Latest justice statistics released
The Ministry of Justice has just published its most recent statistics on criminal charges and convictions from 2012/2013 to 2021/2022.
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The Ministry of Justice has just published its most recent statistics on criminal charges and convictions from 2012/2013 to 2021/2022.
The Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with justice sector agencies, has released its projections for New Zealand’s prison population over the next 10 years.
The Ministry of Justice wants to hear from the public on potential improvements to political donation rules in the Electoral Act 1993.
Latest results from New Zealand's largest crime survey show the number of burglaries continues to decline
The Ministry has today published its latest data on criminal charges and convictions for the year ending December 2020.
Landlords and businesses seeking to resolve commercial lease disputes from COVID-19 will be able to access subsidised arbitration and mediation services.
Business as usual will resume at the Levin District Court today after it was closed for almost a year for seismic strengthening work to be completed.
The Social Wellbeing and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System report draws results from the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey 2019
New Ministry of Justice figures indicate the extent to which the District Court, including the Family Court and Youth Court, has maintained an essential service
Media release regarding essential services continuing for courts during COVID-19 level 4 alert.
Almost 80,000 adults were offended against by a family member in 2018, according to the Ministry of Justice’s latest report Offences by Family Members.
The minority of New Zealanders experience the majority of crime, according to the Highly Victimised People report
The Ministry of Justice has implemented several interim justice services in Levin to minimise disruption.
The latest surveys conducted by the Ministry of Justice show most court users and jurors continue to be satisfied with the services and facilities the Ministry.