. Their observance ensures that nature is treated with care and respect (Walker, 1978). The references given demonstrate the inseparability of traditional ecological knowledge from spiritual considerations, however also suggest the existence of a framework within which holistic decision making can occl!,r. Connection in the Maori world 12. The environmental management regime...

  3. Maruera v Te Runanga o Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Trust (2017) 378 Aotea MB 118 (378 AOT 118) [pdf, 389 KB]

    ...Understandably, given the trauma of nineteenth century land confiscation and conflict wrought on the iwi and hapū of this region, the reconstruction of tribal enclaves necessarily takes time, given the issues involved and the disconnection from traditional knowledge bases that were an inevitable consequence of that cultural dislocation. That there may be disputes over the definition and membership of iwi in the modern era is not new and indeed, was a feature of untold title investig...

  4. Grant v Grant - Succession to Harry Grant (2021) 104 Tairawhiti MB 122 (104 TRW 122) [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...Grant also advocated for his recognition as a whāngai on the basis that he was raised by his grandparents and the applicant still resides with him. He stated: I have been brought up with my grandfather for many, many years and he had taught me traditional knowledge that relates back to our hapū, Ngāti Porou. I was brought up with my grandfather in Gisborne, one of the only mokos that were brought up with my grandfather and I worked with my grandfather on the land and you know, I took...

  5. E73 Prof David Williams - EIC - Ngāti Whātua Orākei [pdf, 5.6 MB]

    ...number of judges of the District Court, High 2228 3 Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. This course, held each year, was initiated by Justice Joseph Williams in 2014, and is a two-day wānanga to familiarise members of the judiciary with traditional tikanga Maori concepts, and how tikanga might be recognised and responded to in a modern courtroom setting. 13 I have read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses, which is contained in the Environme...

  6. Wall v Karaitiana - Tauhara Middle 15 Trust (2008) 88 Taupo 63 (88 TPO 62) [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...desires of the beneficiaries taking pal1icular care of the customary and historical imperatives relevant to this impol1ant Maori reservation. In this context the skills and experience of the trustees cannot be underestimated since as the custodians of traditional knowledge some of these trustees will have palticular expel1ise. [25] I understood that for practical purposes this trust is largely passive in its operation in that it simply received rental payments and interest from invest...

  7. 08.-Evidence-of-Mr-Quentin-Parr-Ngati-Hikitanga.PDF [PDF, 263 KB]

    ...Pukemoremore, and Arawhata: Māhoenui, Weraroa, Pukemoremore, and Arawhata are areas within Ngāti Hikitanga's rohe that are deeply intertwined with the hapū's history and whakapapa connections. These lands have supported the hapū's traditional practices, including cultivation, gathering of natural resources, and the passing down of cultural knowledge from one generation to another. Whakapapa 11. Ngāti Hikitanga's whakapapa connections to its ancestral la...

  8. Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination – summary record 18th-20th reports [pdf, 148 KB]

    ...organized such consultations in general. He asked whether the Government planned to implement the recommendation of the Waitangi Tribunal to amend domestic legislation in order to protect the property rights of the Maori community relating to their traditional knowledge and their genetic and biological resources. 39. Ms. Crickley asked whether any data were available on the impact the economic downturn in the State party was having on the Maori and Pacific Islanders. She wished to...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2021 part 1 [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...advance discrete remedies for particular local claims ahead of the Tribunal’s report and the general negotiations to settle the district’s claims. In Te Rohe Potae, Judge Ambler instituted an early round of Nga Korero Tuku Iho hui to hear claimant traditional evidence, thereby making such evidence available to researchers preparing casebook research reports. In the Te Paparahi o Te Raki regional inquiry, the Tribunal under Judge Coxhead held a preliminary round of hearings into unders...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2018 part 1 [pdf, 403 KB]

    ...discrete remedies for particular local claims ahead of the Tribunal’s report and the general negotiations to settle the district’s claims. In Te Rohe Potae, Judge Ambler instituted an early round of Nga Korero Tuku Iho hui to hear claimant traditional evidence, thereby making such evidence available to researchers preparing casebook research reports. In the Te Paparahi o Te Raki regional inquiry, the Tribunal under Judge Coxhead held a preliminary round of hearings into understa...