Call us on:
0800 4 FINES (0800 434 637, free from NZ mobile)
From overseas: +64 4 915 8586
From Australia: 1800 144 239 (toll free)
For Civil Enforcement enquiries: 0800 233 222
Our hours are 8.00am - 7.00pm, Monday - Friday.
If you are leaving New Zealand and think you have overdue fines that may stop you from travelling, you can phone us and pay by credit card on:
0800 PAYORSTAY (0800 729 677)
For legal aid debt or Cost Contribution Order enquiries:
phone 0800 600 090 or
visit the legal aid contact us page
If you are deaf, hearing impaired, blind and/or speech impaired, you can contact us using a communication service called New Zealand Relay (NZ Relay). All NZ Relay calls are strictly confidential, so your information is safe and secure. NZ Relay's services are available 24 hours, 365 days a year. If you would like to find out more about using NZ Relay’s free services to contact us, please visit NZ Relay's website.(external link)
If English is not your first language, you can request a free interpreter when calling the Ministry of Justice. Our staff are equipped to use Connecting Now as an interpreting service, simply say the name of the language you speak, and we will connect you to an interpreter for the duration of the call. Connecting Now is available to you 24 hours, 365 days a year.
Ministry of Justice
Central Registry
Write the address as written above and send it the same way as any other mail. You can use an NZ Post mail box. If you use a DX mail box your mail will get to us faster(external link)
All district courts have staff who can help with queries and are available to take fines payments.
Find your nearest District Court and opening hours
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