Te Tāhū o te Ture 2021/22 Annual Report published
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The new resources will help parents, guardians and whānau understand the options available to them when making decisions about the care of their tamariki.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died in Balmoral on 8 September 2022 (GMT) at age 96. She had reigned as Queen for 70 years.
Te Puna Aonui is the joint venture of government agencies that will deliver Te Aorerekura.
The 2021 New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) has been released.
The public has helped the Government form adoption law reform options for a creating a new adoption system for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Budget 2022 is investing $114.52m over four years to strengthen collective action to prevent and respond to family violence and sexual violence.
The Ministry has today published the latest six-monthly justice statistics for the year ended December 2021.
The Sexual Violence Legislation Bill to change court processes for sexual violence complainants
The Public Service Commission Te Kawa Mataaho has released the results of its first public service census – “Te Taunaki”.
Te Aorerekura – Aotearoa New Zealand’s first ever National Strategy for the Elimination of Family Violence and Sexual violence has been launched.
Have your say on how to make the rules for donating to political parties clearer and more transparent.