Evaluation of the NZCVS

In July 2023, the Ministry of Justice commissioned Solasta Consulting Ltd to undertake an evaluation of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS). It evaluated the effectiveness of the operation of the NZCVS, and the insights it generates for justice sector agencies.

The evaluation found:

  • NZCVS utilises best practice survey methodology
  • it delivers significant value to stakeholders and the justice sector
  • there are no viable alternatives
  • however, end-users seek more context.

The report also made 64 detailed recommendations, which broadly address the NZCVS methodology, the operation and delivery of the survey, publications and how they are released, and how stakeholders and users are engaged.

We are committed to addressing the 64 recommendations. As they span the entirety of the survey cycle, we will need to consider them over time as we develop and deliver current and future cycles.

Since we received the report in February 2024, we have:       

  • developed a new process to maximise the value of the respondent panel – a group of respondents who said they were willing to engage in further research;
  • adjusted aspects of our survey methodology, for example, we have reduced the number of contacts made per household to increase efficiency in the field; and,
  • made changes to how and what we will release in Cycle 6 to better meet user needs and expectations.

Download the summary report from Solasta here: NZCVS Evaluation Final Summary Report [PDF, 460 KB]

If you would like a copy of the full report or have any questions about the information presented here or the NZCVS in general, please email us at: NZCVS@justice.govt.nz