Crime and Justice Insights

Understanding offending

Offending patterns of people born in 1978

One in four people born in NZ in 1978 has a criminal conviction. This infographic presents information about the lifetime offending patterns of this cohort.

Offending patterns of people born in 1978 [PDF, 494 KB]

Justice Sector Population Report 2017

This report and summary A3 graphic describes the New Zealand population in terms of projected future offending, to help decide where we can intervene to reduce offending.

A3 summary of the Justice Sector Population Report 2017 [PDF, 2.2 MB] 

Justice Sector Population Report 2017 [PDF, 14 MB]

Integrated Data Infrastructure Research

Integrated Data Infrastructure analyses related to people interacting with the justice system.

Women's experiences in the justice system

This factsheet provides information on the experiences of women in the justice system, specifically women remanded in custody in the last five years. It also provides insights into the systemic factors influencing actions of women involved in the justice system and their potential experiences post release from prison.

Women's experiences in the justice system: custodial remand and imprisonment [PDF, 310 KB]

Characteristics of children and young people who offend

This infographic summarises the characteristics of children and young people involved in the youth justice system. It is focused on serious and persistent youth offenders to support the Government in achieving the target of reducing this type of offending among children and young people.

Characteristics of Children and Young People Who Offend [PDF, 446 KB]

Mental health and the justice system

People who interact with the justice sector have a high rate of mental health and addiction service use. This two-page infographic looks at when services are used and how people are referred.

Mental health and the justice system [PDF, 573 KB]

Traumatic Brain Injury and people in the justice system

Traumatic Brain Injury affects many people in the Justice System. This infographic and research paper look at the rate of Traumatic Brain Injury, its causes and associations with offending.

Traumatic Brain Injury and people in the justice system (A3 infographic) [PDF, 375 KB]

Traumatic Brain Injury and people in the justice system: Research paper [PDF, 847 KB]

Flows through the justice system

This document from the Ministry of Justice provides information about New Zealanders’ interaction with the criminal justice system for policy makers and researchers.

Flows through the justice system document 2018 [PDF, 1.3 MB]