This paper seeks Cabinet’s agreement to authorise the submission to the Executive Council of the Electoral Main Rolls Closing Order 2020.
On this page you’ll find documents that have been published under the Government’s policy requiring Ministers to proactively release Cabinet papers and related material.
The policy applies to papers lodged for consideration by Cabinet from 1 January 2019 onwards. Cabinet papers and minutes must be proactively published within 30 business days of final decisions being taken by Cabinet, unless there’s a good reason not to publish them (whether in part or in full), or to delay the release. The policy doesn’t apply to Cabinet papers concerning the appointment of individuals to statutory and other roles.
We publish the papers for the Ministers we support – the Minister of Justice, Minster for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice and Associate Minister for Courts, as well as some papers relating to the Attorney-General.
For more information on the policy see:
CO (23) 4 - Proactive Release of Cabinet Material: Updated Requirements
247 items matching your search terms
This paper seeks Cabinet’s agreement to authorise the submission to the Executive Council of the Electoral Main Rolls Closing Order 2020.
The Electoral (Expenditure Limit) Order adjusts certain electoral expenditure limits to reflect movement in the Consumers Price Index All Groups (‘the CPI’). The Act requires that certain electoral expenditure limits are adjusted annually to account for inflation and this must be done by an Order in Council coming into force on 1 July each year.
A briefing on potential amendments to the Family Court Rules 2002 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
An aide memoire regarding details of the proposed amendments for the Family Court Rules 2002.
A Cabinet paper seeking approval for amendments to the Family Court Rules to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Cabinet paper that seeks authorisation for an immediate modification order under the Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 to modify how enduring powers of attorney can be made.
A briefing that provides an overview of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 licensing regime and discusses matters that have been raised in the context of the COVID-19 response.
A briefing to the Minister of Justice seeking approval for an Immediate Modification Order to the Protecton of Personal and Property Rights Act under the Epidemic Preparedness Act.
This paper accompanied the government response to the Justice Select Committee’s Inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections.
This Cabinet paper outlines a package of measures to support commercial tenants and landlords to come to agreements to adjust the terms of their leases to enable more businesses to remain solvent through the COVID-19 epidemic.
This Cabinet minute outlines a package of measures to support commercial tenants and landlords to come to agreements to adjust the terms of their leases to enable more businesses to remain solvent through the COVID-19 epidemic.
These papers set out a proposal for how the Executive and the House of Representatives should respond when the Senior Courts declare an Act to be inconsistent with one or more of the rights and freedoms affirmed by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, and introduce the New Zealand Bill of Rights (Declarations of Inconsistency) Amendment Bill.
This Cabinet paper approves a Supplementary Order Paper to refine some changes made to the Privacy Bill by the Justice and Electoral Committee. It also rephases and draws down a tagged contingency to implement the Bill.
This summary provides information about the main initiatives in Budget 2020 across Votes: Justice, Courts and Treaty. Full information about these initiatives is available on the Beehive website.
Advice and Cabinet decisions on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Regulations. Two Regulations expire in 2020 and 2021, and Cabinet agreed to a number of substantive and technical changes to these Regulations, as well as issuing six new regulations to respond to emerging issues.
A Cabinet paper seeking agreement to amend the Property Law Act 2007 to support businesses and commercial landlords to manage situations where,because of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, businesses are unable to pay their rent and landlords are unable to meet their mortgage payments.
A briefing that provides advice on work happening across government relating to commercial leases and mortgages, and provides advice on recommended changes to the Property Law Act 2007 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Cabinet committee minute of decisions relating to amendments to the Property Law Act 2007 regarding commercial leases and mortgages.
A Cabinet Minute regarding the action plan to respond to family and sexual violence in the context of COVID-19.
A Cabinet paper seeking agreement for the Joint Venture on Family Violence and Sexual Violence to undertake key actions to minimise the impact of any violence which could occur during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A briefing paper to provide an update on the Joint Venture's proposed approach to take a system-wide view of the impact and response to family and sexual violence in the context of COVID-19.
A Cabinet minute of decisions to amend the High Court Rules to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Cabinet paper seeks approval to develop immediate modification orders under the Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 to modify provisions in legislation affecting justice services, harm minimisation, and access to justice.
A Cabinet paper seeking permission to lodge amendments to the High Court Rules to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with the Executive Council
An aide memoire on amendments to the High Court Rules to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.