Jurors summoned for the week beginning Monday 3rd March 2025
All Jurors summoned for the week commencing Monday 3rd March 2025, if you are not already one of the twelve jurors sitting on a trial, your jury service is completed, and you are NO longer required to attend. Thank you for your service.
PLEASE ensure we have your bank details and expense claim forms including parking receipts by no later than 3pm this Friday 7th March 2025.
PLEASE NOTE, the Ministry will NOT pay for UBER, OLA, Lime Scooter or any other share riding app. If you choose to use UBER, OLA, Lime Scooter or any other share riding app, the Ministry will NOT reimburse these costs.
PLEASE NOTE, the Ministry will NOT pay for TAXI’S unless you have been pre-approved.
If you are currently serving on a trial, please follow the directions of court staff and report each day for your trial. If you have any other concerns please leave your name, phone number and message and I will contact you.
Thank you for your contribution to New Zealand's Justice system and your community. It is valued and appreciated.
Ngā Mihi – Auckland High Court Jury Team