When there's a proposal to create, change or repeal legislation or regulations, the government agency responsible often has to provide Cabinet with a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). RIAs summarise:
RIAs are published when the relevant Bill is introduced to Parliament or the regulation is gazetted, or at the time of ministerial release.
See a full list of all RIAs on the Treasury website(external link)
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis produced to inform Cabinet decisions
RIS: Regulatory Impact Statement: Enabling a four-year term of Parliament [PDF, 3.5 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) provides analysis of proposed amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002 to respond meaningfully to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on abuse in care, to support decision-making on each individual proposal.
RIS: Amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002 - giving effect to RCOI recommendation 27 [PDF, 2.7 MB]
This analysis informs Cabinet decisions to give victims of all criminal offences of a sexual nature, including intimate visual recording offences, automatic name suppression.
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis to support Cabinet decisions on a proposal that before the court can grant permanent name suppression to a person convicted of a sexual crime, it must have the agreement of the victim of that crime.
This RIS provides analysis to support Cabinet decisions on proposals included in the Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package (the RSAB). The four Bills in the RSAB each improve a different part of the Justice system: the courts, anti-money laundering, occupational regulation, and tribunals.
RIS: Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Analysis produced to inform Cabinet decisions on the creation of a standalone stalking offence. Accompanies 'Addressing Stalking in New Zealand' Cabinet Paper
RIS - Establishing an Offence of Stalking [PDF, 1.5 MB]
This RIS provides analysis for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions regarding Disputes tribunal financial jurisdiction and the Disputes filing fee.
This RIS provides analysis to support Cabinet decisions on proposals to amend the Crimes Act 1961 to strengthen New Zealand's criminal justice response to foreign interference and espionage.
This RCRIS provides analysis produced to inform Cabinet decisions on policy for updating property thresholds and the Public Trust’s Private Manager Examination fee under Protection of Personal and Property Rights law.
RCRIS: Updating the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act [PDF, 2.5 MB]
This RIS provides analysis to support Cabinet decisions on improvements to the regulation of shooting clubs and ranges.
Regulatory Impact Statement - Supporting shooting clubs and ranges [PDF, 445 KB]
This interim RIS will support the Ministry of Justice consultation document 'Improving Jury Trial Timeliness, September 2024'.
Interim Regulatory Impact Statement - Jury Trial Timeliness [PDF, 399 KB]
Analysis of proposed amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002, to support decision making on each individual proposal.
Regulatory Impact Statement and Supplementary Analysis Report [PDF, 1 MB]
The Ministry of Justice has prepared two Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) to accompany the Associate Minister of Justice’s Cabinet paper, Firearms reform programme – Phase 2: Supporting shooting clubs and ranges, and formalising the transfer of the Arms Act 1983.
Analysis prepared to support Cabinet decisions on amending the Arms Regulations 1992 to adjust non-pistol club reporting requirements in the short-term.
This Regulatory Impact Statement was prepared for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions on penalty levels for the offence of displaying gang insignia in public. It relates to the proposed Amendment Paper for the Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill.
Responding to Gang Harms – Annex on Possession Ban [PDF, 382 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis of the proposal to reinstate a three strikes sentencing regime, to support Cabinet's decisions on the regime, including changes to the design of the previous regime.
Regulatory Impact Statement: Reinstating three strikes sentencing law [PDF, 24 MB]
This Cost Recovery Impact Statement (CRIS) has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry).
It considers a proposal to increase fees paid to various courts and tribunals by users to reflect the increasing costs of providing those court and tribunal services. These services are mostly paid for by the Crown, with a small amount of cost recovery coming from user fees.
Stage 2 Cost Recovery Impact Statement - Increase to fees in courts and tribunals [PDF, 280 KB]
This Cost Recovery Impact Statement (CRIS) has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry). It provides an analysis of the Ministry’s proposal to increase the fees and costs for the collection of infringement fines and an increase in the percentage of infringement fines that the Crown can retain when the Ministry collects fines on behalf of local authorities
This Regulatory Impact Statement was prepared for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions on responding to gang harms.
Responding to Gang Harms [PDF, 6.1 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis produced for the purpose of informing final Cabinet decisions.
Regulatory Impact Statement: Removing [PDF, 2.5 MB] taxpayer funding for reports under section 27 of the Sentencing Act 2002.
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis produced for the purpose of informing final Cabinet decisions.
This Regulatory Impact Statement provides analysis of the Law Commission’s recommended reforms to surrogacy law, to support Cabinet decisions on the government response to the Law Commission's report. Cabinet will also be asked to agree to related policy where the Law Commission did not make detailed recommendations.
Regulatory Impact Statement: Surrogacy Law Reform [PDF, 9.7 MB]
This analysis and advice has been prepared to support final Cabinet decisions to amend legislation.
Regulatory Impact Statement: Strengthening legal protections for victims [PDF, 579 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purpose of supporting Cabinet approvals of updated Evidence Regulations.
Regulatory Impact Summary and Annex: Re-writing the Evidence Regulations 2007 [PDF, 528 KB]
Analysis produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decision on options to extend licensed trading hours for the men’s Rugby World Cup 2023.
Extending trading hours for the Rugby World Cup 2023 [PDF, 353 KB]
The Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) has reviewed the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act (the AML/CFT Act) to assess how the AML/CFT Act has performed since it was amended in 2017 and to identify whether any further amendments should be made.
AML/CFT Early Regulatory Proposals [PDF, 8 MB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purpose of informing Cabinet's decision to introduce the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill.
This analysis has been prepared for the purpose of informing Cabinet's decision to introduce the Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill.
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding aimproving access to legal assistance for low income New Zealanders.
RIS: Improving access to legal assistance for low income New Zealanders [PDF, 352 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding any change to the timing and frequency of the Māori Electoral Option.
RIS - Supplementary Annex: Timing and frequency of the Māori Electoral Option [PDF, 866 KB]
This analysis has been prepared to support Cabinet decisions regarding New Zealand's control orders regime.
RIA: Options for strengthening the control order regime [PDF, 2.7 MB]
This analysis has been prepared to support Cabinet decisions regarding New Zealand's designationof terrorist entitiy, options analysis and recommendations.
RIS: Designation of terrorist entity, options analysis, and recommendations [PDF, 1.4 MB]
This analysis was produced for the purpose of informing final Cabinet decisions on an omnibus Bill to enhance enforcement tools to disrupt and prosecute gang conflict and harm.
Supplementary Analysis Report: Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation Bill [PDF, 5.6 MB]
This analysis was produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions on policy options for improving the civil forfeiture regime to better target illicit assets.
This analysis was produced for th purpose of seeking approval to introduce amendments to the electoral amendment Bill through a supplementary Order Paper, following the High Court Judgement in Rv EF and FG.
RIA - Electoral Amendment Bill Changes to Political Donations Settings [PDF, 1.6 MB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding any change to the timing and frequency of the Māori Electoral Option.
RIS - Timing and Frequency of the Māori Electoral Option [PDF, 303 KB]
This analysis has been prepared to inform Cabinet decisions regarding temporary changes to eligibility criteria for overseas voters in response to the effect of Covid-19 travel restrictions
This analysis was produced for the purpose of informing final Cabinet policy decisions on changes to the political donations provisions in the Electoral Act 1993.
RIA - Electoral Amendment Bill: changes to political donations settings [PDF, 357 KB]
This analysis has been produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions to establish a new Family Court Associate role.
RIA - Family Court Assocate Role [PDF, 2.4 MB]
This anaylsis has been prepared for the purpose of supporting decisions taken by cabinet on policy options to manage National Security Information in proceedings.
RIA-Managing-National-Security-Information-in-Proceedings.pdf [PDF, 449 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions taken by Cabinet on policy options to prohibit conversion practices in New Zealand.
RIA - Prohibition of Conversion Practices [PDF, 355 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet on policy options to strengthen counter terrorism legislation, specifically terrorist financing and terrorist travel offences.
RIA - Terrorism Suppression Act (part 1) [PDF, 949 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet on policy options to strengthen counter terrorism legislation, specifically on updating the definition of “terrorist act”, and terrorist planning or preparation and terrorist training offences.
RIA - Terrorism Suppression Act (part 2 [PDF, 1 MB])
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet on policy options to strengthen counter terrorism legislation, specifically extending the existing control orders regime.
RIA - Extended control orders [PDF, 369 KB]
The Regulatory Impact Analysis May 2019 was provided to Cabinet with the Cabinet Paper '2020 Cannabis Referendum – legislative process and overarching policy settings for the regulatory model'. This Cabinet Paper has been proactively released.
RIA relating to a cannabis regulatory model [PDF, 7.6 MB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding expiring Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism regulations.
RIA - AML/CFT Expiring Regulations [PDF, 422 KB]
The Ministry of Justice has prepared this analysis to inform decisions by Cabinet about potential reforms that could be made to the Family Court.
RIA - Strengthening the Family Court [PDF, 4.8 MB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding any change to the law on prisoner voting.
RIA - Prisoner voting [PDF, 577 KB]
This analysis and advice has been produced for the purpose of informing key policy decisions to be taken by Cabinet about the proposal to ban foreign donations to both parties and candidates.
RIA - Mitigating foreign interference through part and candidate donations [PDF, 264 KB]
The proposal outlined in this document responds to recommendations made in the Law Commission's 2015 report "The Justice Response to Victims of Sexual Violence". The report recommended a number of legislative changes to improve the justice response to sexual violence victims.
RIA - Improving the justice response to victims of sexual violence [PDF, 603 KB]
Agreement to introduce new counter-terrorism legislation to manage the risk posed by a small number of New Zealanders returning from overseas who have been engaged in terrorism-related activities.
RIA - Control orders [PDF, 918 KB]
The Ministry of Justice has prepared this analysis to inform decisions by Cabinet in its consideration of the Law Commission's briefing paper about options to take a health approach to abortion law.
RIA - Abortion Law Reform [PDF, 750 KB]
The Ministry of Justice has produced this analysis and advice to inform key policy decisions to be taken by Cabinet on amending the Electoral Act 1993 to update provisions for managing polling disruptions.
This analysis and advice has been produced for the purpose of informing key policy decisions to be taken by Cabinet on enabling election day enrolment.
RIA - Enabling Election Day Enrolment [PDF, 532 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of supporting decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding the regulation of referendum advertising for any referendums held with the 2020 General Election
RIA - Referendum Advertising at the 2020 General Election [PDF, 830 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purposes of informing decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding the proposal to restrict the use of the name ‘ombudsman’ to a Parliamentary Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsmen Act 1975 (with an exception for two existing private-sector bodies currently using the name).
RIA - Protection of the name 'ombudsman' [PDF, 510 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice for the purpose of informing final decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding amendments to the Administration of Justice (Reform of Contempt of Court) Bill.
RIA - Amendment to the Administration of Justice (Reform of Contempt of Court) Bill [PDF, 384 KB]
This RIA has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It analyses options for additional changes to the Privacy Bill to make it more effective and better aligned with comparator jurisdictions.
RIA - Privacy Bill - additional policy decisions [PDF, 502 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for the purpose of informing final decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding the creation of two new offences in the Crimes Act 1961 relating to the theft of livestock.
RIA - Addressing the theft of Livestock Rustling in New Zealand [PDF, 159 KB]
This analysis has been prepared for a purpose of informing final decisions to be taken by Cabinet regarding the establishment of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
RIA - Criminal Cases Review Commission [PDF, 497 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis of the proposal to extend the maximum duration of Police Safety Orders (PSOs) to 10 days.
Supplementary RIA -Extending the duration limit of Police safety orders [PDF, 667 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis prepared for the purpose of informing final decisions taken by Cabinet regarding the proposed Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal.
RIA -Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunals [PDF, 466 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis and advice for the purpose of informing second-order policy decisions related to the jurisdiction and design of the Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal.
RIA - Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal - Details Design [PDF, 14 MB]
This RIA has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. The options presented in this paper relate to previous decisions by Cabinet to reform the Privacy Act (the Act) to send strong signals about the importance of privacy of personal informaiton
RIA - Privacy Bill further Cabinet decisions [PDF, 390 KB]
This RIA has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It analyses the Law Commission’s recommendations to reform New Zealand trust law. Trust law in New Zealand is important to individuals and businesses, and is a core component of the legal infrastructure and economy.
RIA - A New Trusts Act [PDF, 1.2 MB]
This RIA has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It describes the impacts of applying the Law Commission’s recommendations about family trusts to commercial and financial trusts.
Supplementary RIA - A New Trusts Act - Commercial and Financial Trusts [PDF, 957 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis of a legislative proposal to remove the 10 day notice period before a court registrar can unilaterally cancel a voluntary 'time payment arrangement' for the payment of fines in certain circumstances.
RIA - Unilateral cancellation of voluntary time payment arrangements for unpaid fines [PDF, 390 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment examines proposals to extend Court Security Officers' existing powers to deny entry to, or remove, from courts, and detain people in order to better address low level offending and disruptive behaviour in courts.
RIA - Improving security so that people feel safer in courts [PDF, 411 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to improve the procedure for assessing a defendant's fitness to stand trial under the Criminal Procedure (Mentally-Impaired Persons) Act 2003.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to improve the efficiency of Ministry of Justice administered Tribunals.
RIA - Tribunal Enhancements [PDF, 733 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to reduce barriers to getting justice for people with low-value civil disputes, and to generally improve the operation of the Disputes Tribunal.
RIA - Increasing the maximum claim level in Disputes Tribunals [PDF, 537 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It provides an analysis of options to address the negative effects of historical convictions for homosexual offences that have been decriminalised.
RIA - Expungement scheme for historical homosexual convictions [PDF, 101 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to enhance and extend New Zealand’s anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regime.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It provides an analysis of options in relation to two issues which are proposed for inclusion in an Electoral Amendment Bill and/or Regulations.
This RIA provides an analysis of options to increase the number of people who receive civil and family legal aid by amending eligibility criteria set in regulation.
RIA - Legal Aid Eligibility [PDF, 82 KB]
This RIA analyses the impact of the proposal to consider offending by 17 year olds, including more traffic offending in the youth justice system instead of the adult courts. It also examines how to ensure serious recidivist 17 year old offenders are dealt with in a manner that maintains confidence in the justice system.
This Supplementary RIA analyses proposals for 17 year-olds, particularly those who are serious and recidivist offenders, to be treated differently than other young people (i.e. 14 – 16 year-olds) within the youth justice system.
This statement provides an analysis of options for obtaining biometric information (e.g. photographs) necessary to identify offenders unlawfully attempting to leave New Zealand.
RIA - Identifying offenders attempting to unlawfully leave New Zealand [PDF, 109 KB]
This statement provides an analysis of options to facilitate better information sharing for the purpose of identity verification in law enforcement.
RIA - Using personal information for identity verification purposes in law enforcement [PDF, 644 KB]
This statement provides an analysis of options for managing offenders who return to New Zealand after serving a prison sentence overseas, including the risks they can pose to the safety of the public.
RIA - Management of offenders returning to New Zealand [PDF, 287 KB]
Proposed reforms to handling child witnesses in the criminal courts
This Regulatory Impact Assessment considers issues in relation to the regulation of referendum advertising for the New Zealand Flag referendums.
RIA - Regulation of New Zealand Flag Referendum Advertising [PDF, 4.8 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to reduce barriers to getting justice for people with low-value civil disputes, and to generally improve the operation of the Disputes Tribunals. 2013.
RIA - Increasing the maximum claim level in Disputes Tribunals [PDF, 506 KB]
The review of the legal aid system chaired by Dame Margaret Bazley found that the legal aid system is facing serious challenges which threaten its viability into the future.
RIA - Legal Aid Review - December 2009 [PDF, 85 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIS) analyses the implications of regulatory options for a referendum process to consider changing the New Zealand national flag. October 2014.
RIA - Considering changing the New Zealand flag [PDF, 8 MB]
This is the Regulatory Impact Assessment prepared by the Ministry of Justice on the review of the Privacy Act. August 2014.
RIA - Review of the Privacy Act 1993 [PDF, 22 MB]
At the Minister of Justice’s request, the Ministry of Justice has undertaken a review of the law regarding the ‘claim of right’ defence, which was used successfully by the three accused in the Waihopai satellite damage case. November 2010.
RIA - Claim of Right [PDF, 505 KB]
This RIA has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It provides analysis of options to reform and modernise criminal procedure developed by the Criminal Procedure (Simplification) Project. October 2010.
RIA - Criminal Procedure Simplification [PDF, 11 MB]
The Ministry is tasked with the setting of an appropriate fee for the lodging of appeals to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal (IPT). October 2010.
RIA - Fee for lodging appeals to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal [PDF, 923 KB]
The offences in Part 8 of the Crimes Act 1961 offences against the person) are affected by unnecessary duplication, archaic language, and lack of clarity as to scope and application.
RIA - Crimes Act (Part 8: Offences Against the Person) 1961 Amendment Bill [PDF, 85 KB]
The Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill was introduced to the House of Representatives on 6 September 2010. The Bill repeals the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004.
Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Analysis of Replacement Regimes [PDF, 465 KB]
Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Post Consultation Decisions [PDF, 993 KB]
Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Outstanding Policy Matters [PDF, 256 KB]
The Courts and Criminal Matters Bill is an omnibus Bill amending 20 statutes to enhance the courts’ powers and processes for the collection of fines and other monetary penalties, and civil debt.
RIA - Courts and Criminal Matters Bill [PDF, 4.4 MB]
Licence suspension aims to improve traffic fines and reparation collection by introducing licence suspension for people with overdue traffic fines and reparation. April 2010.
This RIA provides an analysis of regulatory interventions to lessen the harm associated with alcohol use in New Zealand. May 2010.
RIA - Alcohol Reform 2010 [PDF, 918 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options to improve the timeliness and efficiency of the coronial system. August 2014.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options for stage two of the reform of the Coroners Act 2006 to improve accountability, transparency and leadership in the coronial system, ensure the management of human tissue samples is more responsive to the needs of families and clarify the jurisdiction of coroners to investigate overseas deaths.
RIA - Coroners Amendment Bill (Stage 2) [PDF, 1.9 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options for stage three of the reform of the Coroners Act 2006 to review the legislative restrictions on suicide reporting and clarify the jurisdiction of coroners to investigate deaths of members of the New Zealand Defence Force as a consequence of hostile action while on operational service.
RIA - Coroners Amendment Bill (Stage 3) [PDF, 4.1 MB]
The Government’s Post-Election Action Plan states that legislation will be introduced to “require DNA testing for every person arrested for an imprisonable offence” - May 2009.
RIA - Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Bill [PDF, 65 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of proposals arising from the organised crime strategy - Strengthening New Zealand’s Resistance to Organised Crime: An all-of-Government Response - published in August 2011.
RIA - All of Government Response to Organised Crime [PDF, 331 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIS) has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It provides an analysis of options to improve the efficiency of 29 Ministry of Justice administered tribunals. June 2014.
RIA - Tribunal Enhancements [PDF, 257 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to reduce the time and cost involved in resolving cases in the civil jurisdiction (non-criminal and non-family) of the District Courts. May 2014.
RIA - Improvements to District Courts Rules [PDF, 66 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options for addressing some concerns about parliamentary privilege raised by Parliament’s Privileges Committee. October 2013.
RIA - Parliamentary Privilege Bill [PDF, 302 KB]
The current law providing for payment of interest where there is late payment of money owing, is limited, not easily accessible, relies to some extent on judicial discretion, and fails to adequately compensate many creditors. A single, comprehensive and more widely applicable Interest on Money Claims Act is needed, with a basis for interest that reflects the commercial value of delay in payment of money owing. November 2013.
RIA - Interest on money [PDF, 17 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of proposals to enable and govern the use of electronic technology in courts and tribunals. November 2013.
RIA - Enabling Service Transformation in Courts and Tribunals [PDF, 77 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of the second package of work forming the government response to the Law Commission report Review of the Judicature Act 1908: Towards a consolidated Courts Act and other associated matters. August 2013.
RIA - Judicature Modernisation Bill: Review of the Judicature Act 1908 - Second Paper [PDF, 166 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of a package of work forming the government response to the Law Commission report Review of the Judicature Act 1908: Towards a consolidated Courts Act and other associated matters. February 2013.
RIA - Review of the Judicature Act and consolidation of courts legislation [PDF, 251 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to address harmful digital communications by changes to existing legislation to ensure it responds appropriately to this behaviour and covers technological advances; and new civil enforcement regime to deal with harmful digital communications. November 2013.
RIA - Harmful digital communications [PDF, 56 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment sets out the options for the regulatory regime required to give effect to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, due to fully commence on 18 December 2013.
RIA - Regulatory Regime for the new Alcohol Laws [PDF, 254 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options to regulate the new alcohol licensing fees regime provided for in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2013, which is due to fully commence on 18 December 2013. August 2013.
RIA - Fee regime for the alcohol licensing system [PDF, 232 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options for mandatory training for three categories of security personnel regulated under the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010. September 2013.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to address concerns around people who have been convicted of, or found on the balance of probabilities (more likely than not) to have committed, a specified offence, against a child or children; and who pose a high risk of seriously harming a child or children in the future. August 2013.
RIA - Child harm prevention orders [PDF, 234 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to improve the operation of the Legal Services (Quality Assurance) Regulations 2011. May 2013.
RIA - Amending the Legal Services (Quality Assurance) Regulations [PDF, 3.6 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options for setting civil fees. May 2013.
RIA - Civil fees review [PDF, 179 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis of the options to address a legal gap that allows serious violent and sexual offenders to come into contact with their victim(s) where other legal protection mechanisms do not apply. September 2012.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to address child pornography and related offending by proposing amendments to the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 and the Customs and Excise Act 1996. August 2012.
RIA - Addressing child pornography and related offending [PDF, 236 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options for clarifying the process for appointing a ‘trustee of last resort’. May 2013.
RIA - Trustee Amendment Bill [PDF, 378 KB]
RIA - Improving Case Management for Civil Cases in the High Court [PDF, 5.3 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options for determining fees for services LINZ is required to deliver under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. December 2012.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options which aim to improve the competency of lawyers who wish to commence practice as a barrister and solicitor or barrister sole on their own account. December 2012.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to meet the Government's objectives to prevent future breaches of prisoners' human rights, while providing that if breaches do occur, there is a fair response that appropriately balances the rights of prisoners and their victims. November 2012.
RIA - Prisoners' and Victims' Claims Act 2005 [PDF, 1.9 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of the main proposed changes to the Alcohol Reform Bill, which will be included in a Supplementary Order Paper at the Committee of the Whole House stage of the Bill. July 2012.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses policy options that aim to create a modern, accessible family justice system that is responsive to children and vulnerable people. August 2012.
RIA - Family Court Review [PDF, 174 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses options to simplify the legal aid approvals process and encourage talented lawyers into the legal aid system. It also assesses options to reduce the administrative compliance burden on lawyers when applying for approval or claiming payment for services. May 2012.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to update the “daily recovery rates” and “time allocations” which are used by judges to determine the allocation of legal costs between parties at the end of civil court proceedings. April 2012.
RIA - Allocation of legal costs between parties [PDF, 379 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to improve access to civil justice in the District Courts, by correcting some unintended consequences of recent changes to the District Courts Rules, in particular the restriction of summary judgment procedure. April 2012.
RIA - Ensuring District Court cases are resolved quickly [PDF, 512 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to prevent the sunset clauses in the Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims Act 2005 from taking effect before the Government progresses its 2008 PVC Act election policy. March 2012.
In 2006, in response to growing concerns that the Privacy Act 1993 (the Act) was no longer fit for purpose, the Government referred a review of privacy to the Law Commission. The Law Commission’s report was completed and tabled in the House in August 2011. March 2012.
RIA - Privacy Act Reform [PDF, 882 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to reduce the cost and inefficiencies of the procedure of discovering documents during civil litigation in the High Court and District Courts. October 2011.
RIA - Discovery procedure - High Court and District Court rules changes [PDF, 216 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to address a range of problems identified in the Government’s Review of Aspects of the Bail System. September 2011.
RIA - Review of aspects of the bail system [PDF, 268 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to change the role and structure of the Human Rights Commission in order to strengthen its performance. September 2011.
RIA - Human Rights Amendment Bill [PDF, 178 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of further options to reduce alcohol-related harm in New Zealand. It builds on the RIA that accompanied the Alcohol Law Reform Cabinet Paper of August 2010, which sought policy approval for the Alcohol Reform Bill. May 2011.
RIA - Select committee amendments to alcohol law reform [PDF, 11 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to improve the sharing and use of personal information – that is information about an identifiable individual – under the Privacy Act 1993. August 2011.
RIA - Privacy Act 1993 Information Sharing Amendments [PDF, 100 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides analysis of the options to create a more sustainable approach to the provision of legal aid (and similar court-funded services), and restrain the growth in expenditure that has occurred in recent years. August 2011.
RIA - Managing the cost of legal assistance in the justice sector [PDF, 200 KB]
This RIA provides an analysis of options to increase civil and tribunal fees to address cost pressures faced by the Ministry of Justice in providing court and tribunal services and to ensure that parties contribute an appropriate amount towards those services. March 2011.
RIA - Civil Fees: CPI Increase [PDF, 783 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry). The Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 comes into force on 1 April 2011. Fees regulations are needed to recover the cost of the new licensing regime. March 2011.
RIA - Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 - licensing and fees [PDF, 2 MB]
The Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 comes into force on 1 April 2011. A surveillance code of conduct for private investigators must be in place at all times as a matter of law. Regulations prescribing forms must also be in place to allow the Act to operate. June 2011.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment analyses proposals that aim to ensure criminal justice agencies are more responsive and accountable to victims of crime; and to enhance victims’ rights and roles in criminal justice processes. April 2011.
RIA - Enhancing Victims' Rights Review [PDF, 244 KB]
The Reducing Knife Crime Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to reduce knife possession and offences committed with knives, particularly by young people. March 2011.
RIA - Reducing knife crime [PDF, 1.6 MB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to regulate to ensure that the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act implements internationally accepted AML/CF standards in a way which is efficient and proportionate to money laundering and terrorism financing risks within the New Zealand context. November 2010.
In response to the increase in the number of assaults on police officers and prison officers over the past five years and a spate of serious incidents in recent months, the Government has decided that the Sentencing Act 2002 should be amended to ensure that the fact that an offence is committed against a law enforcement officer will be taken into account as an aggravating factor at sentencing. July 2010.
RIA - Offences Against Police Officers and Prison Officers [PDF, 672 KB]
Extended National Interest Analysis - Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children.
RIA - Hague Child Protection Convention [PDF, 178 KB]
This Regulatory Impact Assessment examines proposals to establish Credit Reporting and Super Priority as enforcement measures for overdue fines and reparation (collectively referred to as penalties). April 2010.
This Regulatory Impact Assessment provides an analysis of options to prevent future claims for monetary compensation by prisoners for breaches of their rights by the State; and provide for transitional arrangements in respect of existing and potential claims arising from the Behaviour Management Regime (BMR) in operation at Auckland Prison between 1998 and 2004. April 2010.
RIA - Prisoners' and Victims' Claims Amendment Bills [PDF, 1.8 MB]
This RIA provides an analysis of options to reform the legal aid system to address poor quality legal services and high compliance costs.
RIA - Legal Aid Review - March 2010 [PDF, 1.8 MB]
The Trans-Tasman Working Group on Court Proceedings and Regulatory Enforcement (the Working Group) has identified a range of problems that arise in civil proceedings with a trans-Tasman element or that undermine the effectiveness of various regulatory regimes in each country. December 2009.
RIA - Trans-Tasman Proceedings Bill [PDF, 126 KB]
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