On this page you’ll find documents that have been published under the Government’s policy requiring Ministers to proactively release Cabinet papers and related material.

The policy applies to papers lodged for consideration by Cabinet from 1 January 2019 onwards. Cabinet papers and minutes must be proactively published within 30 business days of final decisions being taken by Cabinet, unless there’s a good reason not to publish them (whether in part or in full), or to delay the release. The policy doesn’t apply to Cabinet papers concerning the appointment of individuals to statutory and other roles.

We publish the papers for the Ministers we support – the Minister of Justice, Minster for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice and Associate Minister for Courts, as well as some papers relating to the Attorney-General.

For more information on the policy see:

CO (23) 4 - Proactive Release of Cabinet Material: Updated Requirements

Search results

247 items matching your search terms

  1. 2020 Cannabis Referendum Public Release 27 April 2021 [PDF, 5.9 MB]

    This package contains documents relating to the public release of the exposure draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill on the referendum.govt.nz website on 27 April 2020. It includes the April 2020 Cabinet paper proposing public release of the interim exposure draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill and the Summary of current policy positions; the corresponding Cabinet minute; the Summary of current policy positions as of April 2020 and the final version of the exposure draft Cannabis …

  2. Proactive release - Setting the strategic direction for New Zealand's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Regime [PDF, 1.4 MB]

    The AML/CFT regime affects the lives of all New Zealanders. A robust AML/CFT regime is vital to ensure the integrity of our financial system; attract business to New Zealand; protect our people and communities; and prevent criminals from using the proceeds of their crimes to harm communities. The AML/CFT regime provides a level playing field for businesses and supports a robust taxation system that enables government to provide critical services, including health and education. A National AML/CF…

  3. Abortion Legislation Bill (Cabinet Papers) [PDF, 1.9 MB]

    Cabinet Papers and Cabinet Minutes relating to the Abortion Legislation Bill. The Taking a Health Approach to the Regulation of Abortion Cabinet Paper seeks agreement to draft a Bill containing proposals to decriminalise abortion and align the regulation of abortion services in New Zealand with other health services. The Abortion Legislation Bill 2019: Approval for Introduction Cabinet Paper seeks approval for the introduction of the Abortion Legislation Bill 2019 (the Bill). The Bill amends t…

  4. Te Ture Whenua Maori Amendment Bill

    The proposed changes to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 recognise that the protection of Māori land remains a priority but that changes to the legislation will make it easier for Māori land owners to engage with their whenua. The main initiatives in the Bill are focused on improving the succession process and providing a new dispute resolution process. Additional changes will support the efficient operation of the Māori Land Court and enhance the opportunities for Māori to develop papakāinga on t…

  5. Contempt of Court Bill: Approval for Government Supplementary Order Paper [PDF, 1.2 MB]

    The Government Supplementary Order Paper implements Cabinet’s decision of December 2018 to retain an offence in the Contempt of Court Bill which is committed when: (a) a person makes a false statement about a judge or court; (b) when they know or ought reasonably to have known that the statement could undermine public confidence in the independence, integrity, impartiality or authority of the judiciary or a court;  (c)  there is a real risk the statement could undermine public confidence in t…

  6. Proactive release - Electoral Amendment Bill and Referendums Framework Bill [PDF, 2.1 MB]

    Cabinet Papers and Cabinet minutes relating to the Electoral Amendment Bill and Referendums Framework Bill 2019. The Electoral Amendment Bill seeks to put several initiatives in place, including enabling electors to enrol on election day, enabling supermarkets and other high-pedestrian areas to be used as voting places, and improving the vote issuing and return processes for overseas electors. It also proposes provisions to manage disruptions to polling day. The Referendums Framework Bill prov…