This page gives an overview of the key fieldwork processes for the 2014 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS).
NZCASS technical manual [PDF, 5.3 MB]
Interviews were conducted between 10 February 2014 and 6 July 2014.
In 2014, 26 interviewers were selected from a pool of experienced interviewers who had a proven track record working on other large government surveys. No new interviewers were used as part of the 2014 NZCASS field team.
Interviewers did a range of training, including:
Victim Support also gave a presentation as part of NZCASS fieldwork training, so interviewers were aware of and understood victims’ needs, experiences and reactions.
Interviewers had a number of resources to help them engage households and respondents and answer respondents’ questions.
Households received a letter explaining what the research was about, encouraging them to take part, and giving contact details if the respondent wanted to make an appointment or ask questions. The letter also gave the name of the interviewer so that the household could be confident the person visiting was official.
The information pamphlet explained:
Interviewers offered respondents a thank-you card at the end of the interview. This card had contact details for a range of support organisations that could help victims of crime.
A number of processes supported interviewers through the fieldwork process and helped them complete interviews on time and to the required standard.
The field management team monitored interviewers during fieldwork. They regularly examined individual interviewer’s survey completion rates and data quality to make sure all interviewing was done on time and to the required quality.
Interviewers had weekly teleconference meetings where the survey management team told them the key messages and shared useful information. Throughout the survey, interviewers got extra training or support if it was identified that they needed it.
The fieldwork provider set up an online dashboard so the Ministry of Justice could see fieldwork statistics in real time. The provider also delivered formal monthly fieldwork reports to the ministry that summarised their progress.
As part of NZCASS fieldwork, interviewers may have encountered distressing or high-risk situations. Maintaining respondents’ confidentiality is a critical part of the interviewer’s role but they had to balance this with the need to make sure everyone was kept safe.
During NZCASS fieldwork, interviewers may have faced exceptional circumstances.
An ‘exceptional circumstance’ is defined as a serious and imminent threat to the interviewer’s safety, the life of the respondent, a member of the respondent’s household or to public safety.
Interviewers used a protocol to assess and escalate any exceptional circumstances during fieldwork.
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