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  1. tile 1 delivering for maori

    Delivering for Māori and the Whenua

    This year’s Wellbeing Budget makes a strategic investment of $56.1 million into the development of whenua, Māori freehold landowners and their whanau.

  2. Wellbeing Budget 2019

    This year’s Wellbeing Budget delivers a comprehensive funding package dedicated to eliminating family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa.

  3. policyyear

    2019: A Big Year for Our Policy Team

    It’s an action packed year for our policy team, they’ll be working on around 44 projects and at least seven legislative bills.

  4. tile 1 every 4 minutes

    Every 4 Minutes

    In Every 4 Minutes – A discussion paper on preventing family violence in New Zealand was launched at Parliament today

  5. tile 1 new fv law

    New family violence law takes effect

    New family violence legislation takes effect from 3 December, bringing a stronger focus on safety for victims and accountability for perpetrators.