Charging guidelines for OIA requests

On 18 March 2002 the Government approved revised guidelines for charging for official information, as linked below. These guidelines replace those approved by the State Sector Committee in January 1992 (STA (92) M 1/3) and set out in the Department of Justice memorandum of 26 February 1992.

The charges are inclusive of GST at 15% (since 1 October 2010).

The charges are provided for Government Departments, Crown Entities, State-owned Enterprises and all other organisations which are subject to the Official Information Act 1982.

The charges represent what the Government regards as reasonable charges for the purposes of the Official Information Act and should be followed in all cases unless good reason exists for not doing so.

Organisations covered by the Act who wish to develop their own charging regimes should be aware that charges are liable to review by an Ombudsman.

Official Information Act charging guidelines [PDF, 28 KB]

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