All Jurors who have been summoned for the week beginning Monday 31st of March 2025 should come to :
If your application to be deferred or excused has been declined and you wish to appeal, you will need to make a verbal application to the judge if you are balloted for trial.
Please note that there will be some waiting time, so it is recommended that you bring something to read or do. There is also free public WIFI available.
When you are required to attend, it is strongly recommended that you park in an all day car park. We are not able to release you to move you vehicle during the empanelment process and therefore any infringement notices will be your responsibility.
Parking options can be found at:
Alternatively you may wish to use the ParkMate option. Download the Parkmate App and follow the instructions: link)
Please be aware that you will need to park in an all day Parkmate park, as the App does not allow you to use a 2 hour Parkmate park and “feed the meter”.
Please keep all parking receipts as the Ministry of Justice will fully reimburse you at the end of our jury service.
Your contribution to the New Zealand justice system and your community is valued and appreciated.
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