If you don't pay your fines or get in contact, the court will take action against you. When this happens, further fees will also be added to the amount you owe.
Ignoring your fines will cost you more in the long run, some of the actions the court can take if you do not pay your fines are described below.
If you don't pay your fine, the court can issue a warrant to seize and sell your car and other possessions.
When a warrant is issued, a court bailiff will visit your address to take possessions to sell. Bailiffs and Police can also seize or clamp your car. This can happen following a visit to your address, but also while your car is in use and parked away from your address.
If you have committed traffic offences in someone else's car and the fines are not paid, their car could also be seized and sold.
If you have unpaid traffic fines or reparation, your driver licence may be suspended. That means you won't be able to legally drive in Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.
Losing your licence can affect you in many ways. If you're caught driving while your licence is suspended, the vehicle you're driving (whether it's yours or not) will be impounded for 28 days and you may be prosecuted, which can result in further fines, disqualification, or imprisonment.
If you don't pay your fines or make a payment arrangement to pay them, the court can take the amount you owe directly from your bank account or income. The court can issue an order directly to your bank or employer to do this, and it can be done without your permission.
If you have overdue fines that are not under a payment arrangement with the court, the Police may stop you at the airport as you try to leave or come into New Zealand.
If you are stopped at the airport, you will be given a chance to pay your fines. If you do not pay, the Police may arrest you and prevent you from travelling. If this happens you will need to appear in court.
If your fines are unpaid and overdue, this will show on your credit report. This can stop you from getting approved for credit, loans, hire purchase agreements, and buy now pay later services.
If you don't pay your fines, and the court is unable to resolve the matter through the other methods mentioned above, then a warrant for your arrest may be issued.
If this happens, you may be arrested by the Police, and you will be summonsed to appear in court.
Getting rid of unpaid fines and reparation is easy. Simply get in touch on 0800 638 924 to arrange payment.
If you know how much you owe, and you have your 10-digit PPN number, then you will be able to pay online. Information on how to pay can be found on the page below:
Ways to pay a fine(external link)
If you can't pay your fines, you need to call the number above to discuss what options are available. You can find out more about how the court can help you if you are having trouble paying on the page below: