Information about some compensation claims has been publicly released.
In 1986, Alan Hall was convicted of murder and intentional wounding and spent almost 18 years in prison and just under 18 years on parole. In 2022, the Supreme Court quashed his convictions and directed that verdicts of acquittal be entered. Mr Hall received a total payment of $4,933,725.75 in compensation.
Read the Cabinet papers and Hon Rodney Hansen CNZM KC's reports:
Cabinet papers - Compensation for a wrongly convicted and Imprisoned Individual [PDF, 771 KB]
Compensation claim reports [PDF, 474 KB]
Mr A was convicted of driving whilst disqualified and served approximately 6 and a half months’ imprisonment. He received a total payment of $108,037 in compensation.
Read the cabinet papers:
Cabinet Paper - A, 'Compensation for a wrongly convicted and imprisoned individual' [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Tyson Redman was convicted of wounding and injuring in August 2007, and spent two and a half years in prison. In December 2013, the Court of Appeal quashed these convictions and did not order a retrial. He received a total payment of $551,017.16 in compensation.
Read the Cabinet paper and Dr Donald Stevens QC’s reports:
Cabinet paper - Tyson Gregory Redman application for compensation [PDF, 4.4 MB]
Dr Donald Stevens QC's report on quantum [PDF, 8.5 MB]
Dr Donald Stevens QC's report on innocence [PDF, 35MB](external link) - Large file
Teina Pora was convicted in 1994, and again in 2000, on charges of murder, sexual violation by rape and aggravated burglary. In March 2015 the Privy Council quashed his convictions and did not order a retrial. He initially received $2,520,949 as compensation for his wrongful conviction and imprisonment, which was subsequently increased to $3,509,048 to account for inflation.
Read the Cabinet papers:
Teina Pora inflation adjustment - 6 November 2017 [PDF, 185 KB]
Hon Rodney Hansen CNZM QC's report on innocence [PDF, 9 MB]
Hon Rodney Hansen CNZM QC's report on quantum [PDF, 9 MB]
Aaron Farmer was convicted of sexual violation and served approximately 2 years, 3 months of his sentence. He received a total payment of $351,575 in compensation.
Read the Cabinet papers and Hon Robert Fisher QC's reports from 2010 and 2011:
Phillip Johnston and Jaden Knight were convicted of arson and spent approximately nine and a half months in prison. They received payments of $146,011 and $221,936 (respectively) in compensation.
Read the Cabinet papers:
Cabinet paper and Cabinet minute February 2010 [PDF, 856 KB]
Cabinet paper March 2011 and Cabinet minute April 2011 [PDF, 865 KB]
David Bain was convicted of murder of five family members and spent about 13 years in prison. The Hon Ian Callinan AC QC’s report found that Mr Bain had not established his innocence on the balance of probabilities. As such, no statement of innocence or compensation payment was made to Mr Bain. Mr Bain and his advisors did not accept Mr Callinan’s findings and intended to legally challenge his report. In light of that, the Crown agreed to pay Mr Bain an ex gratia payment of $925,000 in recognition of the time involved and expenses incurred by him during the compensation process, and the desirability of avoiding further litigation.
Read the Cabinet papers and report of Justice Binnie, Hon Robert Fisher QC and Hon Ian Callinan AC QC:
Justice Binnie's Report [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Justice Binnie's amended report [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Justice Binnie's further amended report [PDF, 1.5 MB]
Appendices Table of Contents [PDF, 124 KB]
Appendices A through E [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Appendices F through J [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Response from Justice Binnie [PDF, 106 KB]
Report of Robert Fisher QC [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Cabinet paper on next steps on David Bain’s claim [PDF, 392 KB]
The Hon Ian Callinan AC’s Report [PDF, 36.63MB](external link) - large file
The Hon Ian Callinan AC’s Supplementary Report [PDF, 861 KB]
Schedule 1 to The Hon Ian Callinan AC’s Report [PDF, 128 KB]
Schedule 2 to The Hon Ian Callinan AC’s Report [PDF, 931 KB]
Schedule 3 to The Hon Ian Callinan AC’s Report [PDF, 80 KB]
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