Long-Term Insights Briefing

What is a Long-Term Insights Briefing?

Long-Term Insights Briefings (LTIBs) are a government initiative requiring agencies to develop and share insights on the trends, risks and opportunities that affect, or may affect, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Under the Public Service Act 2020, government department chief executives are required to publish a Briefing at least once every three years. Long-Term Insights Briefings are not government policy. They are intended to help us think about the future and what will matter most for the long-term wellbeing of New Zealanders.

For more information about the overall process, please visit the LTIB guidance webpage(external link)

The topic for the first Justice Sector Briefing was: Long-term insights about imprisonment 1960-2050 It was published in December 2022.

The Ministry of Justice and Crown Law Long-Term Insights Briefings

The proposed topic for our second LTIBs was The Future of Courts and Justice Services.

Consultation on our proposed briefing opened on 12 December 2024 and closed 31 January 2025. The Discussion Document on the Long-Term Insights Briefing topic remains available on our Consultation hub.(external link)(external link)

The Ministry and Crown Law will now develop their companion briefings examining key trends in the accessibility of courts and justice services and consider future scenarios if these trends continued.

The Ministry and Crown Law anticipate releasing their draft briefings for further public consultation in July 2025.

The final Briefings will be presented to Parliament in September 2025 and will be made available to the public.

If you have any questions through the development of these Briefings, you can contact the LTIB project team at: LTIB@justice.govt.nz

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